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APELLIDO Y NOMBRE: ________________________________

DOCUMENTO DE IDENTIDAD: ________________________________





* Este examen consta de cinco páginas y tendrá una duración total de una hora y media.
* A partr del momento en que comienza el examen, no podés preguntar nada sobre los ejercicios, ya
que comprender las instrucciones es parte del examen.
* Por eso, antes de comenzar cada ejercicio, leé las instrucciones cuidadosamente.
* Escribí las respuestas con letra clara en los espacios provistos.
* Cuando entregues el examen, todas las respuestas deben estar escritas en tinta negra o arulr No
uses lápiz ni ningún otro color.
* Si te equivocás, no uses corrector líquido blanco (liquid). Podés borrar o tachar prolijamente, de
modo tal que quien corrija el examen pueda entender tu respuesta. No uses ningún tpo de
corrector (o birome borrable).
* Escribí el número de candidato en el casillero que fgura en cada una de las hojasr
* No escribas tu nombre en ninguna de las hojas.
* Seguí estas instrucciones cuidadosamente para que tu examen no sea anulado.

(No escribas debajo de esta línea)

READING _____________________

WRITING _____________________

USE OF ENGLISH A _____________________

USE OF ENGLISH B _____________________

LISTENING _____________________


TOTAL _____________________

PUNTAJE FINAL _____________________

EXAMINADORES _______________ _______________ _______________

REVISADO _____________________ 1
Candidate’s Number

Read this artile about a famous inventor. Then, answer the questons below. Give iomplete answers.


His work with eleitriiity and his inventons ihanged the way we live.
But he died poor and we don't even remember his name.

Nikola Tesla was born at midnight during an electrical storm in 1856. He was a child genius and
invented his frst machine when he was only four. Tesla studied electrical engineering in Austria
and at Prague University, and frst worked as an engineer. Then, in 1884, he traveled to the US
of America and arrived with only four cents in his pocket!

In the US, Tesla worked for Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. But he lef because
they had diferent ideas and Edison didn't pay him very well. Tesla then worked for George
Westnghouse. He invented an electricity system for the lights at the 1893 Chicago World Fair. It
was a great success. Afer that, Tesla's system produced the electricity of the modern world.
Tesla also invented fuorescent lights, the modern radio, lasers and robots. But even afer all
those inventons, he didn't earn nearly as much money as he should have earned.

Tesla was a strange man. He started work in the afernoon and always worked in the dark. And
he always watched electrical storms – and dreamed. Tesla had an extraordinary memory. He
spoke several languages and he could remember complete books. He imagined, built and
tested machines in his mind! Tesla died in 1943. People slowly forgot about him but his
inventons changed the way people lived. He spent his last years alone in a New Yoork hotel.

1) Who invented the light bulb?


2) What was Tesla’s economic situation when he got to the United States?


3) What was special about Tesla’s memory?


4) In which city did Tesla die?


5) What was unfair in Tesla’s life?


1st correcton /20

Final correcton /20 2
Candidate’s Number

Imagine you are a famous inventor and you are introduiing a new inventon to an audienie. In about
100 to 120 words, write the speech you would give, iniluding a) what your inventon is, b) what it
does, i) why you ireated it and d) how it ian help improve people’s lives.















Task aihievement: __________ /3

Grammar aiiuraiy: __________ /3
Coherenie and iohesion: __________ /2
Voiabulary (range and appropriaiy): __________ /1
Spelling: __________ /1
Total: __________ /10
multplied by 3 __________ /30)

Final correcton /30 3

Candidate’s Number

a) Fill in the blanks in the following artile. Write only ONE word in eaih spaie.

Super Cool, Super Cook

Sam Stern is a celebrity chef and a cookery book writer. But he 1) _______________ a student,

too! His recipes are fast, easy and healthy. He ofen takes cakes into school 2) _______________ share

with his classmates. Lucky them!

Sam likes experimentng 3) _______________ food and he invents a new recipe each week.

However, he hates 4) _______________ about the recipes, so he and his mum cook together: then

she is the one who writes the recipes down.

Cooking is a problem in his house, though. The problem is, 5) _______________ are seven

people in Sam’s family – his parents, his brother and 6) _______________ three sisters, and they’re all

diferent! For instance, one sister is a vegetarian, but his brother loves meat and his dad does 7)

_______________ eat chocolate or cheese.

Sam is very busy. Not only does he write a blog on his website but he 8) _______________

writes a weekly artcle in a teen newspaper. In the blog, he talks 9) _______________ his life and

recipes. He wants teenagers to cook healthy food. 10) _______________ of teenagers read Sam’s blog

and try his recipes. And he’s got a brilliant new idea – phone downloads of his recipes!

1st correcton /15

Final correcton /15 4

Candidate’s Number

b) The 10 following sentenies are all wrong: eaih of them has one single mistake. Fix them by writng
the iorreit version below eaih. Change as litle as possible and keep the original meaning.

Example. “On Sundays, Rita usually going to the park with her parents.”
On Sundays, Rita usually goes to the park with her parents

1) “It’s really lovely outside. Would we go for a walk?”


2) “Next Friday my mom turns 50. I will bought a big iake for her.”


3) “What was the ihildren doing while I prepared dinner, honey?”


4) “I want to take a quiik shower. Do we have too tme?”


5) “Has any of you ever went fshing in the lake? It’s really fun!”


6) “That’s it! That’s the movie what we were talking about last night!”


7) “I’m tred of the beaih already. Next summer I want visit the mountains.”


8) “No one lives in that house anymore. It was abandon more than 10 years ago.”


9) “It’s so sad! If it didn’t stop raining, we will have to ianiel the piinii.”


10) “Thanks, Tom! I will return the book as late as I am done with it.”


1st correcton /20

Final correcton /20 5
Candidate’s Number


You are going to listen to a conversaton between two classmates: they’re disiussing the photos they

have to desiribe for an assignment. Deiide whiih of the following statements are true and whiih are

false and tik the iorresponding boxes. If there is no informaton to answer “True” or “False”, ihoose

“No Informaton” and tik the iorresponding box. Tick ONLY ONE BOX per queston.


1) Hannah’s classmate is called Mark.

2) Hannah is sure that the middle aged man

in her picture is the boy’s father.

3) There’s a boy about to cry in one of the


4) There’s a boy with his eyes closed in one of

the pictures.

5) Not everyone in Hannah’s picture looks


6) The second picture was taken in France.

7) All people in the second picture are girls.

8) The horses in the second picture are real

life horses.

9) They both agree that Hannah’s picture is


10) Both pictures show people at a funfair.

1st correcton /15

Final correcton /15 6

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