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Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

Development Phase of the project: Writing!

Before we start writing our scripts for our movie, there are different phases we can make in
order to have a better story. The thing with these steps is that you will end up with a story
worth telling.

When we want to write a script, we need to have clear concepts that answer the question:
What do I want to tell? / ¿Que quiero contar?

Any story begins with an idea, a feeling, or a theme you want to try. We have these steps to
help us develop the story into paper little by little.

The base of the story that resumes everything in one phrase. “What's the story about?”

We need a protagonist, and his actions, maybe you can add his goal. Don't use the name of
the character, better something that gives information, for example: A superhero, a medic, or
a single mom. The idea doesn't need to have the end of the story.


● An American army medic refuses to use a weapon during his service in the battle of
Okinawa, but his bravery saves a lot of soldiers from death.

● It’s the year 2050, and all-natural resources have been used up. As mankind faces
extinction, two scientists battle to save both the planet and the human race.

● A lonely boy is befriended by an alien.

● A small town is terrorized by a shark

● Un adolescente adquiere poderes sobrehumanos tras ser picado por una araña.

● En una ciudad judía del imperio romano, un hombre que dice ser el hijo de Dios
empieza a predicar en las calles y a sanar personas.
Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

A unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual 'boy
gets girl theme". The theme is universal.

Examples: forbidden love, loss of a loved one, teenage love, magic, family problems,
tradition, spiritual journey, end of the world, jealousy, miracles, hater to lovers.

E.T. Theme: Unusual friendship


“What makes every truly great story striking is the unique voice from deep inside the DNA of
the person writing it. The only thing nobody else can bring to a script when they write it is
YOU. That is what makes each written work one-of-a-kind and totally original. Only you can
write from your perspective. We all have things that truly bother us, hurt us, scare us, and
affect us deep and strong. That's the place from which your truth, your ideas, and your
artist's voice will come. Tap into it.”


It should be presented as a single statement; no more than that. It’s the point of view that
the writer intends to explore. A premise is the core belief system of the script and the
lifeblood of the story.

The use of a premise applies to all storytelling in all mediums, including comic books,
television shows, and films.

A statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an

The fundamental statement that drives the plot.

A premise is like the thesis of your work, and as with every thesis, it should have an
antithesis. For example, some people can say that lying actually helps them get to a better
state of life, but Egri (Lajos Egri, writer of The Art of Dramatic Writing) explains that the
premise doesn't need to be true one hundred percent of the time; it only has to be true for
the story you told.

● A premise is not in the form of a question; a premise is the writer's answer.

● The premise should not mention specific characters or situations of your movie idea.
It's a core belief that will inspire those things.

Otro ejemplo de premisa podría ser la “moraleja” de la historia de los cuentos de niños, lo
que el escritor quiere que aprendas o recuerdes o reflexiones.
Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

Examples of premises:

● Life is about how you treat the people in your life

● Lies devastate lives

● Love conquers all (Titanic)

● The Breakfast Club (film) “we really are all the same just as much as we are

● Hacksaw Ridge: “Bravery comes in different ways” “Weapon is not equal to bravery”
“The Faith of one person can save lives”

● Los celos no protegen a la pareja, sino que la destruyen” (Otelo)

● Donde esté tu tesoro, ahí estará también tu corazón.

● E.T. Premise: “Friendship can come in all forms, friendship can be found in the
unexpected” “Real friendship unifies worlds”, “Friendship saves lives”

It’s the explanation of the story in 5 phrases (maybe less or more). It needs to resume the
story in 3 acts: beginning, middle, and end.
It should tell the detonator, how the plot and the character evolve, and the end of the story.
The storyline, is who, how, and why? The conflict of the story.
In the storyline, we still don't use character names, or spaces unless necessary.

Storyline ET:
A family of aliens forgot their child on earth. A young boy finds him in his yard and befriends
him. (Beginning) The kid and E.T. become close, but E.T. wants to go home, so they build a
machine to contact E.T.'s parents. The government breaks in and confiscates E-T. In the lab,
E.T. dies for the experiments but the kid's sorrow brings E.T. back to life. (Middle) They
escape and find the spaceship in the woods and E.T. reunites with his parents and says
goodbye to his earth friends. (End)

Storyline Titanic:
Un joven de clase baja se gane un pasaje para viajar en el barco más grande del mundo.
(Planteamiento). A bordo conoce a una muchacha de clase alta de la que se enamora al
instante, a pesar de que esta viaja con su prometido. Durante el viajo, los jóvenes se aman
en secreto hasta que el barco choca contra un iceberg y comienza a hundirse. (Nudo). El
joven muere y la chica se salva y vive para contarlo (desenlace).
Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

FULL EXAMPLE of 4 steps:

The third man -Carol Reed (1949)

Theme: Friendship and betrayal.

Premise: You never stop knowing people

“I went to the funeral of a friend, and three days later, he was walking on the streets of new york”

“Jack goes to the funeral of his friend in Vienna. The circumstances are odd, so he
investigates and discovers that his friend isn't dead: he's alive and made up his own burial
because he was wanted by the police. Discovered by Jack's curiosity, his friend dies by the
police shooting.”

“El tercer hombre”-Carol Reed (1949)

Tema: Amistad y traición.

Premisa: “Nunca terminas de conocer a las personas”.

“Fui al entierro de un amigo, tres días después, él caminaba por las calles de Nueva York”.
(1 frase)

“Un hombre va al entierro de su amigo en Viena. Las circunstancias son extrañas, así que
investiga y termina descubriendo que su amigo no ha muerto: está vivo y fingió su propio
entierro porque era buscado por la policía. Descubierto por la curiosidad del hombre, el amigo es
abatido por las balas de la policía”.
(4 frases)
Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

FULL EXAMPLE of 4 steps:

Unos mellizos caminan hacia su hogar, al pasar por una casa abandonada escuchan el grito
de una chica y se acercan a investigar.

Amistad, redención

La amistad cambia a las personas.

Dos mellizos pasan por una casa abandonada y entran a investigar tras escuchar un grito
de ayuda. Encuentran a una chica atrapada, la ayudan a salir pero la chica los traiciona y
los secuestran. La chica reconoce a los mellizos y recuerda que fueron amigos cuando ella
era pequeña. En el camino, la chica decide salvarlos y escapan juntos, mientras en la zona
de entrega muchas parejas de mellizos son llevados para experimentación.


HOMEWORK (november 18th):

Create an idea, theme, premise and storyline for your film project.


● Arial 12 letter

● Cover page:

Name of the academy

Title of the homework: Development Phase 1: Idea, theme, premise and
Name of the student
Name of the class: Filmmaking Workshop
Professor Name: Yosei Galvez
Date: November 18th 2022

● Idea:
● Theme
● Premise
● Storyline


If you have any questions, you can send me an email and I’ll answer them.
Introduction to Filmmaking Workshop- 2022

Also im available to have a zoom meeting if you want live help with the writing.

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