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I chose Magellan’s cross because for me it is the thing that I can do as a miniature.

Magellan’s Cross in Cebu City serves as a landmark that is considered one of the most
important historical markers in Cebu City. That’s because it was established upon
Magellan’s order to mark his arrival in the country. This also serves as a reminder of
the birth of Christianity in the Philippines. The Magellan Cross history traces its roots
back to 1521 when the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set his foot in Cebu. He
befriended the locals and the native chief Rajah Humabon. Rajah Humabon, his wife,
and hundreds of his native warriors were baptized as they agreed to accept
Christianity. On April 21, 1521, Magellan planted a cross to signify this important event
about the propagation of the Roman Catholic faith in Cebu.

The story goes that during the olden times, people used to believe that the cross had
miraculous healing powers so they started chipping it away or getting a piece for
themselves. That is why the original cross is encased in another wooden cross for
protection. This prompted the government officials to encase it in tindalo wood and
secure it inside a small chapel called a “kiosk.” However, there are also stories that the
original cross was destroyed. The Magellan cross displayed here is said to be a replica of
such a cross. It is housed in a small chapel located in front of the present city hall of
Cebu, along Magallanes Street (named in honor of Magellan).

According to the etched plaque at the base of Cross ni Magellan, the original crucifix
planted in 1521 is encased in the wooden cross that is displayed. This is one of the most
interesting facts about Magellan’s Cross.(zenroom)

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