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Physics Revsion Part 1 (First Term Midterm exam)

1)What are the physical quantities? (1 marks)

2)Complete the table below. (11 marks, 1 each)

Physical Quantities SI Units Symbols of SI Units




Density -------------------------------------

3)Convert the following units. (9 marks)

a) 2200m = ____________km

b) 5 Gbyte = ____________byte

c) 0.008 micrometer = ______________ m

d) 0.68m = ________________mm

e) 400W = ________________kW

g) 80GW = ___________________ W

h) 5MW = ___________________ W

I) 0.03 micrometer = _______________ meter

Bonus: (no marks)

a) 3km= _____________________m
4) Complete the table below. (16 marks, 1 each)

Physical Quantities Measuring İnstrumen 2 Units (Do not write a SI

(We showed how many
instruments we want at
each in brackets.)
Temperature (1 instrument)

Length (4 instruments)

Time (1 instrument)

Mass (2 instrument)

5)What is density? What two things does density depend on? (3 marks)

6)An oil has a density of 820 kg/m3. What is the density in g/cm3? (1 mark)

7)Calculate the density of a 36 kg of substance if it has a volume of 0.02 m 3? (3 mark)

8)The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. What is the volume of 2g mercury? (3 marks)

9)The density of a gold is 19320 kg/m3. What is the mass of 10 cm3 gold in grams? (3 marks)
10)Find the density. (4 marks)

70 cm3 of water

25 grams 125 grams

11) The mass of a rectangular prism is 300g. The dimensions are shown on the figure.
Calculate its density. (4 marks)

10 cm

20 cm

5 cm
12)The mass of a cube is 625 kg. Density of the cube is 5000 kg/m 3. Find the volume of the
cube and length of its one side. (6 marks)

13)Find the mass of the cylindir if its height is 30 cm, its radius is 2 cm and its density is 4
g/cm3. ( Π=3 ) (4 marks)

14) What will happen the volume and the density if you heat a liquid? (2 marks)

Physics Revsion Part 2 (First Term Midterm exam)

1)What is energy?What is the SI unit of energy? (2 marks)

2)Copy and complete the blanks. (2 marks)

When work is done by an object, energy is transferred _________ an object.

When work is done on an object, energy is transferred _________ an object.

3)What are the 8 energy stores? (16 marks)


4)What are the 4 main energy transfer methods? (8 marks)


5)Write what energy is converted to another by what method. (54 marks)

a) Throwing a ball upwards. (3 marks)

b) Burning coal. (3 marks)

c) Boiling water in kettle. (3 marks)

d) Breaking a car to rest. (5 marks)

e) Dropping an object which doesn’t bounce. (6 marks)

f) Throwing a ball. (3 marks)

g) Energy stored in a stretching rubber to throw a ball. (3 marks)

h) Hot air balloon rising. (5 marks)

i) Ligthing a lamp by using battery. (5 marks)

j) Photosynthesis. (3 marks)

k) Holding two magnet close to each other. (3 marks)

l) A toy electric car accelerates. (7 marks)

m) A mobile phone charging from a power bank. (5 marks)

6)State what is meant by the principle of conservation of energy. (3 marks)

7)Calculate the efficiency of an electric motor, if it produces 48 J of useful kinetic energy

when supplied with 80 J electricity. (3 marks)
8)Calculate the useful light output of a light bulb of efficiency 80% when it is supplied 180 J
of electricity. (3 marks)

9)How can we improve efficiency? (4 marks)


Total Mark:


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