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by Jerome Jay S. Sumalpong

Physical self-concept is an
individual's perception of PHYSICAL SELF
oneself in terms of physical
abilities and appearance. I am striving to...

Eat healthy foods

inned lly f
sk ca



70% 80% Drink lots of water

ired (5'5
Exercise for at least 30
ha d

84% mins daily



100% 60%
My top spending P


priorities this

p T
The things I want




to buy with my
Bik e extra money Wants 40%
With the label "my," the material self refers to

objects, locations, or even people. We consider

these commodities to be extensions of our
I always keep in mind




Pray every
Pray Blessed
Create a
SPIRITUAL SELF peaceful space


To be grateful
The most profoundly moving version of ourselves is
our Spirituality Self. It's our actual selves, the parts of
us that have been shaped by principles that we
Many technology advancements have
had a significant impact on how we
consume, display ourselves, and DIGITAL SELF
communicate. This can be shown in
how digitization affects how we
perceive ourselves.

The way I present myself in the real

world is not totally different from my
digital self, neither totally the same.

In the digital world, I am more open to

conversations, interactions, and even making
My daily media consumption...
Streaming I am more attached to online
games in my digital self.
On my real self, I
Social Media engage more on
physical activities
Greatest Strength and Weaknes
My s

Everyone has their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

To me, life is a learning experience, therefore identifying and
understanding our talents and limitations may assist us in
learning, improving, and growing. It makes no difference
whether they are positive or negative abilities. Knowing our
strengths can help us achieve our objectives, and knowing our
weaknesses can help us develop. Knowing yourself and your
talents is crucial since it can help you express and exploit your
strengths while also overcoming your weaknesses.

My greatest strength

I am a fast learner who enjoys trying new things. Because I

feel that learning is the way to progress, I consider learning to be
a vital life skill. I appreciate learning new things and putting
myself to the test. Most of the time, when I'm trying something
new, I learn quickly and do well on the first try because I'm
determined to get it right the first time. For example, whenever I
begin a new game, I always get a good score on the first few
tries, and my companions constantly exclaim "fortunate!" "Or
when I take on new classes or am assigned new work at school;
even though I am not among the best, I do a good job most of
the time; or even when I am assigned new hobbies." For
example, when I first went cycling with my buddies, they
informed me that I didn't fall down as much as they did and that
I was good for a novice.

My greatest weakness

I am a perfectionist; I take longer to complete tasks than

others. As I previously stated, I am a person who prefers to have
things done well the first time, thus there are instances when I
spend more time than others working on and finishing things.
On a test day, for example, if you go into my classroom and
observe the last student writing the test paper, that kid is most
likely me. I am also an introspective person who prefers to
ponder a lot before doing anything, which is why I work at a
slower pace. When a teacher asked a question in class, I would
think about it for a long time and make sure I had the perfect
answer before raising my hand. Another example would be that
when I am calculating a problem in Math, I usually double-check
my solutions. However, because I discovered my weakness, I
began working on conquering it a long time ago, and I can tell
that, while I haven't totally overcome it, I am making amazing
gains and progressing much more quickly now.
I believe in more Existence precedes essence
because existence precedes essence means
that every human being is solely responsible
for their actions because we choose who we

• I approach my challenges in
the same manner as everyone
else: one day at a time, hoping
for the best.

• I'm well aware that, like

everyone else, I'm still a
work in progress.

• I recognize that the decisions I

make today have an impact on
which I am tomorrow and that
today's problems don't have to be
handled tonight.

• I recognize that my work-in-

progress implies allowing my
personal path to guide my
professional life.

• I recognize that I will be

frustrated with myself, but I also
recognize that great things take
time. Not only that, but I
recognize that achieving
somewhere worthwhile in life
necessitates perseverance in the
face of adversity.

As a work in progress, progressing through all the phases,

challenges, and triumphs will continuously cycle and shape me
into a better version of myself. I surround myself with positivity
and keep my goals in sight. One of the most significant
investments I can make is in me. But I always remind myself
that I am still a human, not a robot, and it is alright to enjoy the

I believe that the wonder of

human existence resides not in
simply being, but in finding
something to live for, and my
mission in life is to become the
ideal human being I aspired to be,
a person of dignity and integrity I am a young aspiring health
who promotes a shift in provider who want to incorporate
perspective with simplicity. "essence" into my entire being by
Furthermore, we must always providing medical assistance to
keep in mind that "existing my fellows in society. I wanted to
precedes essence," and that we eradicate the belief that being
must uncover our very essence in well and alive is just for the rich. I
our existence and exist with a intend to change that attitude
sense of purpose. and pave the way for a path of
equity for all members of society.

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