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1. Why unsaturated fatty acid becomes saturated by taking up iodine?

Unsaturated fatty acid becomes saturated by taking up iodine because unsaturated

compounds contain molecules with double or triple bonds that are highly reactive to
iodine the higher the iodine value, the more reactive, less stable, weaker, and more
sensitive to oxidation and rancidification.

And also, the process of hydrogenation can convert unsaturated fatty acids to
saturated fatty acids. Hydrogenation is a chemical process in which hydrogen is added
to the unsaturated bonds on the fatty acid chains linked to the Triacylglycerols TAG
backbone. In this manner, an unsaturated fat can be converted into a saturated fat and
its melting point increased (List and King, 2006).

2. In the second table of solubility test. Why the wet oily segment in the
middle of the paper doesn’t evaporate right away?

Why wet oily segment in the middle of the paper doesn’t evaporate right away this is
because the cottonseed oil did not incorporate well with the ethyl alcohol which
indicated that ethyl alcohol is slightly soluble in cottonseed oil. We can tell that the
molecules of oil and alcohol have similar enough polarities that does not repel each
other enough to separate

Furthermore, due to their high boiling point, most fats or greases are non-volatile.
For example, the water spot will dissipate at room temperature because water may
absorb enough heat from the surrounding air and evaporate. However, the lipid spot
can never absorb enough heat to evaporate, and hence the lipid remains trapped inside
the paper sheet. Thus, lipid bends the light ray, allowing light to travel from one side of
the paper to the other. This results in the "translucent" phenomena.
3. Why is it important to know whether a fat is saturated or unsaturated?

Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between carbon atoms, whereas unsaturated
fatty acids have at least one double bond in the fatty acid chain. Saturated fats are
normally solid at room temperature and obtained from animals, whereas unsaturated
fats are usually liquid and derived from plants.

I believe it is important to determine if the fat is saturated or unsaturated because

While, unsaturated fats are an essential component of a balanced diet. When these fats
replace saturated fats in the diet, they help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower
cholesterol levels (among other health benefits).

Too much saturated fat in our diet might cause cholesterol to build up in our arteries
(blood vessels). Saturated fats boost LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. High LDL cholesterol
raises the chances of developing heart disease and stroke. Examples are meat, butter,
and cheese.

1. Why unsaturated fatty acid becomes saturated by taking up iodine?

2. In the second table of solubility test. Why the wet oily segment in the
middle of the paper doesn’t evaporate right away?

3. Why is it important to know whether a fat is saturated or unsaturated?

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