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publikacje ETAP SZKOLNY - listopad 2005 Henryk KrzyŜanowski [KLUCZ]

artykuły TEST A

olimpiada Uzupełnij podane niŜej tłumaczenia.

mała liga
a/ Główną przyczyną musiał być kwaśny deszcz.
sklep internetowy
__________________ must have been the main _____________.
b/ Nasi przodkowie nie sprzeciwiali się tej zmianie.

Our ___________________________________________ to that change.

c/ Na szczęście, juŜ nie dyskryminuje się nieślubnych dzieci.

Luckily, ___________________________ are no longer discriminated against.

d/ To jest urządzenie do mierzenia odległości.

This is a _______________ for measuring the _____________________

e/ śaden rodzimy gatunek nie jest w niebezpieczeństwie.

Kurs został stworzony z No native ____________________ is in danger.

myślą o osobach, które
zamierzają nauczyć się f/ Jego wyzdrowienie nadal jest zagadką dla lekarzy.
angielskiego od
His __________________ still puzzles the doctors.
podstaw oraz dla tych,
którzy pragną szybko g/ Twoje stypendium jest odnawialne pod pewnymi warunkami.
odświeŜyć sobie
zapomniane podstawy. Your _________________ is ____________________ under certain conditions.
Kurs w wersji CD-ROM
h/ Niektórych z tych substancji uŜywa się w przetwórstwie spoŜywczym.
(3 płyty). Więcej »
Some of these substances are used in food _________________


WyróŜnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak by nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a/ We have till September to pay the money that we owe.

We have till September to pay the _________________.

b/ The thermometer burst and liquid silvery metal spilt on the floor.

The thermometer burst and __________________ spilt on the floor.

c/ Black, which is very fashionable today, used to be worn as a sign of grieving for a deceased person.
Kurs jest przeznaczony
dla osób posiadających Black, which is very fashionable today, used to be worn in ____________________
dobre podstawy języka
angielskiego i d/ Arts of combat and self-defense are getting increasingly popular with girls.
__________________ arts are getting increasingly popular with girls.
kontynuować naukę na
wyŜszym poziomie. e/ For some middle-aged men having no hair on the head becomes a tragedy.
Kurs w wersji CD-ROM
(2 płyty). Więcej » For some middle-aged men ____________________ becomes a tragedy.

f/ He tried to swim upstream, but the main flow of water was too strong.

1z4 2009-06-29 12:33 | Olimpiada

He tried to swim upstream but the _______________ was too strong.

g/ Sex outside marriage is often the main reason for divorce.

_____________________ is often the main reason for divorce.

h/ His diaries show him as someone concerned exclusively with himself and disregarding others.

His diaries show him as a very __________________ person.


Wpisz brakujące wyrazy. KaŜda kreska zastępuje jedną literę. Nie wolno zmienić Ŝadnej z liter juŜ

PRZYKŁAD: Is your f a m i l y name Adams?

a/ Plankton are tiny _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ living in the oceans.

b/ A healthy diet significantly diminishes the _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of developing gastric ulcers.

c/ We store all the plates in the big _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ in the kitchen.

d/ One of the main motives of her conduct is a strong _ _ s _ _ _ to be admired.

e/ Large quantities of tobacco are _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ over the border to be used by illegal cigarette

f/ What we see here is only the tip of an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; the real scope of the problem is unknown.

g/ His absence last night should be _ _ c _ _ _ _ as he had to visit a friend in hospital.

h/ I needn't have been upset because due to an anaesthetic the surgery was _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ .


Przetłumacz na polski.

a/ No Muslim cleric spoke of the thugs. _______________________________________________

b/ The ruling applies to retail. _______________________________________________________

c/ The medicine was disguised as icing._________________________________________________

d/ He made a strong case for broadcasting it. _____________________________________________

e/ How to offset the effects of fraud? ____________________________________________________

f/ With the advent of maintenance-free batteries ___________________________________________


Uzupełnij tłumaczenia zdań na angielski, nie zmieniając niczego we fragmentach juŜ przetłumaczonych.
Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano, jak przetłumaczyć jakieś słowo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono
wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.

a/ śaden z Ŝołnierzy, na których wspomnieniach oparto scenariusz, nie był śydem.

___________________________________________________________ memoirs the screenplay


b/ Dosyć nas rozbawiło, kiedy Ojciec kazał sobie namalować portret na koniu i w mundurze admirała.

We were __________________________ when Father

__________________________________________ on horseback and in an admiral's uniform.

c/ Nie miałem pojęcia, gdzie jest włącznik i straciłem masę czasu szukając po omacku w ciemności.

I had no clue ____________________________________________________________ groping for

it in the darkness.

2z4 2009-06-29 12:33 | Olimpiada

d/ Jako DJ na weselu nigdy nie zagram piosenki, w której co czwarte czy co piąte słowo jest

As a DJ at ___________________________________________________song in _________
___________________________________________ an expletive.

e/ Musimy wykazać zdecydowanie. Niech kaŜdy potencjalny napastnik wie, Ŝe cena będzie za wysoka.

_________________ our determination. ________________________ potential attacker


f/ Obecnie kobiety stanowią nie więcej niŜ 15 procent dyrektorów najwyŜszego szczebla. Czy nie powinno
być specjalnych uregulowań, aby to zmienić?

At present women make up ____________________________________ top executives. ________

_________________________________ rules _______________________________

g/ Czas naprawdę się liczy. Im dłuŜej potrwa naprawa, tym większe odszkodowanie będziemy musieli

Time does _____________________ ________________________________________________ the

compensation ___________________________________________________

h/ Nasza taktyka będzie głównie zaleŜeć od tego, czy Hansonowi lekarze pozwolą zagrać czy teŜ nie.

Our tactics will largely depend ______________________________________________________


Uzupełnij zdania wyraŜające w inny sposób treść zdań wprowadzających.

PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up.

a/ "Under no circumstances can a student use a cellular phone while sitting an examination."

The regulations require students _____________________________________________

b/ The fact that we will have only 10 minutes to catch our train at Rovigo bothers me a little.

I wish _________________________________ time at Rovigo, but we can't change it.

c/ The cellphone is the most important single object allowing Tina to survive boredom at school

The cellphone is at the top of the list ____________________________________ Tina wouldn't

survive boredom at school.

d/ The President said he felt more free before the elections, as he could walk in the city centre without a

The President misses __________________________ walk in the city centre without a bodyguard.

e/ The board I grabbed had a thick polystyrene coating, which kept me afloat till a helicopter picked me

If polystyrene _________________ than water, I ________________ after being washed off.

f/ Mr Fox knows a lot about the company as he is the only employee hired at its founding.

Mr Fox _________________________________ longer than any other employee, which makes him a
valuable source of information.

g/ Their relationship began after Mark got interested in Mary's blog and she started reading his.

Reading ____________________________ led to a relationship between Mary and Mark

h/ Ancient Egyptians used only gold for ornaments worn at pharaoh's court.

Ornaments worn by pharaoh's courtiers _______________________ pure gold.

3z4 2009-06-29 12:33 | Olimpiada


Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Jeśli trzeba, dodaj czasownik modalny, ale nie
dopisuj zaimków ani rzeczowników. MoŜesz dodać "to" jeśli jest częścią bezokolicznika.

a/ [misunderstand + not] _________________ me. I [talk] ________________ about shops that [sell]
_______________ used videos or cheap electronics.

b/ Just as I [fear] _________ : it [take] _________ us over two hours [teach] _____________ the song
to the participants - the time we [waste+not] ______________________ if a tune that everybody
[acquaint] __________________ with [use] ______________________

c/ d/ A lot [depend] __________ on the results of tomorrow's match. If the Skiers [win] ___________
we [have to] ___________ wait another week. Once we [be] ____________ sure we [qualify]
_______________ we [have] _______________ four weeks to prepare for the final.

e/ At the hearing, only few patients [recall] ______________ [tell] _____________________ about the
possible side effects. It seems that the rest [give] _______________ the drug without any warning.

f/ g/ When Rich [tell] __________ his parents that he and the girl he [date] ______________ for a
couple of months [get] _________________ married, his mother [try] ____________ [persuade]
___________ him [wait] ___________ till they [graduate] _________________ But later she [admit]
_____________ if he [listen] ________________ to her, he [be] ____________________ wrong.

h/ With a swift movement she [loosen] ____________ the clasp. Her red hair [spring] _________ free
and [fall] __________ freely down her shoulders. We [hold] __________ our breaths [admire]
________________ her beauty.


Zakreśl tę formę, która nadaje się do wstawienia w lukę. Istnieje tylko jedna moŜliwość poprawnego

a/ Summer stays were fun because we _________ fishing with Walter's dad.

A/ might have gone B/ would have gone C/ would go D/ could go on

b/ The organizers have assured me a tour can be organized for _________ ten participants.

A/ as few as B/ so few like C/ as little like D/ such few as

c/ After the storm we had to tear the barn _____________ as it was a threat to public safety.

A/ off B/ to pieces C/ completely D/ down

d/ Can we really say we have __________ against Burton? I doubt it.

A/ strong evidence B/ a strong evidence C/ strong evidences D/ the strong evidence

e/ It's sad how our civilization has degenerated. We ________ citizens, now we are called consumers.

A/ were used to be called B/ used to be called C/ got used to calling us D/ used to being

f/ I didn't fully understand why she was so reluctant __________ with the Chairman's wife.

A/ to seeing her B/ to see her C/ to be seen D/ to being seen


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4z4 2009-06-29 12:33

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