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The Five Precepts The Six Perfections The Eightfold Path The Middle Way Metta & Karuna

Summary of Theory Buddhist code of conduct The guide of how to act to Gives buddhas a path they Correct view of life as Karuna means
become enlightened can follow to reach taught by the buddha compassion so having
enlightenment. It gives compassion to all.
them guiding principles Metta means loving
which will help them kindness so being kind t
reach enlightenment. all.

Apply each concept to

the following moral
Testing cosmetics Not allowed goes against Not allowed goes against Goes against the 3rd path Goes against You are not being
1st precept of refraining 2nd Mahayana of morality of not harming others. loving or kind to
on animals from harming living animals so goes agasint
things, testing cosmetics
on animals can harm them

Abortion for Again goes against the 1st Not allowed goes against Goes against the 1st and Not allowed You are not having
precept as you are 2nd Mahayana of morality 3rd path of not harming compassion if you
non-medical harming a living being others and acting in a abort a baby therefore
reasons. skilful way not to harm it goes against Karuna

Which jobs are Any jobs that don’t harm Most jobs should be fine as Jobs that don’t harm All the jobs already Social work where
living things, as well as long as they don’t include others, e.g being a mentioned as the middle compassion is needed.
ethical to work in. jobs that are sex related being immoral (in a abortion worker wouldn’t way is a compilation of all Being a doctor or
Buddhist sense) or be allowed. Being a hired the other teachings nurse. Being a therapist
deceiving others and being assassin would also not be
the opposite of generous allowed. Animal testing
jobs wouldn’t be allowed
as well as jobs where you
lie (politicians)
The Five Precepts The Six Perfections The Eightfold Path The Middle Way Metta & Karuna
Apply each concept to
the following moral
The use of Not allowed goes against Does not go against any Somewhat goes against Not allowed Does not go against
the 5th precept which Mahayana but may be the 7th path of them
recreational drugs states you should refrain slightly adverse to the 6th remembering actions have
(e.g. alcohol, from intoxication such as Mahayana as it is not wise consequences.
cannabis, tobacco) drugs or alcohol to overdose on drugs or

Bullying This goes against the 4th Goes against the 2nd Goes against paths 1 and Not allowed Goes against them as
precept which talks about perfection of morality. 4, not harming others and you are not being
not gossiping or being recognising their emotions compassionate or
mean to others loving if you are

Living an average life in For the most part it would Doesn’t go against any Is mostly fine if you avoid Mostly yes but you would Fine
the UK: doing what be fine however there are Mahayana for the most things that go against the not be able to do a few
typical British non- a few things to watch out part 8 paths things like going to pub or
Buddhist people do with for such as drinking bullying people
their lives.

Fold and glue this worksheet neatly into your exercise book.

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