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Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________


Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.

The country’s fishery resources are fast decreasing because along the coast of 7,641 islands and
in numerous bodies of water, dynamite fishing is carried on with clock-like regularity.

Fishing with explosives exacts a heavy mortality on fish population. A stick of dynamite thrown
onto a school of fish kills not only the fist directly affected, but the countless generations of fish that they
could have produced. Not only the matured ones, but fish egss, fry and fingerling within the close range
of the blast, are destroyed.

Dynamiters catch fish by exploding a tin can filled with powder from illegal sources. The can is
fitted with a blasting cap and ignited by a short fuse times to explode some seconds after it is lighted.
Fishes, stunned by resulting concussion, are gathered in by the divers.

Comprehension Questions

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

___ 1. This article as a whole tells about

a. the richness of Philippine waters c. dynamite fishing in the Philippines
b. fishermen and explosives d. fish conservation

___ 2. The Philippines coastal regions come from

a. more than 7,000 islands c. less than 7,000 islands
b. about 7,000 islands d. about 700 islands

___ 3. The second paragraph implies that dynamite is an example of

a. generations b. fishes c. explosives d. populations

___ 4. Dynamites kill all forms of sea life.

a. Yes b. No c. Does not say

___ 5. What are the young fish called?

a. spawns b. eggs c. fingerlings

___ 6. Where is the powder placed?

a. tin can b. blasting cap c. fuse

___ 7. What word in paragraph 3 means lighted?

a. ignited b. stunned c. fitted

___ 8. Which of these gives the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. Bodies of water in the Philippines c. Number of islands in the Philippines
b. Cause of decrease in fish supply d. Clock-like regularity of fishing

___ 9. The second paragraph tells about

a. Effects of dynamite fishing c. Fishing with explosives
b. Different stages of fish life d. A school of fish

___ 10. Although not directly stated, it can be inferred from the article that
a. Dynamite fishing should be tolerated once in a while to give us more fish
b. Dynamiters of our fish resources should be heavily fined and punished by long imprisonment.
c. We need to conserve our fish resources.
d. We should allow fishermen from China to fish in our waters.
Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.


The pieces of rocks that come from outer space have three names: meteor,

meteorite, and meteoroid.

A meteoroid is a piece of matter moving in space. It moves as fast as 40 miles a

second. It may be large or small. Most meteoroids are smaller than a grain of sand.

As a meteoroid comes into the air near the earth, it catches fire. Most meteoroids

burn up before they hit the earth. The flash of light from the burning meteoroid is called a

meteor. If a piece of meteoroid falls to the ground, it is called a meteorite.

People have studied these rocks for many years. They wanted to research ways to

keep meteoroids from making holes in spacecrafts. Thick walls may help. Or perhaps

spacecrafts can be covered with a metal skin that will seal itself.

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

___ 1. Where do the meteoroids originate?

a. from the outer layer of the earth c. from the outer space
b. from the other planets d. from the moon

___ 2. A meteoroid catches fire when

a. it hits the earth c. it collides with a spacecraft
b. it falls to the ground d. it comes into the air near the earth.

___ 3. When is a meteoroid dangerous?

a. when it falls to earth and burns down houses
b. when it makes holes in a spacecraft
c. when it hits the airplanes
d. when it catches fire
___ 4. The rocks from outer space are studied to find out ________________.
a. the time that they fall on earth.
b. how these rocks could be used
c. how to avoid their fall on earth
d. how to keep them from making holes in spacecraft

___ 5. What is true of meteoroids, meteorites, and meteors?

a. They are all small.
b. They are all rocks.
c. They all fall to the earth.
d. They all turn into balls of fire.

___ 6. When one sees a flash of light in space, he may exclaim _____________.
a. “That’s a meteor.”
b. “There’s a meteorite.”
c. “That’s a meteoroid.”

___ 7. Which is the best definition of a meteorite?

a. a flash of light from a burning meteoroid
b. a piece of meteoroid that falls to the ground
c. a piece of rock from outer space that hit a spacecraft
d. a piece of rock from outer space that burn up before hitting the ground

8. In the sentence, “They research ways to keep meteoroids from making holes in the
spacecraft,” another word for research is ____________.
a. study b. solve c. conclude d. experiment
Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.


We often say “Sweet dreams,” but have you ever

wondered why we dream? Some say that dreaming is

our brain’s way of exercising. While we sleep, our

brain may be testing the connections and pathways

to see if they are working well. Others believe that

dreaming is our brain’s way of sorting out problems.

Problems that have not been addressed during

the day are sometimes resolved in our sleep.

Yet another explanation is that dreaming is our brain’s way of fixing and organizing

all the information we have. While sleeping, our brains have a chance to sort out the

information that we want to keep from the stuff we no longer want. Still another idea is that

dreams are just another form of thinking. Will we ever get to know the answer to this

question? Maybe we should sleep on it.

Reference: Adapted from


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. Based on the selection, what does our brain exercise through sleeping?
a. the connections and pathways
b. the left and right hemispheres
c. the content and concepts
d. the gray matter
2. Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?
a. As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or experienced.
b. Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the day.
c. Our brain comes up with solutions in our sleep.
d. Our brain sorts and files information.

3. How does a brain - through dreams - perform the function of an office clerk?
a. It sorts information we need from what we don’t need.
b. It files what we know into fixed categories.
c. It clears the board to store new information.
d. It functions alone.

4. Based on how it is used in the selection, which of the following words is a synonym for the
word "resolved?"
a. accommodated c. decided
b. reflected d. fixed

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the brain?

a. Our brain makes connections.
b. Our brain never stops thinking.
c. Sleeping is our brain’s way of shutting down.
d. Our brain replays our experiences as we sleep.

6. Which question is the selection trying to answer?

a. What are the types of dreams?
b. What are our reasons for dreaming?
c. Are all dreams sweet?
d. How can we stop from dreaming?

7. In the selection, what does it mean to “sleep on it”?

a. ignore it c. think about it
b. take a nap d. forget about it

8. Which could be a good title for this selection?

a. Dreaming: Explained c. Interpreting One’s Dream
b. Preventing Our Dreams d. Finding Solutions to Dreaming
Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.


People love to laugh. We love it so much when there are jokes, jobs, and shows that

are made to make us laugh. Even though laughing seems natural, not many species are able

to do so.

Laughing involves the performance of rhythmic, involuntary movements, and the

production of sounds. We are able to laugh using fifteen facial muscles, our respiratory

system, and sometimes even our tear ducts.

We are lucky that we are able to laugh because there is strong evidence that laughter

can help improve health. Laughter boosts the immune system and adds another layer of

protection from disease. Since laughter also increases blood flow, it improves the function

of blood vessels that helps protect the heart. Laughter also relaxes the whole body by

relieving tension and stress. Finally, laughter also brings out the body’s natural feel-good

chemicals that promote well-being.

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. What is laughing?
a. It is the voluntary reception of sounds.
b. It is the voluntary production of sounds.
c. It is the involuntary production of sounds.
d. It is the voluntary use of our facial muscles.

2. What does the statement, “There are jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to make us laugh,”
imply in this selection?
a. Laughter is something we have to work at.
b. Comedy shows are good sources of income.
c. Laughter is an important part of our life.
d. Jokes and comedy shows are expensive ways to make us laugh.

3. In what way does laughing prevent us from getting sick?

a. It lets us have full use of our respiratory system.
b. It helps boost our immune system.
c. It allows us to use our tear ducts.
d. It exercises our facial muscles.

4. If laughter increases blood flow, which body system does it help?

a. nervous system c. excretory system
b. respiratory system d. circulatory system

5. Which word CANNOT be used to describe laughing?

a. rhythmic c. uncontrollable
b. voluntary d. functional

6. Which of the following facts about laughter would be helpful to a hardworking secretary at a
busy office?
a. Laughter uses fifteen facial muscles.
b. Laughter keeps tension and stress away.
c. Laughter may help protect us from diseases.
d. Laughter brings out the ‘feel good’ chemicals.

7. Which of the following is the best title for the selection?

a. Laughter is the answer.
b. Laughter is the best medicine.
c. Laughter is what sets humans apart.
d. Laughter affects the human condition.

8. Which of the following would be the most ideal place to spread the good effects of laughter?
a. sari-sari store b. gas station c. hospital d. market

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Long ago, a farmer had a carabao and a cow. The carabao was bigger but the cow

worked just as hard.

One day the farmer said, “I can get more from my farm if my carabao works all

day and my cow works all night.” This went on for a month 'til finally, the carabao cried,

“It is just too hot to work all day!” “Want to go for a swim?” asked the cow. “It will cool

you off.” The carabao happily agreed. They went off without the farmer’s consent.

Before swimming, they hung their skins on a tree branch. But it wasn’t long till the

farmer went looking for them. Upon seeing the farmer, they rushed to put on their skins.

In their rush, the carabao had worn the cow’s skin and the cow had worn the carabao’s


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. At the beginning of the story, what was one major difference between the cow and the
a. The carabao was bigger than the cow.
b. The cow had sagging skin while the carabao had tight skin.
c. The carabao had sagging skin while the cow had tight skin.
d. The carabao worked at night while the cow worked in the day.

2. What did the farmer decide one day?

a. The cow and the carabao will work together.
b. The cow and the carabao should not leave the farm.
c. The carabao will work in the day while the cow will work at night.
d. The cow will work in the day while the carabao will work at night.

3. What word describes the farmer in the story?

a. kind b. cruel c. grumpy d. hardworking

4. How did the farmer’s decision affect the cow and the carabao?
a. They did not have time to rest.
b. They hardly saw each other.
c. They did not eat enough.
d. They were always tired.

5. What does the phrase “without consent” mean?

a. did not have permission c. has not rested
b. was not informed d. did not know

6. Which of the following events happened last?

a. The carabao cried out that it was so hot.
b. The cow and the carabao decided to swim.
c. The farmer came while the animals were swimming.
d. The cow and the carabao hurriedly put on their skins.

7. What kind of story is this?

a. myth b. parable c. legend d. fairy tale

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.

We use the term blackout to mean a widespread loss of electric power. This

usually happens during uncontrollable situations such as lightning or tree branches – hit

electric wires during storms. A blackout also occurs after a total electrical shutdown due

to an overload on the units that generate electricity.

Brownouts, on the other hand, are confined only to certain small areas – a portion

of Bulacan for example, or one subdivision. They are sometimes scheduled and

announced in advance by Meralco when it is necessary to save energy or enable Meralco

crews to perfom maintenance work. But brownouts can also be caused by fires and

floods in the area and man-made accidents such as motor vehicle hitting an electric post,

or a wet kite getting entangles with power lines or constructions materials falling on

those lines.

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

___ 1. This selection as a whole gives the difference between a blackout and a brownout.
a. True b. False c. does not say
___ 2. What does the term “blackout” in the first paragraph mean?
a. total shutdown of electricity
b. only a certain portion of a community
c. short period of time due to storm
___ 3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. Blackout is a partial loss of electricity
b. Blackout may occur only during storm
c. Blackout is a widespread shut down of electrical power
4-6. The three causes of brown-outs are:
7. What is the second paragraph all about?
a. blackouts b. energy c. brownouts
8. What company serves the people in the electricity that they used? _____________________
9&10. The two causes of blackouts are:

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Dark chocolate finds its way into the best ice creams, biscuits and cakes. Although

eating chocolate usually comes with a warning that it is fattening, it is also believed by some

to have magical and medicinal effects. In fact, cacao trees are sometimes called Theobroma

cacao which means “food of the gods.”

Dark chocolate has been found out to be helpful in small quantities. One of its

benefits is that it has some of the most important minerals and vitamins that people need. It

has antioxidants that help protect the heart. Another important benefit is that the fat content

of chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol in the blood stream. A third benefit is that

it helps address respiratory problems. Also, it has been found out to help ease coughs and

respiratory concerns. Finally, chocolate increases serotonin levels in the brain. This is what

gives us a feeling of well-being.

Reference: Schnoll, R. (2012). Choocolate: Food for the Gods, Retrieved from http://


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. Why was chocolate called Theobroma cacao? It is considered to be _____.

a. fattening food c. medicinal candy
b. magical tree d. food of the gods

2. Which statement is true?

a. All chocolates have medicinal properties.
b. In small doses, dark chocolate is fattening.
c. Dark chocolate has minerals and vitamins.
d. Chocolate raises the level of cholesterol.

3. What is found in dark chocolate that will help encourage its consumption?
a. antioxidants c. fats
b. sugar d. milk

4. After we eat chocolate, which of these is responsible for making us feel good?
a. cacao c. serotonin
b. theobroma d. antioxidants

5. If a person coughs and is asked to have some chocolate, why would this be good advice?
a. Dark chocolate helps respiratory problems.
b. Dark chocolate helps circulation.
c. Dark chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol.
d. Dark chocolate has vitamins and minerals.

6. Which of the following body systems does not directly benefit from the consumption of dark
a. Circulatory system c. Excretory system
b. Respiratory system d. Nervous system

7. Which important fact shows that dark chocolate may be safe for the heart?
a. It may ease coughs.
b. It helps address respiratory problems.
c. It does not raise the level of cholesterol.
d. In small quantities, dark chocolate has been said to be medicinal.

8. What does “address” mean in the second paragraph?

a. to locate c. to deal with
b. to identify d. to recognize

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The brain is the center of the nervous system. It interprets stimuli and tells the body

how to react. The brain has three major parts. The part that controls balance, coordination

and muscle movement is called the cerebellum. It makes sure that the muscles work well

together. For example, a gymnast is able to balance on a beam because of the cerebellum.

The medulla is a long stem that connects the brain to the spinal cord. It tells one’s

body to do things without thinking about them. Digesting food or breathing even while

asleep are examples of these involuntary actions.

On the other hand, there are actions that one decides to do. It is the largest part of the

brain—the cerebrum—that is responsible for these voluntary movements. Without it, one will

not be able to kick a ball or dance at all. The brain might seem small but it is so powerful as it

controls one’s entire body.

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. Which is the best description of the brain?

a. It makes people intelligent.
b. It keeps one’s body healthy.
c. It helps everyone think well.
d. It dictates how the body will react to stimuli.

2. In the sentence, “The brain interprets stimuli,” the meaning of interpret is __________.
a. assign roles c. discuss ideas
b. recall facts d. make sense of

3. What will the brain likely tell you if you happen to hold on to something hot?
a. “I wonder how hot it is.” c. “Hold tight!”
b. “Don’t drop it!” d. “Let go!”

4. Which is an example of involuntary action?

a. circulating blood all over the body
b. punching one’s classmate
c. clapping your hands
d. tickling your friend

5. Which part of the brain connects to the spinal cord?

a. the nerves c. the cerebrum
b. the medulla d. the cerebellum

6. What is the function of the cerebellum?

a. It sends messages to the cerebrum.
b. It connects the medulla to the cerebrum.
c. It controls balance and muscle movements.
d. It tells the parts of the body how they should function.

7. When you want someone to think of the right answer, you might say,
a. “Use your senses.”
b. “Sharpen your cerebrum.”
c. “Give your medulla a job.”
d. “Let your cerebellum function.”

8. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. The brain controls the senses.
b. The brain interprets all actions.
c. The brain has three main parts.
d. The brain controls one’s entire body

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Anger is often viewed as harmful. It does not only affect the person feeling this

anger but those around him or her. As these feelings get stronger, changes occur in our

body. Our faces turn red and carry a frown. Our teeth are clenched and our hands are

closed tight. Our breathing becomes heavy and this makes our heart beat faster. Our

shoulder and neck muscles become stiff and our blood pressure begins to rise. All these

things happen because our body is preparing for something. It is preparing for action.

However, this action does not have to be harmful.

People are often guilty about feeling angry. But, anger can be viewed positively.

Feelings of anger tell you that something is not right and that something needs to change.

The challenge lies in making sure that actions resulting from anger will help rather than

harm. Expressing our feelings can help others understand the source of our anger rather

than fear its consequences.

Reference: Adapted from


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. Which is NOT an observed change in our body when we get angry?

a. Our face turns red.
b. Our heart beats faster.
c. Our shoulders become stiff.
d. Our breathing becomes slow.

2. In the sentence, “Changes occur in our body,” which of the following words is a synonym for
the word occur?
a. stay b. form c. happen d. transform

3. Why do people sometimes feel guilty for being angry?

a. Anger may hurt others.
b. Anger is not a feeling you should show to other people.
c. Anger may cause us to create positive change in the world.
d. Anger may cause us to be motivated to act on something.

4. Which of these actions is based on anger as a positive form of expression?

a. focusing on what is wrong
b. saying hurtful words
c. identifying the root of the problem
d. keeping our emotions bottled up inside of us

5. Which of these actions are based on anger as a form of motivation?

a. asking the person we are angry at to think of how the problem can be resolved
b. giving the person that we are angry at the silent treatment
c. kicking a chair aside and screaming out loud
d. seeking the help of a third person to side with you

6. What is one benefit of feeling angry?

a. It provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels.
b. It prepares us for future occasions that we might feel angry.
c. It serves as a signal that something is not right.
d. It changes how our mind works.

7. In the selection, what is the meaning of the word "challenge?"

a. It refers to a task that is new.
b. It refers to a task that is different
c. It refers to a task that is assigned to us.
d. It refers to a task that is difficult to do.

8. In the selection, which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our anger in a positive
a. being obedient c. being thoughtful
b. being honest d. being hardworking

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Humans do not have the capacity to breathe underwater unaided by external devices.

A diver who wants to stay underwater for more than a few minutes must breathe air on a

special mixture of gases. He can wear diving suits and have air pumped to him from above

or he can carry tanks of air on his back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece.

Early divers discovered that it is not enough to supply air to breathe comfortably

underwater. The diver’s body is under great pressure in deep water because water weighs

800 times as much as air. Tons of water push against the diver deep in the sea. When this

happens, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. When the diver rises to the

surface, the water pressure becomes less. If he rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form

bubbles that make breathing difficult. He suffers from bends, causing him to double up in


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. What is the purpose of the diving suit?

a. to track the diver’s location
b. to make the diver stay afloat
c. to dive to the bottom of the sea faster
d. to pump air from the surface of the sea

2. The hose and the mouthpiece of the diver are used _______________.
a. for breathing c. for lighting the way
b. for finding direction d. for communicating

3. The second paragraph informs the reader that ___________________.

a. water is heavier than air
b. it is easy to float on the water
c. it is exciting to stay under water
d. it is difficult to breathe while diving
4. It is easy for swimmers to float in the water’s surface because ______________________.
a. they can see where they are heading for
b. there is lesser water pressure
c. there is more air to breathe
d. there is minimal danger.

5. From the phrase ‘a diver suffers from bends,’ the reader can guess that a bend is
a. a reverse turn c. a wrong direction
b. an intense pain d. an incorrect information

6. To avoid pain when rising to the surface, a diving instructor should tell a swimmer to
a. “go up as fast as you can”
b. “swim to the surface slowly”
c. “avoid bringing things from undersea”
d. “inspect your hose and mouthpiece first”

7. Which statement is true in the selection? Water pressure

a. is heavier on the sea surface
b. is greater in the deep part of the sea
c. feels more while one is going up the surface
d. is the same on the surface and in the deep part of the sea

8. Who among the following readers will benefit most from this selection?
a. the sea divers c. the sea travelers
b. the coast guards d. the swimming instructors

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.

No matter how often we sweep the floor of our homes, we are still able to gather

together a considerable amount of dust. Dust is all around us. It gathers on bookshelves, on

furniture - old or new. These particles rest on any still object – undisturbed until touched or

wiped clean. Dust, which was first believed to be made of dead skin, has been found to be a

mix of different things. Some of the common ingredients of dust particles include animal fur,

dead insects, food, fiber from clothes, beddings, soil and other chemicals.

Although most of household dust comes from the outside through doors, windows

and shoes, other dust particles come from within. Scientists have discovered that the mix of

dust from each household actually depends on four things: the climate, the age of the house,

the number of persons who live in it and their individual cooking, cleaning and smoking

habits. Making our homes free of dust may not be possible but lessening the amount of dust

that we keep in our homes will help avoid possible allergies and allow us to breathe well.

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. Which of the following is NOT true about dust?

a. Dust causes allergies.
b. Dust is made of dead skin only.
c. Dust comes from both within the home and outside of it.
d. The amount of dust in the house may depend on the climate.

2. Knowing the contents of the dust in our homes will determine ________.
a. how dust can be cleaned up
b. where the dust is coming from
c. what one might add to one’s home
d. the lifestyle of the occupants

3. Among the sources of dust, which is NOT within one’s control?

a. the personal habits of family members
b. the number of persons in the home
c. the age of the house
d. the climate

4. What is the greatest risk that one faces in having a dusty house? A dusty house might
a. cause the incidence of allergies
b. be a reason for accidents in the house
c. increase the temperature of the environment
d. result in the early destruction of the furniture

5. Knowing the composition of dust will especially help persons with ______.
a. motor difficulties c. circulatory concerns
b. physical disabilities d. respiratory problems

6. In this selection, the word “habits” refers to ________.

a. one’s unusual behavior
b. being addicted to something
c. the work one occasionally performs
d. the manner by which one repeatedly does a task

7. How did the writer develop this selection about dust?

a. by giving examples
b. by narrating some events
c. by stating the cause and effect
d. by identifying the problem and the solutions

8. Which is an appropriate title of this selection?

a. Keeping the Houses Dust-Free
b. Sources of Dust in Our Homes
c. Effects of Dusty Homes
d. Diseases Due to Dust

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Have you ever seen ants carrying food to an anthill? To these creatures, the anthill
is their home --- their great castle.
And like a castle, an anthill has many rooms. The ants make tunnels through the
earth from room to room.
The ant Queen lays her eggs in a special room in the anthill. The Queen is mother
to all the ants but she doesn’t take care of them. Instead there are ants that fed her; keep
her clean and protect her from enemies.
In another room food is stored. Ants carry food to the room in their big jaws.
In another room, the ants keep tiny green insects called aphids. The ants get sweet
juice from the aphids for food.
And just like a real castle, soldier ants guard the anthill day and night to protect it
from their enemies. Ants, like people, form armies for battle.
Ants share their food and they also share the work that must be done to keep one
fed and sheltered and safe. Because they work together, ants can do a lot of things as a
group that no single ant can do alone.

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

1. What does the selection as a whole tell about?

a. The ant queen b. The ants and their home c. The ants’ food

2. Ant’s castle has many rooms.

a. True b. False c. does not say

3. Ants carry their food with their big __________.

a. feet b. mouth c. jaws

4. What word in the first two paragraphs means a palace with many rooms?

5. Who is considered the mother to all the ants?

6. The word their in the second sentence of the first paragraph refers to _________.

a. food b. ants c. anthill

7. What is the main idea of the second to the last paragraph?

a. Ants share their work with others.

b. Ants have soldiers to protect their homes from their enemies.

c. The ants make tunnel from room to room.

8. Which statement is not true?

a. The ant Queen lays eggs but doesn’t take care of the children.

b. The aphids provide sweet juice for the ants.

c. The ants work independently without complaining.

9. No single ant can do things alone.

a. True b. False c. does not say

10. Working together also means working ______________________.

a. independently b. cooperatively c. dependently

II. Identify what word in the designated paragraph has the same meaning as the words
below. Write your answer on the blank.

1. living things (1) ______________________

2. palace (2) ______________________

3. passage underground (2) ______________________

4. soldiers (6) ______________________

5. keep (4) ______________________

III. Form compound words by matching the words from the left to the words at the right.
Write your answer on the space provided.
1. store ________________ a. ground
2. ant ________________ b. truck
3. under ________________ c. room
4. room ________________ d. hill
5. army ________________ e. mates
f. battle

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Earth is a pleasant place to be in partly because of the plants around us. Plants bear
flowers, fruits and vegetables and provide shade. Flowers liven up our surroundings, fruits and
vegetables are good to eat, and shade from tress shields us from the sun’s heat.
Imagine what would happen if there were no plants at all. Certainly we’ve no flowers or
fruits and the earth would be bathed in heat. In the long run, all things would die.
Plants are important to the survival of all living things. If all green plants on earth
disappear, plant eating animals like cows, carabaos, and goats would soon starve. After all, no
animal can make its own food.
If plant-eaters die, meat-eaters like dogs or lions would have nothing to eat. They would
also die of hunger. There would be no plants and animals and therefore, no source of food. Soon
there would be no living form on earth.
So we see that plants are very important. Aside from being a food source, they can also
provide oxygen necessary to keep men and other animals alive.
But plants cannot live without animals either. Plants need carbon dioxide, as given off by
animals, to complete photosynthesis. Also when living things die, the materials are absorbed to
the plant roots to be used for plants nourishment, with the help of energy from the sun.
Thus, we see that plants and animals depend on each other for their survival. This
dependence of living things upon other living things is sometimes called “the Web of Life.”

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

____ 1. What does the selection as a whole tell about?

a. living things c. plants and animals

b. Importance of plants

___ 2. Plants cannot live without animals.

a. True b. False c. does not say

___ 3. The pronoun they in the second sentence of the fourth paragraph refers to

___ 4. What do plants need as given off by animals?

a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. nitrogen

___ 5. Why is the earth a pleasant place to live in?

a. plants around us c. shade that trees provide

b. fruits and vegetables

___ 6. What would happen if there are no plants at all?

a. there would be no flowers c. all living things would die

b. the earth would be bathe in heat

___ 7. What would happen if plant-eaters die?

a. meat-eaters would die, too. C. no living form on earth

b. no plants and animals will exist

___ 8. Plants provide ________________ necessary to keep man and other animals alive.

a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. nitrogen

___ 9. What word in paragraph 5 has the same meaning as essential?

___ 10. Animals can make their own food.

a. True b. False c. does not say

II. Identify what word in the designated paragraph has the opposite meaning as the words
below. Write your answer on the blank.

1. heaven (1) ________________

2.cold (2) ________________

3. survive (3) ________________

4. live (4) ________________

5. unnecessary (5) ________________

III. Form compound words by matching words in Column A with words in Column B.
Write your answer on the blank.

Column A Column B

1. meat ________________ a. room

2. green ________________ b. bath
3. carbon ________________ c. eater
4. sun ________________ d. house
5. bath ________________ e. dioxide

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ________

Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow.


When the world was young, the Philippine Islands were not yet a part of the earth. At

that time, there lived a great giant in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He had three daughters,

Minda, Luz, and Bisaya.

One day the giant left his three daughters to hunt for food. Before leaving, he instructed

them not to leave their cave until his return. Minda, however, was a headstrong girl. After the

father was gone, she ventured outside the cave. The waves on the shore and the sea shells

fascinated her. Soon she was far out in the water. A great billow flung her out into the open sea.

Her shouts for help fetched her two sisters who rushed to rescue her. As none of the three

sisters knew how to swim, they were all soon drowned.

When the giant returned and could not find his daughters, he went up and down the

island looking for them. His fears were confirmed when he saw bits of their clothing upon the

water and so he dived repeatedly into the sea to look for their bodies. When he got exhausted,

he rested upon the shore and soon fell into a deep sleep. The warm sun upon his face awakened

him the following morning. When he arose, he saw three islands in the sea where there were

none before. He then knew that these islands were his three lost daughters.

The islands were therefore named as Mindanao, Luzon, and Visayas, the Philippine

Islands. When once in a while earthquakes are felt in the islands, it is said that the giant is

somewhere around paying a visit to his daughters.

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.

___ 1. What does the selection as a whole tell about?

a. why the three daughters were drowned
b. the three daughters who became the Philippine Islands
c. the disappearance of the three sisters
___ 2. While not directly stated, it can reasoned from the article that the giant was ___________.
a. farmer b. carpenter c. fishermen
3. He in the first paragpraph refers to _______________.
4. What did the giant instruct his daughters? ________________________
5. What fascinated Minda outside the cave? ________________________
6. What happened to the three sisters? ________________________
7. Why did they drown? ________________________
8. Why did the giant believe that his daughters were drowned? ________________________
9. What did the giant see when he woke up the following morning? _______________________
10. What are now the names of those three sisters? ________________________

II. Choose the meaning of each underlined word. Write only the letter of your answer on
the blank.
___ 1. After the father was gone, she ventured outside the cave.
a. wandered b. entered c. slept
___ 2. The waves on the shore and the sea shells, fascinated her.
a. frightened b. attracted c. angered
___ 3. But a great billow flung her out into the open sea.
a. earthquake b. wind c. wave
4.-5. Her shouts for help fetched her two sisters who rushed to rescue her.
___ 4. a. called b. heard c. noticed
___ 5. a. save b. carry c. help
6. His fears were confirmed when he saw bits of their clothing upon the water.
a. stopped b. strengthened c. disappeared
7-8. When he got exhausted, he rested upon the shore and soon feel into a deep slumber.
___ 7. a. sleepy b. hungry c. tired
___ 8. a. dream b. sleep c. hole
9. Before leaving, he instructed them not to leave their cave until his return.
a. told b. taught c. scolded
10. Minda, however, was a headstrong girl.
a. kind b. stubborn c. brave

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