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Community Participation in the Potential Eco Tourism in Sembilang National Park Indonesia

As one of the fast-growing sectors in the world, tourism sector now has been widely
used as a development tool for developed and developing countries. In the recent report of
WTTC, travel and tourism sector contributed around 10.09 % of total GDP world in 2019
and expected to increased for 11.5 % in 2008 (WTTC, 2019). The massive of tourism
development is surely bring boost economic impact within one country and create job
opportunity in many sectors, thus, this sector now widely used as development tool for many
developed and developing countries. However, not only bring good impact, massive tourism
sector now raised concern to environmental degradation. Traditional mass tourism that only
focused on number of visitors to gain more benefit only bring short term benefit, ignoring
long term sustainability. Therefore, nowadays tourism sector now has changing its paradigm,
shifted from traditional tourism to sustainable tourism which not only focused in economic
benefit but also emphasized in environmental and local culture protection.

Many countries including Indonesia now have paying serious attention to create a
sustainable tourism sector. Under Regulation of Tourism Ministry number 14 Year 2016,
Indonesia government has released a guideline to manage a sustainable destination
management that can be used by local government and other stakeholders in developing a
sustainable tourism. This guideline covers four aspects namely management of sustainable
tourism destination, the economic benefits to local communities, the cultural preservation for
community and visitors and environmental conservations. To implement sustainable tourism,
many ways can be implemented, one of the approaches is by implementing Community based
approach. Community based tourism is one of the alternatives to achieve a sustainable
tourism (Febriandhika & Kurniawan, 2019); (Han, Eom, Al Ansi, Ryu, & Wansoo, 2019).

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