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Group 4 : 

1. Muchammad Yahya Ma’Ruf (2220500023)

2. Rusydina Salsabil (2220500024)
3. Putra Sejati (2220500025)
4. Athalia Dwi Anjani (2220500026)
5. Jovan Priya Pribadi (2220500028)
6. Chintya Arma Yunita (2220500029)
7. Asti Asriyani (2220500030)

Question : 
1. How can we reduce the use of plastics?

The use of plastic in the world is increasing. This results in more plastic waste. How
not, every time we buy goods, whether small or large the size of the item is always
wrapped in a plastic bag. Then, the number of people who consume mineral water
from plastic bottles also adds to the waste in this world. In order to reduce plastic
waste, one of the steps we take is to reduce the use of plastic. For example, when we
go to the store, we have to bring our own shopping bags to carry our groceries. Then,
bring your own drink bottle from home if you go anywhere. This is very easy to do
and can reduce plastic waste. However, if we don't get used to it, then this simple
thing will become difficult and can have a bad impact on the earth and the living
things in it.

2. Have you minimized the use of plastics? Why or why not?

Yes, we have but rarely to do. Because we are not used to it and sometimes forget to
bring our own shopping bags or drinking bottles. But when we buy something, we
often refuse to wrap it in a plastic bag. This is done as long as we can still carry it
using both hands or put it in the trunk of a motorbike, etc.

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