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Module 5
Activity A. My Own TPACK
Direction: On a sheet of paper, draw your TPACK state and be able to explain and exemplify the
meaning of your model.

Keeping technology as a distinct knowledge set presents challenges; but, if we understand

the design of TPACK, we can integrate technology into our classroom material and pedagogy. As a
result of the integration, the students will learn more effectively. Specific technical tools are best
used to instruct and help students in gaining a better, more solid understanding of the subject

Within the TPACK framework, the three categories of knowledge - TK, PK, and CK - are
therefore integrated and recombined in various ways. TPK describes relationships and interactions
between technological tools and specific pedagogical practices, whereas PCK describes the same
between pedagogical practices and specific learning objectives; finally, TCK describes
relationships and intersections between technologies and learning objectives. These triangulated
regions subsequently form TPACK, which takes into account the interactions between all three
domains and recognizes educators' actions within this complicated environment.

To explain each further Content Knowledge (CK) refers to the understanding of the subject
matter. Knowledge of concepts, theories, facts, and organizational frameworks within a certain
subject topic may be included in CK. Next is Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) it is the understanding
of teaching and learning techniques, procedures, and approaches. After that is Technology
Knowledge (TK) the term is applied to the capacity to use various technologies, technical tools,
and associated resources. Then the Pedagogical Content Understanding (PCK) this refers to the
fundamental areas of teaching and learning, such as curriculum creation, student evaluation, and

reporting findings. Also, the TCK (Technological Content Knowledge) it is the awareness of how
technology and content may impact and push against one another. Next to that is the TPK
(Technological Pedagogical Knowledge) it is the awareness of how certain technologies may alter
both teaching and learning experiences by bringing new pedagogical affordances and limits.
Finally, is the TPACK it is the result of these many combinations and interests, drawing from them
as well as the three broader underlying domains of content, pedagogy, and technology to provide
an effective foundation for teaching with educational technology.

Activity B. The SAMR

Direction: With a pair, think of how you can integrate technology tool for each phase to how
the transition from using it to enhance instruction leading to a transformative use of technology.
Design a task that can have a positive effect on students’ learning outcomes.

Original Assignment: Learning how to shoot a basketball by watching and listening to a Coach or

Physical Education teacher perform it to you and then practicing on your own.

Task or Learning Activities

Students watch video examples and practice the techniques of different kinds
of shooting in basketball, then the coach/ Physical Education teacher videos
Redefinition them using different techniques in shooting the ball and provides feedback
about their technique.

The coach/ Physical Education teacher videos the training exercise and
explain the lesson, having students watch it as homework, and using class
Modification time to practice and reinforce techniques about the different kinds of shooting.

The coach/ Physical Education teacher videos the training exercise and
provides links to other training content about shooting baskets (videos and
Augmentation articles from other coaches, etc.).

The coach/Physical Education teacher videos the training exercise and uses
this as the lesson.

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