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Integumentary System
Ingumentary (in=inward; -tegere= to cover) Dermis
composed of the skin, hair, oil & sweat glands, nails Sub-Q Layer
& sensory receptors. Epidermal
Consist of Skin & accessory structures. appendages (hair,
One of the most familiar system of the body glands, & nails)
Dermatology is the medical specialty that deals with Major Functions of IS
the diagnosis and treatment of integumentary
1. PROTECTION = abrasion & UV light, prevent MO
system disorders.
entering body & reduce water loss, preventing
Skin (wt. 8-10 pounds/17 kg & 22 sq. feet). dehydration.
Integumentary System and Homeostasis 2. SENSATION = has sensory receptors that can
detect heat, cold, touch, pressure, & pain.
The IS contributes to Homeostasis by protecting and 3. VIT. D PRODUCTION = when exposed to UV light,
helping regulate body temperature. It also allows you skin produces molecule that can be transformed into
to sense pleasurable, painful, and other stimuli in Vitamin D, important regulator of CALCIUM
your external environment. homeostasis.
Anatomy blood flow beneath skin’s surface & activity of sweat
glands in skin both regulate body temperature.
5. EXCRETION = small amount of waste products lost
Epidermis through skin & in gland secretions.
Dermis Skin Functions of IS

Subcutaneous layer or hypodermis. 1. regulates body temperature.

2. stores blood.
3. protects body from external environment.
4. detects cutaneous sensations.
5. excretes and absorb substances.
6. synthesizes vitamin D.
Made-up of 2 major tissue layers :


Most superficial layer.

Stratified squamous epithelium; in its deepest layer,
new cell are produced by mitosis.
During movement, cells change shape & chemical
This process is called KERATINIZATION because
cells become filled with protein (Keratin), which
makes them hard. EPIDERMIS
Although Keratinization is a continuous process,
distinct layers called STRATA can be seen in


The deepest stratum, the STRATUM BASALE,

consists of cuboidal or
columnar cells that undergo mitotic division about
every 19 days.
Stratum corneum is most superficial stratum of
the epidermis consists of
dead squamous cells filled keratin. Keratin gives
S. corneum its structural
strength. S. corneum are also coated &
surrounded by lipids which help
prevent fluid loss through the skin.
S. corneum is composed of 25 or more layers of
dead sq. cells joined by
Excessive sloughing of S. corneum cells from the
surface of the scalp is
called “DANDRUFF”.
Skin subjected to friction. No. of layers in S.
corneum greatly increases
producing a thickened area called “CALLUS” abdomen & breast
(hard skin). during pregnancy or skin of athletes due to
Over bony prominence, S. corneum thicken to increase muscle size by
form cone-shaped structure intense weight training.
called “CORN”. DERMAL PAPILLAE = upper part of dermis
(projections), contain
many blood vessels that supply overlying dermis
DERMIS with nutrients,
Composed of dense collagenous CT containing remove waste products & regulate body
fibroblast, adipocytes & temperature. D. papillae in
macrophages. palms, sole & tip of finger are arranged in parallel.
Nerves, hair follicles, smooth m, glands &
lymphatic vessels extend into
Collagen & elastic fibers responsible for structural
strength of the dermis.
Dermis part of animal hide from which leather is
Collagen fibers of dermis are oriented in many
direction & resist stretch.
However, more collagen fibers are oriented in
some directions than in
others. This produces “Cleavage Lines” or tension
lines in the skin.
It is important for surgeons to be aware of
cleavage lines.
Ex. Incision made across CL, likely to Gap =
produce Scar tissue.
Incision made parallel CL, tends to gap less = less SKIN COLOR
Factors determine include PIGMENTS in the skin,
blood circulating though the skin % thickness of
Dermis S. corneum.
MELANIN = black pigments primarily responsible
for skin, hair & eye color, mostly brown to black
pigments, some yellow or reddish.
Is produced by melanocytes, which are irregularly
shaped cells with many long processes that
extend bet. epithelial cells of deep part of
Golgi apparatus of melanocytes package melanin
into vesicles called “MELANOSOMES” which
move into the cell processes of melanocytes.
Large amount of melanin form freckles or moles in
some regions of skin, darkened area in genitalia,
nipples, circular area of nipples.
Lips. Palms & Soles contain less melanin.


Overstretched of skin, dermis can be damaged,

leaving lines that
are visible through the epidermis, these lines called
EX. Stretch marks often form on the skin of

Production is determined by genetic factor,

exposure to light & hormones.
Genetic factor are responsible for the amt. of
melanin produced in different races.
Since all races have the same no. of melanocytes,
racial variations in skin color are determined by
the amt. , kind & distribution of melanin.
Although many genes are responsible for skin
color, a single mutation can prevent melanin
Ex. Albinism = recessive genetic trait that causes
def. or absence of melanin. Albino = fair skin,
white hair, unpigmented irises in the eyes.

Exposure = to UVL = sunlight stimulate

melanocytes to increase melanin production.
Hormones = Estrogen & MSH cause increase
melanin production during pregnancy, darkened
nipples, areola & genitalia.
Increased blood flow in skin = blushing & redness
due inflammatory response.
Decreased blood oxygen = bluish color of skin.
Birthmarks = congenital disorders of bld. v
(capillaries) in the dermis.
Carotene = yellow pigments found in plants. As a
source of Vit. A
Carotene are lipid soluble, accumulate in S.
corneum & adipocytes of dermis & SQ, large
amount consumed skin become yellowish.


Attaches to underlying bone & muscles &

supplies it with blood v. & nerves.
Not part of skin called “HYPODERMIS” (under
the dermis).
Loose CT, adipose T that contain about half of
the body’s stored lipids, although amount &
location vary with age, sex & diet.
Adipose T in SQ function as padding &
insulation, & responsible for some differences in
appearance bet. Men & Women as well as
bet. individual of same sex.
Used to estimate Total Body Fat.
Skin & SQT are pinched at selected locations &
thickness of fold is measured. The thicker the
fold the greater amt. of total body fat.
% of body fat varies in population but on ave.
women have higher total body fat than men.
F = 21-30%
M =13-25%
Acceptable % of body fat above the range is
indicator of OBESITY.

Subcutaneous Tissue



Found everywhere on the skin except ?

Each hair arises from hair follicle, shaft protrude
above surface of skin, root & hair bulb below the
surface. Hair bulb site of hair cell formation.
Has a hard CORTEX which surrounds a softer
center, MEDULLA.
The Cortex is covered by the CUTICLE, a single
layer of overlapping cells that holds hair in the
hair follicle.
Hair follicle plays an important role in repair of the
Ex. If surface of epidermis damaged, epithelial
cells within the hair follicle can divide & serve as
source of new epithelial cells.
Is produced in cycles : growth phase & resting
Growth stage = formed by epithelial cells within
the hairbulb. Cells undergo division &
keratinization (like skin).
Regression stage = when the cells of the hair
matrix stop dividing, the hair follicle atrophies
(shrinks), & the hair stops growing.
Resting stage = growth stops & hair is held in hair
When next growth stage begins, a new hair is • During childhood, vellus hairs cover most of the
formed & old hair falls out. body except for the hairs of the eyebrows,
Duration of @ stage depends on individual hair. eyelashes, & scalp, which are terminal hairs.
Ex. Eyelashes = grow about 30 days & rest 105 • In response to hormones (androgens) secreted at
days. Scalp hair = grow for 3 yrs. & rest 1-2 yrs. puberty, terminal hairs replace vellus hairs in the
Loss of hair normally means that hair is being axillae & pubic regions of the boys & girls & they
replaced because old hair fall out of hair follicle boys & girls & they replace vellus hairs on the face,
when new hair begins to grow. limbs, & chest of boys which leads to the formation
Some men, permanent loss of hair results in of a mustache, beard & hairy arms & legs & a hairy
“pattern baldness”, change occur due to male sex chest.
hormones act on hair follicle of men who have • During adulthood, about 95% of body hair on
genetic predisposition for pattern baldness. males is terminal hair & 5% is vellus hair; on
Hair color determined by the amt. & types of females, about 35% of body hair is terminal hair &
melanin production & distribution by melanocytes 65% is vellus hair
occur in hairbulb same as skin.
With age, amt. of melanin in hair decreases,
causing hair color become faded or hair contain
no melanin (white).
Gray hair usually mixture of unfaded, faded &
white hair.
Contraction of the ARRECTOR PILI, which are
smooth muscles, causes hair to “stand on end” &
produce “GOOSE BUMP”.
Normal hair loss in the adult scalp is about 70-100
hairs / day.
Both the rate of growth & the replacement cycle
may be altered by illness, radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, age, genetics, gender, &
severe emotional stress.
Rapid wt. loss diets that severely restrict calories
or protein increase hair loss.
Major glands of the skin :
The rate of shedding also increases for 3-
4 months after childbirth.
Alopecia, the partial or complete lack of hair, may
result from genetic factors, aging, endocrine
disorders, chemotherapy or skin disease.
SEBACEOUS GLANDS = simple, branched acinar
glands, produce sebum which oils the hair & the
TYPES OF HAIR surface of the skin. Sebum released by Holocrine
• Hair follicle develop at 12th weeks after
• Usually by the 5th month of development, the
follicles produce very fine, nonpigmented, downy 1. Eccrine Sweat Glands
hairs called Lanugo (wool or down) that cover the 2. Apocrine Sweat Glands
body of the fetus.
• Prior to birth, the lanugo of the eyebrows,
eyelashes, & scalp are shed & replaced by long,
coarse, heavily pigmented hairs called terminal
• The lanugo of the rest of the body are replaced by
vellus hairs (fleece), commonly called “peach fuzz”,
which are short, fine, pale hairs that are barely
visible to the naked eye.

Thin plate, consisting layers of dead S. corneum

cells that contain very hard type of keratin.
Consist of nail body & nail root.
Cuticle (EPONYCHIUM) = is S. corneum that
extends onto nail body. Nail root extends distally
to the nail matrix.
Also attaches to underlying nail bed, located
distal to the nail matrix.
Nail matrix & bed are epithelial tissue with S. basale
that give rise to the cells that form the nail.
LUNULA (half moon) = small part of nail matrix,
seen through nail body as whitish, crescent
Sweat Glands
shaped area at the base of the nail.
Cell production within the nail matrix causes nail
to grow.
Unlike hair, Nail grow continuously without resting

ECCRINE SG = simple, coiled, tubular glands &

release sweat by Merocrine secretion. Located
most part of skin but more on Palms & Soles.
Produce secretion mostly water with few salts.
Produce sweat, which cools the body.
EMOTIONAL SWEATING = used in lie detector
(Polygraph) test bec. SG activity increases when
person is nervous, such as when person tells a lie.
Tests can detect small amts. of sweat bec. the salt
sol. conducts electricity & lowers electrical
resistance of the skin.
APPOCRINE SG = simple, coiled, tubular glands
that produce thick secretion rich on organic subs.
Subs. released by Merocrine secretion & some by
Holocrine . They open into hair follicles, but only
in armpits & genitalia. Active during puberty
because of the influence of sex hormones.
Produce organic secretion that causes body odor
when broken down by bacteria.
Physiology of Integumentary System Integumentary System as a Diagnostic Aid

1. PROTECTION = IS performs many protective IS is useful in Dx because it is observed easily &

functions often reflect events occurring in other parts of the
a) The intact skin plays an important role in body.
reducing water loss because its lipid act as barrier Ex. Cyanosis = caused by decreased blood
to diffusion of water. oxygen, indication of impaired circulatory &
b) The skin prevents MO & other foreign subs. from respiratory function.
entering the body. Secretions from SG also Jaundice = occurs when liver secretes bile
produce an environment unsuitable for some MO. pigments which are products of breakdown of
c) Stratified sq. epithelium of skin protects worn-out RBC’s into SI. Bile pigments are
underlying structures against abrasion. yellow & their buildup in the blood & tissue can
d) Melanin absorbs UVL & protects underlying indicate impaired Liver function.
structure from its damaging effects. Rashes = Ex. Scarlet fever, results when
e) Hair provides protection in sev. ways : hair on bacteria infecting throat release toxin into
head act as heat insulator, eyebrows keep sweat blood that cause reddish rash on the skin.
out of the eyes, eyelashes protect eyes from Also indicate allergic rxn. to food, drugs.
foreign objects, hair in the nose & ears prevents the Condition of skin, hair, & nail is affected by
entry of dust & other materials. nutritional status.
f) The nail protect the ends of the finger & toes from Ex. Vit A def. = skin produces excess keratin
damage & can be used in defense. & assumes sandpaper texture.
Iron def. Anemia = nail loss normal contour
2. SENSATION = skin (epi. & dermis) contains become flat or concave (Spoon-shaped). Lead
sensory receptors for pain, heat, cold & pressure. poisoning results in high lead in hair
3. VIT. D PRODUCTION = UVL stimulate Koilonychia (Spoon Nails)
production of a precursor molec. in the skin that is
modified by the Liver, Kidneys into Vit. D. fatty fish
(fish oil) & Vit D –fortified milk are best source of
Vit. D. Eggs, Butter, & Liver contain small amts. of
Vit. D. Adequate levels Vit. D necessary bec. active
Vit. D stimulate SI to absorb Calcium & Phosphate,
which are necessary for normal bone growth &
muscle formation. Vit. D increases calcium uptake
in the SI.


Temp. 37 oC (98.6oF).
 Regulation is impt. bec. rate of chemical
reaction within the body can be increase or
decrease by changes in body temp.
Exercise, fever & increase in environmental Clubbing of Nails
temp. tend to raise body temp.

 In order to maintain Homeostasis, body

must rid itself of excess heat. Through
dilation & constriction of blood v. , skin
controls heat loss from the body.
5. EXCRETION = IS plays minor role in excretion,
the removal of waste products from the body. In
addition, water, salts, sweats contain small amount
of waste products such as Urea, UA & Ammonia.
SG do not play a significant role in the excretion of
waste products.
BURNS epidermis & dermis completely destroyed &
- Injury to tissue caused by heat, cold, recovery occurs from the edges of burn wound.
friction, chemicals, electricity or radiation. Often are surrounded by areas of 1st & 2nd DB
Classified according to their depth. areas are painful, region of 3rd DB is usually
1. Partial-thickness burns = part of S. basale painless bec. sensory receptors in epidermis &
remains viable & regeneration epidermis dermis have been destroyed. 3rd DB appear
occurs within the burn area & edges of the white, tan brown, black or deep cherry red.
burn. Deep partial thickness & Full-thickness burns takes
a) First-degree burns = involves only epidermis, long time to heal & form scar tissue with disfiguring
red & painful slight edema. & debilitating wound contracture. Skin Grafting
performed to prevent Cx & to speed healing.
RULE OF NINES = method for determining
extent of burn, a quick way or means of
estimating the surface area affected by a burn
in an adult.
o 1. 9% for both ant. & post. surface of the
head & neck.
o 2. 9% for both ant. & post surface of each
upper limb (18% both UL)
o 3. 4x9 or 36% for both ant. & post. Surface
of the trunk including buttocks.
o 4. 9% for ant. & 9% for the post. Surfaces of
Ex. Sunburn or brief exposure to very hot or very @ lower limb as far up as the buttocks
cold objects, heal without scarring in about a week. (36% both LL)
b) Second-degree burns = damage both o 5. 1% for perineum
epidermis & dermis. If thermal damage is o Total = 100%
minimal, symptoms include redness, pain,
edema & blisters. Healing takes about 2 wks. &
no scarring results.
However, if burn goes deep into the dermis, wound
appear red, tan, or white, take several months to
heal & might scar.

3rd Degree Burn

In all 2nd-degree burns, epidermis regenerates

from epithelial tissue in hair follicles & SG as well
as from edges of the wound.
2. Full-thickness burns (3rd-degree burns) =
Deep Lesion

1st Level of Healing

Major Problems of Burns

• Infection
• Maintaining fluid
• Maintaining electrolyte balance which requires
food and fluid intake
• Contractures of skin and underlying CT and
muscle (all soft tissue) due to intense scarring

Other Common Problems with Skin

Decubitus Ulcers – AKA bed or pressure sores

– Caused by constant deficiency of blood to
tissues overlying a bony prominence subjected to
prolonged pressure – especially if CNS or PNS not
functioning fully.
– Tissue breakdown leads to infection, necrosis,
Heel Decubitus ulcer Healing

Further Healing
Basal Cell

Most common type of cancer Squamous Cell
• Although chemicals & radiation (x-rays) known to
induce cancer.
• The development of skin CA most often is asstd.
with exposure to UVL from sun.
• Most skin CA develop on face, neck or hands.
• Group of people most likely to have skin CA are
fair-skinned (have less protection) or older than 50
(have long exposure to the sun).
3 Main Types of Skin Cancer
1. Basal Cell CA = most frequent type, involves
cells of the S. basale & extends into dermis to
produce an open ulcer. Tx. Surgical removal or
radiation therapy (treatable). Little danger to
spread or metastasize.
2. Squamous Cell CA = involves cell
immediately superficial to the S. basale & can
metastasize & cause death.
3. Malignant Melanoma = rare form arises from
melanocytes, can metastasize & often fatal.
Large, flat, spreading lesion or as deeply
pigmented nodule.

• Limiting exposure to sun & using sunscreens that

block the UVL reduce skin CA. Melanoma

UVL classified into 2 types based on

1. UVA = has longer WL than UVB, exposure to
UVA causes most tanning of skin but asstd.
with development of Malignant Melanoma.
2. UVB = causes most burning of skin & asstd.
with development of Basal Cell CA & Squamous
Cell CA.

•Advisable to use sunscreen that effectively block

both UVA & UVB.
As body ages, skin more easily damaged because dec. fine wrinkles & roughness (retinoic acid)
epidermis thins & amount of collagen in dermis • 2. Microdermabrasion = (mikros=small;
decreases. derm=skin; -abrasion= to wear away) , the use
Skin infection more likely, repair occurs more of tiny crystals under pressure to remove &
slowly. vacuum the skin’s surface cells to improve skin
Blood flow to the skin is reduced, skin becomes texture & reduce blemishes.
thinner & elasticity is lost. • 3. Chemical peel = application of a mild acid
Decrease no. of elastic fibers in dermis & loss of (glycolic acid) to the skin to remove surface cells to
adipose T fr. SQ cause skin to sag & wrinkle. improve skin texture & reduce blemishes.
SG & Seb. G are less active, & no. of • 4. Laser resurfacing = use of laser to clear up
melanocytes decreases but some areas, the blood vessels near the skin surface, even out
melanocytes increases to produce “AGE blotches & blemishes, & decrease fine wrinkles. Ex.
SPOTS” IPL Photofacial
Freckles = caused by increase production of • 5. Dermal fillers = injections of human collagen
melanin. (Cosmoderm), hyaluronic acid (Restylane &
Gray & White hair = also results because of Juvaderm) , or poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra) that
decrease in or lack of melanin production. plums up the skin to smooth out wrinkles & fill in
Skin exposed to sunlight shows sign of aging more furrows, such as those around the nose & mouth
rapidly than non-exposed, so avoid over exposure and between the eyebrows.
& use sunscreen. • 6. Fat transplantation = in which fat from one
Skin Changes in the Aging Adult part of the body is injected into another location
• Lentigines - “liver such as round the eyes.
spots” • 7. Botulinum toxin or Botox = a diluted version
• Keratosis -crusted of a toxin that is injected into the skin to paralyze
lesions skeletal muscles that cause the skin to wrinkle.
• Xerosis – dry skin • 8. Radio frequency nonsurgical facelift = use
• Skin thickness changes of radio frequency emissions to tighten the deeper
• Hair growth changes layers of the skin of the jowls, neck sagging
• Brittle nails, thickened eyebrows & eyelids.
toenails • 9. Facelift, browlift, or necklift = invasive
surgery in which loose skin & fat are removed
surgically & the underlying connective tissue &
muscle are tightened.


• Several cosmetic anti-aging txs are available to

diminish the effects of aging or sun-damaged
These include the ff:
• 1. Topical products = bleach the skin to tone
down blotches & blemishes (hydroquinone) or

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