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Name: _____________________________ Score: _________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of your choice before each item number. Answers with alterations are
invalid. GOOD LUCK!

TEST 1 - BEGIN HERE: 6. Is an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa.

_____ 1. Who is the father of the crime laboratory? a. Blood
a. Albert Osborne b. Urine
b. Walker Mc Crone c. Semen
c. Hans Gross d. Saliva
______ 7. The sex chromosome that is carried by
d. Edmond Locard
_____ 2. Considered as the father of microscopic a. Zygote
forensics. b. X chromosome
a. Albert Osborne c. Gamete
d. Y chromosome
b. Walker Mc Crone
_____ 8. Father of micro biology and considered to
c. Hans Gross
be the first microbiologists.
d. Edmond Locard
a. Antoine Philips Van Leeuwenhoek
_____ 3. The father of Fingerprinting b. Bridgett Bardot
a. Calvin Goddard c. Andy Warhol
b. Leone Lattes d. Emma Stone
c. Francis Dalton _____ 9. A substance that when introduced into or
d. Francis Galton absorbed by a living organism, causes
death or injury, especially one that kills by
_____ 4. The father of Toxicology
rapid reaction.
a. Sir Artur Conan
a. Tetanus
b. Join Cariaga
b. Venom
c. Mathiew Orfila
c. Toxin
d. Manny Icip Donato
d. Poison
_____ 5. The Application of Scientific Techniques in
collecting and analyzing physical evidence _____ 10. He was a French surgeon and the inventor
in criminal cases. of the tourniquet.
a. Ballistics a. Joseph Lister
b. Criminalistics b. Jean Louis Petit
c. Forensics c. Pierre Tourniquet
d. Criminal Investigation d. Peter Norton
Read and analyze the following statements gathered from the crime scene and from the
different witnesses and evidences and answer the questions that follow.
QUESTIONS: TEST III. Refer to the picture below and read the
instructions on how you could answer the
1. Who was killed? ____________________ questions.
2. How many were being suspected? Name them.
3. What was the motive of the crime?
4. When was the murder happened?
5. Where did the murder took place?
6. Who was the killer?
7. What was the actual weapon that caused the
death of the victim?
8. Where were the bloodstains found?
9. How many hours had passed before they
found the cadaver? ________________
10. Name the characters involved in the crime
scene investigations.
Answers here:

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