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Nowadays climate change is the biggest problem of the human being.

It is already happening and

represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet. If we
are all aware from the previous alarming issues ruled our community, that the scientists from
United States are conducting rally to gave awareness for people and government on the situation
and needs of the earth.
In connection to this, we student must be aware and must make a move to help and strengthen
the action of helping the earth.
As you can see in my poster I focused on how we will help the earth to become healthy and
minimize as well as prevent in further damaging the areas. I mainly involved a character with a
“salakot” that reflects the filipino people protecting earth by surrounding themselves with good
deeds and aims to the earth. I involved things we can do to change and prevent air pollution ,
amaging the tree, and the water and land area. It portrays a big engine with good image on how
to take care earth. It was placed in an engine for this shows that even in this mechanical world
where buildings are becoming broad and vehicles such as trains are rising, we can balance them
with nature. We can and we must, maintain healthy land and culture, we must not abuse water
resources and the marine animals living there, we can also gather exact amount of foods from the
nature without abusing it. by simply doing this, it can save and protect thousands of household
and no one will be hungry, hurt and sick.
Overall “If we treat nature like our beloved friend and raise our children with this awareness,
things will start to make sense, and we will understand why scientists and climate activists are
apprehensive about the earth’s condition.”

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