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Teaching Unit Reflection - Paper Mach Pumpkin

This unit plan was prepared for introducing a sixth grade class to 3D sculpting with paper

mache. There was a significant amount of preparation that took place in order to teach this

project. Students were given a word search handout to help familiarize them with the vocabulary

we would be using over the next several days. We discussed what being three-dimensional

means and the history of paper mache. Students were given the opportunity to tell about their

previous experience with paper mache projects.

All students were assigned the task of cutting newspaper into 1” strips using scissors.

They were able to fill a large trash bag full of the strips. Because most of these students lack

basic cutting skills, I was disappointed to find that not all students adhered to the simple

guidelines when cutting. They need more practice using scissors but are improving from where

they were at the beginning of the school year.

When students were first shown how to dip the strips into the paste, some of them

complained about the texture and stated they did not like how it felt. Most of the students

enjoyed the texture and the actuality of “getting their hands dirty” for the art making process.

The mini pumpkins took several days to complete due to drying time along with several absences

because of illness. This unit plan lingered on for 2 and half weeks.

I most definitely will consider this project for a future lesson and may revisit the paper

mache medium to be used in an upcoming project with a different theme and adding additional

techniques to create another 3D structure. The students will now be able to apply what they have

learned in this unit plan and apply that knowledge to another assignment.
By the end of the unit plan, students had warmed up to the textures and new experiences. The

students enjoyed the unit and they learned so much from the process such as:

 how to properly prepare for an upcoming assignment

 how to follow step-by-step directions

 to be diligent when completing an assignment

 how to properly mix colors to achieve orange, brown, and green.

Although the unit plan as scheduled did not go according to the time frame I had allotted it to

be completed, it was still successful. In the future, I will plan on this project taking at least two

weeks and possibly three.

Student Work

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