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Mrcem Primary June 2022 Recalls Compiled By Dr Sumair Hameed

1:Pregnancy antimalarial> Quinine

2:Staph aureus > Conditional
3:Hypoglycemia 1.5mmol/l glucose :unconscious patient> 1mg glucagon
4:Tendon rupture= quinolone
5:N.menigitis = Gram -ve diplococci
6:Septic arthritis organism staph aureus=gram +ve cocci in cluster
7:Soyabean = rich source of calcium
8:Abdomen pancreas innervation= t6-t10
9:Supraclavicular dermatome C3
10:Sa node blood supply = RCA
11:Lift off test = subscapularis muscle
12:Accesory muscle of expiration= transversus abdominus muscle
13:Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm=  infrarenal aorta (90-99% aneurysm)
14:D.m patient with optic neuritis= hyperglycemia
15:Rectus sheath hematoma vessels compressed= inferior epigastric vessels
16:Expressive dysphasia = Frontal lobe
17:Expressive dysphasia loss of right face sensation+along with right arm and leg weakness =
18:Right sided Homonyms hemianopia >  Left occipital lobe
19:Uterine involution = Lysozyme
20Facial nerve = Stylomastoid foramen
21:Blow on face diplopia on upword gaze = inferior rectus muscle
22:Auriculotemporal brach =trigeminal
23:Oesophageal phase which nerve = vagus nerve
24:Trapezium muscle = spinal accesory muscle
25:Seratus anterior = Long thoracic nerve
26:Malaria dx= Giemsa stain
27:Patient known dm 1 present with fatigue  Cbc show normocytic normochromic=
erythropoietin decrease
28:Microcytic anemia Growth retardation hepatosplenomegaly = Thalesemia
29:Eye infection prevented by = orbital septum
30:Unable to close eye = orbicularis oculi
31:Loss of Wrinkling of forehead  occipitofrontalis muscle nerve = Temporal branch of facial
32:Carbohydrates digestion which pancreas enzyme = amylase
33:Large intestine= water mostly absorbed
34: loss of adduction = obturator nerve
35: Gracilis muscle injury= obturator nerve
36: skin  on lateral thigh= lateral cutaneous branch of femoral
37:webspace bw ist and 2nd toe = deep fibular nerve
38: diaphragm aortic opening = T12
30: Coin lodge at level of t4/t5= Aortic arch
40: ileocecall valve relaxation = Vasoactive peptide harmone
41: Carpal tunnel most lateral structure=flexor pollicis longus
42: loss of flexion and supination = musculocutaneous nerve
43: Nitrous Oxide = pneumothorax
44: loss of wrist extension= Radial nerve
45: pericardium innervation = phrenic nerve
46: paralysis of hemidiaphragm = Phrenic Nerve
47: lateral ankle injury loss of eversion = peroneus longus
48:central cord syndrome = upper trunk loss greater than lower
49: Asthmatic patient with vomiting and diarrhea harmone = Cartisol
50:Round worm mood of transmission= Contaminated food
51:asthma patient tachycardia tachpnea best antiasthmatic = Salbutamol
52: patient with vomiting and diarrhea for 3 days currently tachpneic and tachycardic  na level
slightly decrease and K normal =
Compensatory metabolic acidosis
53: Bile main Component = water
54:4th heart sound = filling of abnormal stiff ventricle= atria systole
55: pulmonary embolism increase in = Right atrial pressure
56: copd pt o2 saturation = target o2 93% o2 saturation then discharge
57:) neonate with distress after Rescussication baby turned red from pale and improved 02
saturation how?
58: Lithium poisoning polyuria polydipsia> increase in ADH
59: Cerebral perfusion pressure=MAP+ intracranial pressure
60: prominent u wave = hypokalemia
61: 18 weeks Pregnant lady non immune come in contact with chiken pox patient managment
=immunoglobulin+ iv acyclovir for 7 days
62:)Addisons disease = metabolic acidosis + Hyponatremia+ Hyperkalemia
63:Carboxyhemoglobin cause oxygen dissociation curve shifts towards=left
64: Leptospira penetration= intact Skin
65: pregnant lady with glycosuria but no hyperglycemia= Low renal threshold potential of
66:less gi adverse effects nsaid = ibuprofen
67: Aortic valve Auscultation= Right 2nd intercostal space
68: Nerve Supply to Posterior forarm = Radial nerve
69:Giardia lambia = Sucking Disc
70: Gout with heart failure = Cholchicine
71: BL motor weakness, loss of pain and temperature  with preserved vibration and
proporioception. Anterior spinal aretry syndrome
72:Tumor of pituitary =optic chiasma compression
73:Central part of midline forehead laceration. Nerve block.. supratrochlear nerve
74:Ordinal data question. Satisfaction level
75:How to decrease Bias or error.  Inc sample size
76:Number need to treat need Absolute risk reduction
77:Question of null hypothesis or alternate hypothesis
78:Ab8 Thread word  =Mebendazole family also treated with mebendazole
79:Nitrusoxide . Vasoodilator
80:Na Nitroprusside.. Inc preload and dec TPR
81:Multiple myeloma which antibody affteced. IgG
82:post streptococcal glomerulonephritis=.  IgG mediated
83:Vertical diplopia . CN 4 lesion
84:loss of abduction of arm = supraspinatus tendom impingement
85:Prevention of superior dislocation of shoulder. Inferior glenohumoral ligament
86:Wound on lateral side of the ankle which tendon affected.. peroneus Longus
87:Max inspiration and Expiration which volume remained. RV
88:Lung fibrosis which Increased. FEV1 ratio
89:Old lady withOsteoporotic fracture and physician suspect other bone disease too.
90:Abduction of finger lost with some other finding  nerve root. C7,T1
91:Lacerated wound on anticubital including transaction of main vessel which artery is spared.
Profunda brachai artery
92:Hoarseness of voice with thyroid surgery .  Recurrent laryngeal nerve
93:21 year old with pneumonia.  Streptococcus pneumoniae
94:Fever, cough and red current jelly sputum. Klebsiella pneumoniae
95: SLE antibody =ANA
96:Head injury (doesnt find proper stem :(
97: Lady with T2DM. Inc insulin resistance
98:Eating berry now blurred  vision, hot and dry. Anticholinergic receptor antagonist
99: Ketamine  NMDA antagonist
100:Flecainide. Na channel blocker
101: Cardiac arrest adrenaline dose. 1:10k
102:Superficial wound and physician decide let it heel with primary intention. After 2 days which
cell predominate. Neutrophil
103:Bone fracture after 2 month which cell predominate. Osteocyte
104:Uvula deviates towards the lesion. Vagus nerve palsy
105:Area of the ear supplied by auriculotempral nreve link with Which Cranial nerve. Trigeminal
106:Immnunsupression due to cortisol use which vaccine is contraindicated. BCG
107:5 months baby menigitis and vaccine uptodate =  vaccine Men C(12 months)
108:Injury during game, which muscle attach on anterior inferior iliac spine. Rectus femoris
109: visualization of worms Under Direct light microscopy
110:Cardiac output. SV x HR
111: During paracentesis Ascitic patient choice of Fluid = Albumin 20%
112: inside carpal tunnel most lateral structure flexor pollicis longus
113: patient was stuck on anterior ankle and could not rise his foot tabilias anterior damaged
114: most prominent cervical vertebra C7
115: Diclofenac side effect = Mi
116:Nephrotic Syndrome =Hypoalbuminemia
117: Patient was transfused blood his bp worse as transfussion started and they came to known
that his blood group is b positive  this reaction is caused due to FFP / o positive/A positive   
answer A positive
118: Bleeding Peptic gastroduodenal artery
119: Urine Dribbling Cause? Doesnt find full stem
120: decrease gastric emptying  question was about surgery patient took medicine before
surgeon was scared abt aspiration pneumonia  = morphine 
121: organism causing pneumonia in Complemnt deficincy strep pneumonia
122: Person can see distant objects bt could not focus in mirror while seeing himself= Cilliary
123:foramen monero lateral ventricle swelling
124:Patient with  retroperitoneal infection ?? Dorsal pancreatic artery
125:splenectomy antibody?? igM
126:Pregnant patient with glycosuria  question   = Low threshold potential for glucose
127: maximum deflection +right hand -ve left leg
128:h prolong qrs = Hyperkalemia

129:mickle diverticulum superior massenteric supply 

136: question was regarding  bursae of Sartorius =suprapatellar bursa
130:maximum pottasium absorptin pct 
131: Alzheimer's disease what happens with endoplasmic reticulum = Protein synthesis
132:mitochondria function atp production  
133:anterior patituary gland  acth
134:Thyroid Crisis = initial Propranol iv
135:alpha cell glucagon
136: pco2 vasodilation in brain
137: lady doing yoga with normal breath what volume is left after normal expiration= FRC
138:lung volume vital capacity volume =Max insp max expiration
139: Pulmonary embolism= increased physiological dead space
140:ecoli fimbraie  ?? there was no pili in option
141:ciliary epitileal cells mucocilliary clearance
142: femoral artery medial to femoral nerve
143: Renin > JG Cells
144: Loop Diuretic = Thick Ascending Limb
145: Thoracotomy damage which artery?? internal mammary artery
146: Sartorius = inferior Superior iliac spine avulsion fracture
147:Steatorrhea = Lipase
148:child coughing severe from last 2 weeks and developed subconjunctival hemorhage =
Bordetella Pertusis
149: Na nitropruside ... Decrese tpr
150:metaclopramide = acute dystonic reactions
151: antipsychotics act on which receptor= Dopamine Receptors
152:Myosin = Thick filament
153: Pulnonary embolism = Increase in Right Atrial Pressure
154: Calcium during contraction of muscle = Troponin
154: vit B12 defeciency= PPI (omeparazole)
155:) Regarding influenza vaccine =Heart failure
156: Respiratory Centre= Medulla oblongata
157:Proton Pump inhibitors act on = Gastric parietal Cells
158: Neutrophils mechanism in acute inflamation = phagocytosis
159: Hiv patient which anti tb drug contraindicated= Rifampcin
160: Child had wild berries then started to have tachycardia dry skin and urinary retention =
Parasympathetic blockage
161:alcholic patient on chlorodizipoxide which drug should not given= Allopurinol
162: Repolarization= K+ efflux

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