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It was a Monday morning, Maria was at school with her best friend Sally after a term break. Sally has
been Maria's best friend for ten years since kindergarten. They tell each other about all the secret
including personal problems. Maria and Sally were heading to their first-period class, Music with Miss
Mary she is every student's favorite teacher. It's because she is very kind, motivational and trustworthy
not only is she is a teacher to her student but also someone who you can ask for help .

After Miss Mary's class, Maria ran as fast as lightning to catch up with Maria friend, Kyle. Kyle is another
one of Maria friends. They knew each other for almost two years. One thing that everyone know about
Kyle is her parents are the most strictly in the neighborhood and tend to put too much stress on her.

One day, Maria found Kyle talking to Miss Mary. Maria accidentally overheard Miss Mary asking Kyle to
join her choir group and sing in the language week festival next week. Kyle tried to explain to Miss Mary
how she had to write an essay and she couldn't be able to attend the practice after school. But, Miss
Mary said that it wouldn't be a big problem because she could paid a student to write it for Kyle in

Kyle took Miss Mary advice but Maria knew this plan wouldn't work because Kyle is bad at lying. Maria
didn't want to get involved in this situation because Maria's mom always said the more inquisitive you
are the more trouble you'll get into.

After the language week festival, Kyle was asked to go to the principal, Mr. Harry and Kyle think it was
about her essay. When she arrived she saw Miss Mary and Mr. Harry are waiting for her. Mr. Harry
asked her to take a seat and informed about her essay. Kyle got the highest marks in the whole school,
but Mr. Harry also added that a student told him that she overheard Miss Mary telling Kyle to pay a
student to write the essay. Mr. Harry wished that information wasn't true because Miss Mary is one of
the best teacher.

Unfortunately, Miss Mary had to confess and told him what the student overheard was true. Kyle tried
to blame herself and told him that Miss Mary had nothing in this situation. After the meeting, Miss Mary
was fired and Kyle had after-school detention every day for a week.
Kyle felt guilty and wanted to do something special so she asked the choir group to sing a song she
wrote about her, but everyone refused except Maria, Sally and John. They tried to comfort Kyle and took
her to get cotton candy to cheer her up.

Meanwhile, the choir group was planning a revenge plan on Kyle, they wouldn’t join her in the show and
they want to throw paint on her to humiliate her. Five days passed and a girl named Sophie started to
get close to Kyle and became her best friends. Sophie told them about the plan and they found a way to
stop them from humiliating Kyle.

The day had come, they planned to pull the fire alarm just when they started the show. What we did
work and everyone evacuated the building immediately. After the show, students went back to their
classes but Kyle and the group were called to the principal’s office.

Turns out of a boy called Jimmy saw and told Mr. Harry. They tried to cover it but Sally blew out their
secret because she hesitated every time Mr. Harry asked her a question. They got detention but they got
it for a good cause and they went out for ice cream. They became best friend and never fought again
after the event.

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