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a) Value and value Education
Value literally means something that has a price, something precious, dear and worthwhile. In other
ords alues are a set of rules a d regulatio s of eha ior. I the ords of De e , The alue ea s
pri aril to pri e, to estee , to appraise a d to esti ate. Values are therefore, e aluati e attitudes and
the determiners of human behavior. In our most elementary sense, values means whatever is actually
liked, prized, esteem desired, approached of enjoyed by any one at any time. It is the actual experience of
enjoying a desired object or activity. Hence values are the existing realization of desire, the experience of
pleasure joy and the satisfaction of desire in the mind of people rather than the object. Different authors
and authorities have classified values in many categories. According to the taxonomy of the classification
values are six types, such as, Personal values, Family Values, Social-cultural values, Material values,
Spiritual values, and Moral values. A value system is the applied part of values. It is a set of consistent
values and measurement procedures. Values are the foundation of all quality matters related to individual
growth or growth related to ant form of social, cultural and professional organization. The vision of an
organization begins from value system. Every society has their own value system; however some values
are universal and common. A community without values is like an extinct species.
Values are strong basis of National Character of a country. Therefore, the National Curriculum of each and
every country incorporates value education in every stage of education. School education is the backbone
of all educational expansions of a country. After family, it plays the most important role to imbibe values
with in children through various activities. Therefore, the Education Commission (1964-1966) and the
National Policy on Education (1986) stressed the importance of value oriented education in our country.
The Ramamurthy Committee report (1990) recommended that value education should be an integral part
of the entire educational process. Inculcation of values among the students can play a very important role
by shielding them from negative influences and help them to use their energy and resources in positive
manner (Dalton and Crosby, 2010). Therefore value education forms a significant part of the curriculum in
different educational setting across the globe.
Countries like India, Australia, Singapore, China and Canada lay a strong emphasis on imparting value
education through well defined curricula and syllabi.
Value Education makes the youth more powerful and motivates them to a great deal in national
development process. Great educationalist like Gandhi ji, S. Radhakrishanan, S. Vivekanand, Pt. Nehru,
R.N. Tagore proclaimed their valuable thoughts on Value Education.
N.C.F. (2005) has emphasized on value enhancement among students. Many researchers and research
organizations have conducted empirical studies on value education, such as Lovat &Clement (2008),
Seshardri ( 2005), Ambashit, Nikajeet Singh (2001), Anderson H. (1999), Dayapant (2001),
Gayatri (2008),Khandewal B.P(2001),Lalitha P.R. (2001).

b) Adjustment
A ordi g to E lopedia Brita i a, Adjustment is a psychological trait in the process of behavior by
which Human and other living animals maintain and equilibrium among their various needs or between
their eeds a d the o sta les of their e iro e ts. A sequence of Adjustment begins when a need is felt
and ends when it is satisfied. There are different type of Adjustment such as physical, cultural, social and
the psychological Adjustment. It is a necessary characteristic to be able to live peacefully in this world.
Adjustment problems start right from the birth of and continuous till death. Various situations arise at
home, school, college and workplace where we need to give up a little of our demands and accept what is

Dar i s theor of sur i al of the fittest sa s, a spe ies hi h adapted su essfull to the de a d
of living survive and multiplied, while others who did not, died out. Therefore adaptation or change in
oneself according to the external environment is a basis need for survival.
Adjustment plays a significant role of the Academic Achievement of students. The social, psychological
and policy matter of school help and guide students to adjust with it. Especially students face challenges
to adjust with academic and co- urri ular progra es, tea hers attitudes, peer group eha ior a d
Adjustment with staff. In order to make the school environment harmonious and inspiring proper balance
is required in curriculum, recreational facilities, and classroom climates, training of teachers, evaluation
system and attitudes of administrative personnel in the school. The studies conducted by Jayachandran, S
(2008), M.V.R Raju and T.Khaja rahamtulla(2007) ,Kannan,G.(2006) on Adjustment reveled that, the
school environment must be motivating for developing educational psychosocial Adjustment abilities of
the students,
c) Family
A family is a community of blood related social organization which binds each and every member with
sincere attitudes, cultural values, emotional attachment and psychological well being. It is a profoundly
important social organization which contributes major cognitive growth, affective skills and psychomotor
abilities of a child (Tamarra Gold 2014).
A hild s earliest edu atio is re ei ed i his fa il . It s here that his asi ideas, ideals as ell as a
attitudes towards himself and his associates are initiated which determine his later Adjustment to school
and others out of home situations. The economic status, attitudes and behavioral experiences of parents
a d fa il e iro e t, all i flue es the hild s eha ior a d attitudes, oth dire tl a d i dire tl .
A child is learnt about relationships, manners, self esteem, worth and loyally all by watching and
participating in family. It is most effective informal agency of education which has emerge impact on the
future growth and development of a child such as values, consistency and copying skills, relationships,

 Joint Family
love and affection etc.

The concept of joint family is very oldest in Indian culture and tradition. The members of a joint family are
relatively living in the concept of sharing and caring by sacrificing their personal desires. Joint family is an
organization of some closely related persons, where a group of peoples, normally living in a same house
with each other, eating the food prepared by the single kitchen, participate in a general prayer of God. The
children of joint family are growing with lot of love and affection, cooperation, fun, enjoyment and
community axiology. Joint family system is one of the great characteristic of Hindu family. It was the base
of the social system of India in past. However, with the complexity in social structure due to
industrialization, modernization and urbanization joint family system gradually transformed to the nuclear
family system in post independence era of India. Amy Baker & Haura Soden (1997), Keitha Keith (1993),
Clark (2002), Williams (1998), Rebecca Marclen (1999), Miller and Shumow (2001), have studied the

 Nuclear family
impact of family environment on academic achievement of secondary level students.

The concept of nuclear family is not very old. It came into existence by the breakdown of
joi t fa il s ste . A ordi g to Dr. K.P. Desai, The fa il hi h has i i u e ers is
alled as u lear fa il . A u lear fa il i ge eral o sists of pare ts a d their hildre
who are more or less self centered, independent and free from their responsibilities for the
other members of the family, such as grand father and mother, uncle, aunt and nieces. In
conclusive form, the nuclear family is system of minimum family members which like
freedom and believe in modernization. The children of nuclear family comparatively lack
emotional intelligence and community living values.

d) Secondary Level Students

Secondary stage of schooling is very significant for each and every student since it connects the education
between primary and higher level. According to Jean Piaget, ‘Since the students of this stage achieve
formal operational stage, they can think abstractly and need concrete examples to understand complex

thought patter s .
Due to unexpected physical and psychological changes they often lack motivation towards art of living.
Therefore, they need to be properly handled, counseled and guided by their elders and teachers. Value
education plays a very important role in this stage of stress and storms. Therefore the school and family
environment should be molded in such a way that their self esteem is developed and they will able to
develop copying mechanism and life skills for a better future and success. Research studies on secondary
stage schooling and Adjustment mechanism by Fonseca Mora M.C. (2005); World Bank(2003,2009), Lewin
& Calliods(2001),Tilak(2001),Mukhopadhaya(2007),Duraisamy(2002), UNESCO studied the impact of
Adjustment mechanism on the Academic achievement of Secondary level students .
Secondary school students are students who are studied in IX, X, XI & XII. In the present study the
researcher has selected secondary school students who are studying in the various schools affiliated to
C.B.S.E. & U.P.Board in the three different districts of Uttar Pradesh.

e) Academic Achievement
Academic achievement is the outcome of teaching and learning, broadly speaking education and the
extent to which students, teachers and educational institutions have achieved their educational goals. The
model of academic achievement consists of numerous variables, such as family environment, parental
qualifications, parental attitudes, school environment, curriculum and transactional strategies and
evaluation criteria. .
It s a ps hologi al o stru t hi h has studied arious e i e t ps hologists starting from Alfred
Binet, B.F. Skiner, Jean Piaget,Howard Gardner, John Dewey and many others. Various psychological
variables such as intelligence, peer – learning, CCA and extracurricular activities, home environment,
tea her s lass roo i tera tio strategies, evaluation criteria and life skill education influence to the
academic achievement of the child. C.B.S.E. has recently implemented CCE, which is an innovation in
this regard.
Academic achievement of a child is directly contributed the future success of a students. Various
standardized psychological tests are developed to measure the academic achievement of students at
secondary stage. In India N.C.T.E., N.C.E.R.T and C.B.S.E. are pioneer organizations, which are researching
on academic achievement of the school children. The study conducted by Mckay (2005), Clark&Clark
(1994), Lewis (1993),Hechiger(1993),Lownsbe-rg(1992),revealed that Academic achievement of children is
influenced by family environment, adjustability and curriculum a part fro tea her s eha ior a d s hool
The present study is an innovative effort to investigate the effect of values and Adjustment on academic
achievement of secondary level students from Joint family and Nuclear family. Review on related literature
revealed that, there are many studies which have been conducted on the impact of values and Adjustment
on academic achievement. Studies conducted on role of family on academic achievement of the students
by Harris, Balinda.M.(2007), Kannan G. (2006), G.(2006),
Ray&et.l(2006),RaniMohanraj&Latha(2005),Chen(2007),Turner Chandler & Haffer(2009), Man &Kishore
(1997),Akbar Hussain ,Ashutosh kumar &Abid Hussain
(2008),Lewis(1993),Hechiger(1993),Lounsberg(1992),Panda,B.N (1997) found that family plays a very
important role on the Academic Achievement of the students.
However, very few studies on values, Adjustment and academic achievement are based on children belong
to joint family and Nuclear family. Since children belong to both types of family setup are different in their
personality domains, the present study bears immense importance in this regard. Moreover, it will be a
guide map for the school personnel, while using various grooming techniques related to academics and
activities. More over the study is designed to find out the comparative effect of joint family and nuclear
family and values and Adjustment on academic achievement. In the present study emphasize will be given
to find out the family values, Adjustment mechanism and their impact on academic achievement of
secondary level students. The researcher has taken three states to identify the sample for his study, such
as Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The sample of the study will be taken from the secondary schools,
located in three districts of the above states. These are North East Delhi from the state of Delhi, Baghpat
from the state of U.P and Sonepat from the state of Haryana.

The emerging value system of these districts drastically affects the mental structure and psyche of the
general population. Gradually the old joint family system is transforming into nuclear family and people
prefer to stay with their own family in the urban areas for giving better educational and health facilities for
their family members. The young generation are hardly enjoying the company of the extended family
members and leading a very mechanical life with modern gadgets. This is affecting their adjustability, life
skills and academic achievement. Their moral and ethical personalities are becoming weaker day by day
and they are leading a very painful life. On the other hand the parents are working hard to fulfill the
desires of their children and hardly giving quality time for their social development. Many NGOs and
National and international organizations have researched on the problems and prospects of J-F
&N-F(Pratham-2009, Care-India-2013, UNESCO-2007, WHO-2009, FPA-2011). But no study has so
comprehensively studied the broad parameters of the problem. Therefore, it is believed that the present
study will definitely respond many unaddressed issues and open light to the further studies in this regard.


Harris,Belinda.M.(2007) studied the intra-personal & inter personal attributes, attitudes and behaviors
necessary to develop emotional and social leadership within the school community.

Kannan G.(2006), found that female students are better adjusted than male students and students belong
to nuclear family showed better Adjustment than students belong to joint family.

‘a i Moha raj &Latha ,studied o per ei ed fa il e iro e t i relatio to Adjust e t a d

academic achievement and found school environment considering teachers attitude and knowledge on
child psychology are directly responsible for academic achievement of the children.

Ja a ha dra “. ,resear hed o A stud of the Adjust e t a d a ade i a hie e e t of higher

se o dar stude ts of joi t fa il a d u lear fa il . “he fou d that the stude ts elo g to joi t fa il
are more adjusted than the students belong to nuclear family. She also found that the family environment
and the family Adjustment play a very significant role to academic achievement of the students.

S.A.Annie and Isabella (2010), in their study intended to explore if there was any significant relationship
between academic achievement and socioeconomic status of B.Ed. student teachers. They found there
was no significant relationship between academic achievement and socioeconomic status of B.Ed. student

M.V.R Raju &T.Khaja ‘aha tulla s stud fou d that Adjust e t of s hool hildre is pri aril
dependent on the school variables like the class in which they are studying, the medium of instruction
present in the school, and the type of management of the school. Parental education and occupation also
significantly influence Adjustment.

Ray & et.l(2006), examined the hypothesized relationship among social Adjustment as measured by
perceived social support, self-concept and social skills and performance on academic achievement tests.
Multivariate analysis of variance results indicate that each participant group differed significantly on social
skills, and students belong to rural and urban background.

Rani Mohanraj &Latha (2005),the study aimed to investigate the relationship between family environment,
the home Adjustment and academic achievement in adolescents. Family environment appeared to
influence home Adjustment as well as academic performance. They found that academic performance
was significantly related to independence and conflict domains of family environment. Boys and Girls
differed in perception of the home and environment.

Che , studied stude ts a ade i perfor a e i s hool a d it s i pa t o future stud . The stud
was conducted on 7325 students who were studying in various sub-urban schools of China. They found
that the impact of academic achievement on further study for girls is better than boys. However boys are

r found better in settings long term goals.

Turner Chandler & Haffer (2009) assessed the influence of parenting styles, self-efficiency and school
environment on the academic achievement of the students. The study revealed that all three dependent
variables are significant predictor to the academic achievement of the students.

Ma & Kishore(1997), researched on the academic achievement of the students, whether students attitude
was a significant predictor of academic achievement. They found that only attitude of the students was
not only necessarily predict ones academic achievement is also depend on different factors like race,
sample size and sample selection. Therefore they recommended that further investigation is needed to
confirm the relationship between attitudes and academic achievement.

Akbar Hussain,Ashutosh kumar &Abid Hussain(2008 ha e studied o A ade i a hie e e t a d fa il

e iro e t of the se o dar le el stude ts elo g to joi t fa il a d u lear fa il . The fou d the
family environment and Adjustment play a very significant role to academic achievement. They also
found that the students belong to nuclear family show better Adjustment in compare of students belong
to joint family.

Mckay(2005),Clark&Clark(1994),Lewis(1993),Hechiger(1993),Lounsberg(1992) researched on family

environment, Adjustment and their impact on academic achievement of secondary level students of joint
family and nuclear family. They found that academic achievement is influenced by family environment,
Adjustment abilities and curriculum at secondary schooling stage a part from behavior and school
activities. They revealed that family environment and the effect of Adjustment play a very significant role
on academic achievement of secondary level students.

Amy Baker &Haura Soden(1997), Keith & Keith(1993), Clark(2002),Williams(1998),Rebecca

Marklen(1999),Miller &Shamow(2001),have studied the impact of family environment and impact of
values and Adjustment on academic achievement of secondary level students. They found that the values
play a very significant role on the performance of secondary level students belong to joint family and
nuclear family. Students belong to joint family show better values pattern in compare of students who
belong to nuclear family. Students belong to nuclear family show lack of values and values patterns. On
the other hand students belong to nuclear family are more adjusted in compare of students belong to
joint family. Adjustment is the key factor of academic achievement of the students. Researchers found
that Adjustment play a very significant role in academic achievement of secondary level students of joint
family and nuclear family.

“ujata, B.N studied “ hool Adjust e t a d it s relatio to a ade i a hie e e t of se o dar le el

stude ts. The stud re ealed that s hool Adjust e t pla a er sig ifi a t role i a ade i achievement
of the students. They found that students, show more adjusted in school environment; found their
performance is better than the students show lack of Adjustment.

Panda, B.N (1997), studied impact of values, creativity and Adjustment on academic achievement of
secondary stage school student of joint family and nuclear family. They found that all three dependent
variables play a very significant role in academic achievement of secondary level students. They examined
that the students belong to joint family are show more values pattern in compare of students belong to
nuclear family ,and they also achieved better performance in the academy in which they have been
studying in compare of students who show lack of values patterns. The researcher had also examined that
the students belong to nuclear family more adjusted in compare of students belong to joint family and the
effect of Adjustment play a very significant role in their academic achievement.


The present study has been entitled as:
“A comparative study on the Academic achievement of Secondary level
students of Joint and Nuclear families in relation to their Values and
The Present study is having the following objectives:
1. To compare the values of secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear
2. To compare the level of adjustment of secondary level school students of Joint
family & Nuclear family.
3. To compare the effect of values on academic achievement of secondary level
school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.
4. To compare the effect of adjustment on academic achievement of secondary level
school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.
5. To compare the effect of values on academic achievement of Secondary level
school students of Joint family & Nuclear family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
6. To compare the effect of adjustment on academic achievement of secondary level
school students of Joint family & Nuclear family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
7. To compare the values of secondary level school students of Joint Family & Nuclear
Family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
8. To compare the adjustment of secondary level school students of Joint Family &
Nuclear Family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
9. To compare the effect of values on academic achievement of C.B.S.E. and U.P Board
secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.
10. To compare the effect of adjustment on academic achievement of C.B.S.E U.P
Board Secondary level school students of joint family and Nuclear family.
11. To compare the effect of values on academic achievement of secondary level
Boys & Girls school students of Joint family and Nuclear family.
12. To compare the effect of adjustment on academic achievement of secondary
level Boys & Girls school students of Joint family &Nuclear family.
13. To compare the effect of values on academic achievement of secondary level
Boys & Girls school students of joint family and nuclear family belong to Rural
&Urban areas.
14. To compare the effect of adjustment on academic achievement of secondary level
Boys & Girls school students of joint family and nuclear family belong to Rural
&Urban areas.
15. To compare the effect of Independent Variable on Dependent variable of the
respondents of three sampled districts.
Following Hypothesis are proposed to test the above stated objectives:
1. There exists no significant difference in the values of secondary level school students
of Joint family & Nuclear family.
2. There exists no significant difference in the level of adjustment of secondary level
school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.
3. There exists no significant difference in the effect of values on academic
achievement of secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.
4. There exists no significant difference in the effect of adjustment on academic
achievement of secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear family.

5. There exists no significant difference in the effect of values on academic
achievement of secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear Family
belong to Rural & Urban areas.
6. There exists no significant difference in the effect of adjustment on academic
achievement of secondary level school students of Joint family & Nuclear family
belong to Rural & Urban areas.
7. There exists no significant difference in the values of secondary level school students
of Joint family & Nuclear family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
8. There exists no significant difference in the adjustment of secondary level school
students of Joint family & Nuclear family belong to Rural & Urban areas.
9. There exists no significant difference in the effect of values on academic
achievement of C.B.S.E. & U.P Board secondary level school students.
10. There exists no significant difference in the effect of adjustment on academic
achievement of C.B.S.E. & U.P Board secondary level school students.
11. There exists no significant difference in the effect of values on academic
achievement of secondary level Boys & Girls school students of joint family and
nuclear family.
12. There exists no significant difference in the effect of adjustment of secondary level
Boys & Girls school students of joint family and nuclear family.
13. There exists no significant difference in the effect of values on academic
achievement of secondary level Boys & Girls School students of joint family and
nuclear family belong to Rural &Urban areas.
14. There exists no significant difference in the effect of adjustment of secondary level
Boys & Girls School students of joint family and nuclear family belong to Rural
&Urban areas.
15. There exists no significant difference between the level of adjustment and values of
the students belong to Nuclear and Joint Families of different districts of western U.P
in relation to their Academic Achievement with various demographic variables.


In order to achieve the stated objectives, the investigator is proposed to include the students studying in
the secondary schools, (recognized by C.B.S.E and U.P. board and located in western U.P region) and
belong to the joint and nuclear families as population of the study.
The target population of the present study is limited to secondary school (Class -XI) students belong to
joint family and nuclear family of 3 districts of Western Uttar Pradesh. The study is meant to identify their
values, level of adjustment and the effect of values and adjustment on their academic achievement.
Therefore a large sample was drawn through simple Random sampling technique then stratified and
cluster random sampling technique will be applied for identifying the sample in various demography
variables and various clusters.
Identification of Districts as sample: Three districts of western Uttar Pradesh, named as
Baghpat, Meerut and Muzzaffarnagar is the sample of present research.


In the present study the Academic Achievement of the secondary level school students of joint family &
nuclear family are treated as dependent variables.
ii) INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: In the present study Values, Adjustment & joint
and nuclear families are treated as independent variables.


The most appropriate and recently developed tools will be used for the conduct of present
investigation/ Research:
1. Adjustment inventory for school students by Dr. A.K.P.Sinha & Dr. R.P. Singh was used as a
tool for measuring extent of Adjustment.
2. “tud of alues Test de eloped Dr. ‘.K. Ojha ill e used to olle t data o er i g si
values viz. Theoretical, Economic, Aesthetic, Political, and Religious & Social.
3. For the Academic Achievement the class X Annual Examination marks of the students
studying in class XI.
The data will be collected from the target groups by visiting the schools through formal
permission from the school authorities. The standardized questionnaire will be
administrated and on the basis of the manual data will be analyzed and interpreted.
Keeping in view the nature of the problem Product Moment Correlation will be computed to
identify the relation between independent and dependent variables. To determine
significance of differences between the variables in relation to the sex, place of residence
et . t test a d ANOVA ill e used.


The study will be delimited to:-

 The students studying in Class XIth in 2014-15 session in the schools recognized by
CBSE and U.P.Board of Education.
 Three districts of western Uttar Pradesh, named as Baghpat, Meerut and Muzzaffarnagar is

the sample of present research.

Students sample is delimited to joint and nuclear family belong to only rural and
urban areas.

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