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2 NCM105 ( basic tools in nutrients )

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1. refers to a handy object or method TOOL

needed to perform specific tasks

2. developed a food guide pyramid FNRI Food and Nutrition Research In-

3. teaches the principles of eatinga The Food Guide Pyramid

variety of food every day in proper
amounts of serving

4. compilations of nutrient require- DIETARY STANDARDS

ments or allowances in specific

5. these are minimum amounts DIETARY REQUIREMENTS

needed for essential nutrients to
attain good health

6. these data consist of minimum re- RDA recommended dietary allowances

quirements plus a safety factor
called "marginbof safety"

7. 1989 RDA was revised in 2002 and Recommended Energy and Nutrient In-
became takes (RENI)

8. is a nutrient based dietary stan- RENI

dard recognized in the nutrition
and health community as the
source of information

9. to get the nutrients needed by the Eat a variety of foods everyday

body, you should

10. breastfeed infants exclusively Birth up to 6 months


11. to get the essential vitamins, min- Eat more vegetables and fruits
erals, and fiber for regulation of
body processes

2 NCM105 ( basic tools in nutrients )
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12. for growth and repair of body tis- fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried
sues beans or nuts daily

13. for healthy bones and teeth milk, milk products, small fish, shellfish

14. to prevent diarrhea and other food consume safe foods and water
and water borne diseases

15. to prevent iodine deficiency disor- use iodized salt


16. to prevent cardiovascular dis- limit intake of salty, fried, fatty, and sugar
eases rich foods

17. to maintain good health and help PROPER DIET and PHYSICAL ACTIV-
prevent obesity ITY

18. to help prevent lifestyle-related be physical active, healthy food, man-

non communicable disease age stress, avoid alcohol, don't smoke

19. FCTS book Food Composition Tables

-is a chemical composition of food

20. FEL Food Exchange Lists

-a grouping of common food that have

practically the same amount of protein,
carbohydrates, and fat.

21. is a relative measure of nutrients NUTRIENT DENSITY

ina food in proportion to its caloric

22. primary means of communication FOOD AND NUTRITION LABELING

between the producer and con-


2 NCM105 ( basic tools in nutrients )
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standardized statement or listing
of the nutrient content food

24. representation that states, sug- NUTRITION CLAIM

gest, or implies that a food has
particular nutritional properties

25. implies that a relationship exists HEALTH CLAIM

between a food or a constituents
of that food and health

26. a statement or information on NUTRITION FACTS

food labels indicating the nutri-
ents and quantity

27. a system describing processed NUTRITION LABELING

foods or food products on the ba-
sis of their selected nutrient con-

28. is the use of the principles and HEALTH INFORMATICS

practices of computer science in
addressing the problem of health

29. is the use of information tech- ELECTRONIC HEALTH

nology to improve the delivery of
health care



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