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IELTS Writing Task 2: Causes/Solutions Sample Essay

The “cause and solution” style of IELTS Writing Task 2 question presents a common
social problem; your job is to identify the causes of the problem and propose ways the
problem could be solved. And here in this post, we’ll go through a full causes and
solutions model question and sample response.
The response itself is written at the band 9 level. After you read the essay, there is more
explanation as to why this essay gets top marks. And to write a similarly high scored

Causes/Solutions Model Essay

This essay is a response to the sample prompt immediately below.

Sample Task
Many large cities around the world lack affordable housing. What problems does a lack
of affordable housing cause? How can these problems be overcome? Give reasons for
your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

Sample Essay (Band 9)

In almost every part of the world, expensive housing is closely associated with urban
life. This is the underlying cause of many different problems, and civic planners are
struggling to find solutions. I believe that the biggest, most important problem caused by
high housing prices is homelessness. In my opinion, this problem can be addressed
through rent control and welfare payments to low-income people.

Expensive urban housing leads to homelessness both directly and indirectly. The
housing costs themselves cause some people to lose their homes, but such costs also
drive up general prices, which can indirectly cause homelessness. For example, if a
grocery store itself pays high rent, it must charge everyone more for food. This in turn
forces landlords to charge more for rent in order to feed themselves. Once that
happens, their tenants may have trouble paying the higher rent while also paying for
more expensive food.

To reduce homelessness and make it easier for people to afford housing, I propose a
twofold solution: limits on rent prices and increased welfare payments to the poor.
Legally limiting rent fees will make housing much more affordable, while welfare
payments can help people deal with the high costs of other goods. To give an example,
if the government provides low-income people extra money for food, those people, in
turn, have more room in their budget to pay rent. By employing both approaches, rent
costs are directly reduced, and costs that compete with rent also go down.

In short, while expensive housing and homelessness are serious problems in cities,
regulations and public assistance can help. The right kind of regulations will not only
reduce the price of housing but also reduce general cost of living. This kind of
government action is a win-win for everyone, whether they are homeless or not.

Word count: 300
Explanation of the Score
This essay meets all of the requirements for Band 9 in Task Achievement, Coherence
and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy; these are the
categories seen in the official IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors. 

IELTS Writing Task 2: Agree/Disagree Sample Essay

IELTS Writing Task 2 asks you to give your opinion on an important social issue. In this
particular opinion essay IELTS sample, the question type is called “agree/disagree.”
Agree/disagree essays want you to take a position on an issue that is stated. From
there, it’s your job to say if you agree or disagree with the initial statement, supporting
your own opinion with examples and details.
Below, we’ll look at a model essay, based on an example question. The question is
original to Magoosh, but is patterned closely off of real IELTS questions. The model
essay is based on an excellent IELTS Writing template for Task 2 created by Rachel,
one of Magoosh’s top IELTS experts. Note that this essay is at band 9, the highest
IELTS Writing score you can receive. More information on why this is a band 9
response can be seen below the essay.

Agree/Disagree Sample Essay

First things first! Let’s look at the sample prompt.

Example Agree/Disagree IELTS Writing Task 2 Prompt

It is now possible to order almost any item over the Internet and have it delivered to
one’s home. As a result, people are no longer patient or careful in their shopping habits.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your
answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Example Response

Online shopping and home delivery causes concerns that consumers may become
more hasty and less cautious. However, I do not believe that online shopping has this
effect. In fact, I would say that the opposite is true. In this essay, I will discuss the
reasons that online shopping actually helps shoppers make smarter choices.

Internet shopping actually makes people more patient while they shop, not less patient.
This is because, even with home delivery, online shopping is actually less “instant” than
traditional shopping in stores. After all, if someone goes into a store, they can leave
minutes later with the items they purchased. However, even the fastest delivery
methods for online goods take at least a day. As a result, people are actually more
accustomed to longer waits before they receive something they’ve bought.

Not only does online shopping make buyers more patient, it also facilitates careful,
informed choices for buyers. This is because there is more competition between
different sellers online than there is in a single store. If someone goes to a store in
person, they will see a relatively small range of brand names, and they certainly won’t
see the offerings of other stores. In contrast, online customers can compare just about
every brand of any given product and browse the websites of multiple stores. This gives
customers all the information they need to make the best possible purchases.

When shopping on the Web, customers can learn patience because they must wait for
their items to be delivered to them, and even more importantly, customers can access
all of the information they need to choose the right items. Ultimately, online shopping is
truly a positive development, not a negative one.

Word count: 283
Why This Essay is Band 9
This is a very strong essay because it satisfies the level descriptors in the official IELTS
Writing Task 2 rubric.

What was done well in the essay:

 This essay is above the 250 word minimum. (This is very important for getting full
 The writer does a good job of meeting the task requirements. They take a clear
position where they favor online shopping and disagree with the claim that it
makes people less careful or patient.
 The paragraphs are well organized. The introduction and conclusion clearly
preview the essay and give good final thoughts, respectively. The body
paragraphs each have their own well-organized topics. The first body paragraph
provides good explanations and examples to show that online shopping doesn’t
make people less patient; the second paragraph provides comparable support to
the idea that online shopping allows people to be more careful.
 There are some nice key phrases to tie ideas together. Examples include
“however,” “in fact,” “actually,” and “not only.”
 Vocabulary and grammar show no serious errors, and a good variety of word
choice and structure.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage

Sample Essay

In this post, we’re going to look at an IELTS Writing Task 2 advantages and
disadvantages sample essay. In this type of Task 2 question, you will read a description
of a common situation or practice. From there, you’ll describe the advantages and
disadvantages of the idea you were presented with.
In this article, I’ll show you a sample advantage/disadvantage prompt and a model
essay that responds to the prompt. The model essay is an example of band 9 level
writing—this is the highest score you can get on the Writing section. I’ve patterned the
essay after this IELTS Writing Task 2 template, which was created by Magoosh IELTS
expert Rachel Kapelke-Dale.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Sample Essay Question

With modern transportation, workers and students are increasingly mobile, and have
more and more opportunities to study and work abroad. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this development. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Model Essay (Band 9)

Nowadays, both work and study can easily take a person out of their home country.
This can be good because people can explore new cultures now more than ever. At the
same time, world travelers may become disconnected from their own home countries. In
this essay, I will take a closer look at the aforementioned key advantage and key

To be sure, ordinary people now have unprecedented access to life abroad. It is easier
than ever to work or study in a foreign land for months and even years. Many large
international corporations offer overseas work to their employees, just as nearly all
universities provide study abroad options at partner campuses overseas. Ultimately,
nearly any adult anywhere in the world can potentially immerse themselves in another
language or culture, with support from their bosses or teachers.

The problem is that international workers and students sometimes become

unconcerned with the affairs in the nations they are from. This kind of apathy can
prevent people from doing their civic duty. As one example, people from countries with
compulsory military service may spend years abroad and even renounce their
citizenship to avoid protecting their homeland. Even more commonly, people who go
abroad may choose not to vote in elections back home, failing to make their voice heard
on important matters. So modern mobility can undermine one’s ability or desire to make
a difference back home.

Learning about other cultures by actually living abroad is a powerful tool for better
intercultural understanding. However, as valuable as this is, sometimes going abroad
can cause people to ignore the importance of their own culture and country. Not all
students and workers should go abroad, and the ones that do should not forget their
role in their country of origin.

Word count: 294
Scoring Rationale
This IELTS Writing Task 2 advantages and disadvantages sample essay is held to the
same standards as any other Writing Task 2 essay. These standards are listed in the
official rubric for IELTS Writing Task 2. If you read the level 9 description carefully and
compare it to this essay, you should see the reasons it has a top score.

What was done well in the essay:

 This essay has over 250 words. This is a small but important way to avoid
needlessly losing points due to the IELTS Writing word count penalty.
 The essay does a good job of covering both the advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of easy access to foreign experiences is explored in the first body
paragraph. The disadvantages of becoming too distant from one’s home
community is similarly explored in the second paragraph.
 Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, followed by supporting details,
examples, and a concluding sentence that wraps things up nicely.
 Transitional phrases such as “to be sure” and “even more commonly” are used to
clearly link ideas between paragraphs and within paragraphs.
 Vocabulary and grammar are used very fluently; this essay is free of any serious
errors in this aspect of English.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Two-Part Question Sample


Let’s take a closer look at the two-part question IELTS essay. This essay is a specific
subtype for IELTS Writing Task 2; it requires you to answer two separate but related
questions about a social issue
Below, I’ll give you a sample question and sample response for this Task 2 question
type. This essay is a Band 9 model essay.

Two-Part Question IELTS Essay: Sample Question with Model

First, let’s take a look at the question, complete with instructions:

Two-Part Question IELTS Essay Sample Task

Increasingly, people eat food from other parts of the world, rather than local food. What
do you think is driving this trend? Is this a good or bad development? Give reasons for
your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

Two-Part Question IELTS Essay: Model Answer

In the present day, food from around the globe makes its way to our plates, thanks to
free trade and modern technology. While this phenomenon has some downsides, I think
it is ultimately a good thing, because it allows us to experience new food cultures and
improve our diets.

To understand the benefits of eating globally instead of locally, it is important to

examine the causes. For one thing, trade agreements give participating countries
access to food beyond what they can grow domestically. This international trade is
aided by freezer transport, which can move food great distances without spoilage. As an
example, free trade and food transport technology allows German diners to affordably
eat pineapple, a healthy and delicious fruit that only grows in tropical regions. Through
trade and technology, truly anyone can enjoy the best food the world offers.
This kind of benefit opens our minds to other cultures and strengthens our bodies. For
instance, someone in the United States may not have much firsthand knowledge of
India, but if they are able to eat imported Indian food, they may develop an interest in
the culture. As a bonus, food from India and other countries can help Americans and
others to eat a balanced diet, even during times of the year when their local foods are
not in season. Indian food is just one example; clearly, today we can enjoy a rainbow of
national foods and nutrients.

In short, trade agreements and rapid frozen food transport work together to create a
better world. This new world allows us to become more aware of other cultures in a very
enjoyable way while getting the nutrients we need to eat well. International food, then, is
good for both our bodies and our souls.

Word count: 291
Why is this a band 9 essay?
This model response for a two-part question IELTS essay receives a top score because
it satisfies all of the band 9 descriptors in the official IELTS Writing Task 2 rubric.

What was done well in the essay:

 At 291 words, this essay avoids the IELTS Writing word count penalty.
 The essay covers both parts of the question clearly and fully. Right in the
introduction, the writer states that access to international food is good, and briefly
states the reasons such food is becoming more available. These ideas are then
explored in depth in the body paragraphs and reviewed in the conclusion.
 The first sentence of each body paragraph clearly states the topic. These main
ideas are consistently followed by details, examples that illustrate the details, and
final thoughts that summarize the main ideas, details, and examples.
 Transitional and referential phrases are used frequently to make the connections
between ideas clear. Examples of this kind of phrasing include “for one thing,”
“this kind of benefit,” and “in short.”
 Vocabulary and grammar are used both fluently and effectively. There are no
serious errors there, and the words and sentence structures are varied so that
none of the language seems repetitive.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Discussion Sample Essay

Today we’re going to look at a discussion essay IELTS sample that’s considered Band 9. This
Band 9 scored essay matched the pattern for the “discussion” type of Writing Task 2 question.
Discussion essays are sometimes also called “discuss both sides” essays. In this kind of essay,
you will be presented with two statements of opinion that oppose each other. You will then be
asked to “discuss both sides” of the debate, and to give your own opinion.
IELTS Writing Discussion Essay Practice Question

Some people seek a lot of advice from family and friends when choosing their career.
Others feel it is better to choose a career more independently. Discuss both views and
give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Discussion Essay IELTS Sample Band 9 Response

Choosing a career can be a challenging process. It can be difficult to say whether this
decision should be made alone or made with input from loved ones. In my opinion, it is
best to find one’s career independently, with no more than a small amount of advice
from family or friends. Below, I will explain why I feel that we must ultimately face career
decisions on our own.

Getting career guidance input from loved ones can be confusing rather than useful.
Family and friends likely have different careers, and thus give different, conflicting
advice. Suppose, for instance, that your father is a teacher, your mother is an
accountant, and your best friend is a nurse. They have all made very different career
decisions, and only have knowledge on their respective careers. Different people will
likely only steer you to their careers, without giving good advice on your own best path.

In contrast, focusing on one’s own preferences and skills provides a clearer path to the
right career. After all, individuals have the best knowledge of their own abilities and
interests. As an example, if someone has gone to university to study biology, they will
know more about biology careers than a family member or friend who does not have
that same kind of training. Ultimately, your career must be built on your own training and
experience, not the training and experience of others.

For the reasons I’ve outlined above, I really do believe that career decisions are a
matter of personal knowledge. Other people, even trusted family and friends simply
cannot understand your career the way you can. To select your field of work wisely, you
must face this important decision alone.

Scorer Commentary (Discussion IELTS Essay Sample, Band 9)

The score report below is based on the official IELTS Writing Task 2 rubric.
What was done well in the essay:
 At 283 words, this essay exceeded the 250 word minimum. (This is very
important for getting full points!)
 Each part of the task was fully addressed. Both sides of the issue were
discussed in the first and second body paragraphs. Moreover, reasons and
relevant examples were included.
 Each paragraph had its own clear topic sentence and supporting details, with
explanations of the details, and summarization of the most important ideas.
 Transitional language was used to clearly tie in all paragraphs to clear main
ideas from the introduction and conclusion.
 Vocabulary and grammar were used clearly and fluently. There were no serious
errors in grammar or word use; word choice and sentence structure varied and
avoided significant repetition.

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