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CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients


Question Paper
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CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT


Part 1: Facilitating the interests and rights of clients

1. From the options below, select the four (4) common risks to client safety and
well-being during old age.

i. Neglect and abuse from family members, carers, or

☐ support worker staff

☐ ii. Empowerment and independence

☐ iii. Discrimination due to old age

☐ iv. Social rights infringements

☐ v. Fire-related incidents at client’s home

☐ vi. Accessibility to aged care services

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

2. As a support worker in the ageing support sector, you have legal

responsibilities not only to your aged care clients but also to other people
present in the workplace, including children.
Select three (3) scenarios below that demonstrate compliance with
support workers’ duty of care to children in the workplace.

i. Rachel, a support worker, was supposed to come to work

today and assist in the Family Day activities at the
residential aged care centre she is working at. Clients’ family
☐ members and loved ones, including their grandchildren, will
be there at the event. Rachel has woken up with the flu and
decided to call in sick. She deemed coming in would put the
health and safety of others at risk.

ii. Isabelle is a home care worker who is assisting Mr Davies in

his activities of daily living (ALDs). One day, Mr Davies’s
grandchildren, Ollie and Jordan, came to visit. Isabelle was
☐ wrapping up for the day and left Mr Davies’s mobility aid in
the middle of the living room where Ollie and Jordan were

iii. Judith, who handles a team of home care workers, conducts

toolbox meetings with her direct staff before they leave for
☐ clients’ homes. In these meetings, she reminds them of work
health and safety considerations while at the clients’ homes,
including considerations when there are children present.

iv. Mark is a support worker and a member of the aged care

facility’s WHS committee. He is diligent in attending WHS

committee meetings and participating in emergency drills at
the facility.

v. Mia is a support worker. She provides support to a resident

at the aged care facility. The client’s ten-year-old
granddaughter regularly visits the client. On a few
occasions, Mia noticed suspicious bruises on the

granddaughter’s arms. She also noticed that the child gets
nervous and looks away when other people talk to her. Mia
does not report this and instead, starts gossiping about the
client’s family.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

3. As a support worker in the ageing support sector, you have legal

responsibilities to report and respond to indicators of risk to children.
From the options below, select the five (5) indicators of risk to children.

☐ i. No parent or carer available to care for the child

☐ ii. Child crying

☐ iii. Disclosure by the child of incidents of abuse

☐ iv. Incidents of family violence

☐ v. Child being hyperactive

☐ vi. Unexplained bruises and cuts on the child

vii. Evidence of substance abuse by parents and or carers of the

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

4. From the options below, select the four (4) appropriate actions that a support
worker must take in the instance that a child has disclosed that he/she is
being abused.

i. Reassure the child that disclosing the abuse is the right

thing to do.

☐ ii. Give counsel and advice to the child.

☐ iii. Follow organisational protocols for incident reporting.

iv. File a report to the relevant child protection department in

☐ your state/territory.

☐ v. Confront the perpetrator.

☐ vi. Investigate on your own.

☐ vii. Maintain the child’s privacy and confidentiality.

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

5. Read the statements below concerning the relevance of child protection in the
health and community services sector. Write T if the statement is true and F if
it is false.

i. Child protection is beyond the scope of the support

worker’s role in ageing support, and they should only be
concerned with elderly people.

ii. All workers in the health and community services sector,

including support workers, are legally obliged to report
suspected child abuse and neglect.

iii. Early childhood education is the only industry sector that is

concerned with child protection.

iv. Residential aged care service providers must have in place

WHS policies and procedures ensuring children’s health
and safety for when they are present in the centre.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

6. Below are scenarios that you may encounter while working in the aged care
sector. Select the three (3) scenarios that show discrimination.

i. A newly hired support worker has difficulties in

understanding culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)

clients. To address this, she has sought the assistance of
her supervisor and a language and cultural interpreter.

ii. A support worker experiences culture shock when she was

☐ first introduced to a client from a culture different from

iii. A support worker openly discusses her opposition and

☐ negative opinions toward same-sex marriage in the

iv. A support worker does every task for the clients instead of
☐ assisting and supporting them, as he believes that older
people are weak and unable to do things for themselves.

v. A support worker gives more attention and support to

☐ white Australian clients, as she believes that they are
superior to clients of other races and ethnicity.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

7. From the options below, select the four (4) appropriate techniques that you
could use in addressing discrimination while working in the aged care sector.

i. Reflect on your own biases and perspectives to gain

cultural awareness.

ii. Openly discuss your opposition and negative views about

diversity to start a discussion and exchange of ideas.

iii. Make an effort to get to know and understand other

☐ cultures, including making friends with people from
different social and cultural backgrounds.

iv. Follow organisational policies and procedures relevant to


☐ v. Believe that your religion is superior to other religions.

vi. Contribute to fostering an inclusive workplace by

discouraging racist and sexist jokes.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

8. The following are different types of referrals. Match each type to its correct
description. Write the letters of your answers in the spaces provided.

Types of Referral

a. Passive referral d. Cold referral

b. Facilitated referral e. Warm referral
c. Active referral


i. In this type of referral, the client is assisted in accessing

another service. The primary service provider contacts the
other service on the client’s behalf, and requests for the
service to make contact with the client.

ii. In this type of referral, the primary service organisation, with

the client’s consent, provides the other service/organisation
information about the client and their support needs.

iii. In this type of referral, the client, the primary service

provider, and the other organisation/service are all present in
a meeting (whether face-to-face or by telephone).

In this meeting, the client is introduced by the primary service

provider. The primary service provider also discusses what
has already been done to assist the client and the reason why
the client is being referred.

iv. In this type of referral, the client is transferred to another

organisation/service without any immediate communication
between the primary service provider and the other

v. In this type of referral, the client is only provided with the

contact details of another organisation/service. It is left up to
the client to decide when to contact the other service.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

9. The following are different types of networks that may be accessed when in
ageing support.

Types of Networks

a. Organisational network
b. Individual network
c. Virtual network

Match each type to its correct description. Write the letters of your answers in
the spaces provided.


i. This type of network may include departments or work teams

within a service provider or a group of service providers,
sharing knowledge, skills, and resources with the goal of
improving support services provided to clients.

ii. This type of network can be accessed by using software

applications such as Skype and Google Docs, social media
platforms, and other similar applications.

iii. In this type of network, co-support workers share knowledge,

skills, and information with the goal of improving support
services provided to their client.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

10. From the options below, select the four (4) community resources that you can
access when facilitating a client’s interest and rights.

i. Peak body organisations in aged care (e.g., National Aged

Care Alliance)

ii. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) providing training

in ageing support

iii. Services provided by the Australian Government’s

Department of Health, such as the Aged Care Complaints

iv. Political groups and parties

v. Professionals and specialists in the health and community

services sector (e.g., legal advisers, police, and language and
cultural interpreters)

vi. Public organisations and services (e.g., churches and

community libraries)
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

11. From the scenarios below, select the two (2) that show conflict between the
client’s needs and the organisation’s requirements.

i. Mr Chips, a client receiving palliative care services and

nearing end-of-life, is not given solid foods because he can

no longer take them. Instead, he is given hydration and
mouth care, as directed in his Advanced Care Directive Plan.

ii. A client is diagnosed with dementia and is receiving a regular

dose of pain medication. Her pain has increased over the last

few weeks, and she has requested an increase in her pain
medication dosage.

iii. Lola, a support worker, is providing support to Mrs Wallace.

Mrs Wallace has grown fond of Lola and started giving her
☐ gifts. Lola refused to accept Mrs Wallace’s gifts as she knows
that if she accepts them, it will constitute a conflict of
interest. This has deeply offended Mrs Wallace.

iv. A support worker who provides care to a home care client

has noticed suspicious bruises on a client’s arms. When the
☐ support worker discretely asked the client about the bruises,
the client told him that his son sometimes hurt him, and
begged the support worker not to report it to anyone.

v. A client refuses to receive medication because he does not

☐ believe in modern medicine and insists on being treated
through rituals as practised by his own culture.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

12. The statements below refer to client empowerment and disempowerment in

ageing support.
Write D if the statement refers to client disempowerment.
Write E if the statement refers to client empowerment.

i. Elderly people feel deprived of authority and control over

their own lives when they are given personal support and
assistance to complete their activities of daily living (ADLs).

ii. It involves promoting older people’s dignity and self-worth

through developing their autonomy and independence.

iii. It involves doing support activities with the client rather

than doing them for the client.

iv. It includes feelings of hopelessness and helplessness as a

result of becoming too dependent on others in one’s support

v. It includes making decisions for the client and not

considering the client’s needs and preferences.

vi. It includes practices such as ensuring the client’s dignity of

risk while maintaining duty of care.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

13. The statements below refer to negotiation, advocacy, and mediation in the
context of facilitating client’s rights and interests.
Write N if the statement is referring to negotiation.
Write A if the statement is referring to advocacy
Write M if the statement is referring to mediation.


i. This is done to resolve disputes and disagreements between

parties, such as the client and the service provider.

ii. The purpose of this is to reach an agreement and the best

possible outcomes for both parties (e.g., client’s primary
service provider and the organisation the client is being
referred to).

iii. It includes meeting client’s needs while adhering to

organisational policies and procedures, such as assisting a
client in providing feedback on support services.

iv. In this process, a neutral facilitator helps both parties to

reach a solution to their problem and to arrive at the best
possible outcomes for both parties.

v. It includes raising a client’s awareness of their own rights

and responsibilities relevant to their own support.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

14. Identify three (3) referral options available to support workers when facilitating
clients’ rights and interests.



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

15. List two (2) techniques for mediation, negotiation, and advocacy that you may
use in facilitating the rights and interests of aged care clients.

Two (2) techniques for mediation



Two (2) techniques for negotiation



Two (2) techniques for advocacy


CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

16. Aged care service providers must have in place systems to manage complaints
from their clients in line with legal and ethical considerations.
Answer the questions below.

i. Identify one (1) piece of legislation that is relevant to aged care organisations
and legal complaints processes.

ii. Identify one (1) provision in the legislation you identified above that is
relevant to legal and organisational complaints processes.

iii. Identify the relevant code of ethics that apply to aged care organisations and
legal complaints processes. Indicate your reference, e.g., Code of Ethics and
Guide to Ethical Conduct for Residential Aged Care.

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

iv. In your own words, explain how organisation and legal complaints processes
impact your work as a support worker in aged care.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT

17. Lily is a 57-year old Wiradjuri lady with cerebral palsy. Lily has just moved into
the local area and is sharing a unit with another lady called Fran. Lily receives
twenty-four-hour support services and communicates via Augmentative and
Alternative Communication (AAC) software in an IPad.
Lily and her family have expressed an interest in Lily attending the Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander women’s art group at the Wuppacore Centre every
Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Based on the scenario above, identify at least one (1) of each of the following
resources that you can access to help Lily meet her goal of attending the
women’s art group.
 Community resource
 Network
 Referral option
To answer this, you must research the community resources, networks, and
referral options available in your area. You can do this through online research
using search engines such as Google and online databases.
You may also do offline research by accessing libraries or information/bulletin
boards in your area or interviewing relevant personnel from the health and
community services.
Guidance: When conducting your research, consider you are looking for
community resources, networks, and referral options for an Aboriginal aged
care client who has cerebral palsy.

i. At least one (1)


ii. At least one (1)


iii. At least one (1)

referral option
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Instructions to Student
These case studies are hypothetical situations which do not require you to have
access to a workplace, although, your past and present workplace experiences may
help with the responses you provide. You are expected to encounter similar
situations to these in the future when you work in ageing support. This assessment
supports the industry requirement in service planning and delivery in ageing
In real life, individual support workers are required to participate in and contribute
to service planning and delivery for their clients. This assessment will help you to
demonstrate the necessary skill requirements in such situations.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Introduction to the Case Studies

For the case study assessments, you will take on the role of a support worker
who is contributing to the planning and delivering of services to clients at Lotus
Compassionate Care.

Find out more about Lotus Compassionate Care by accessing their website:

Hover your mouse over the logo above, hold Ctrl then click
(Username: mercurylearner Password: MercuryColleges@123)

To complete the assessments included in the case studies, you will need access
to the following:

 Lotus Compassionate Care Staff Handbook

(Username: mercurylearner Password: MercuryColleges@123)
 Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook
 Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home Care
 Information about the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner found on
the My Aged Care Website
In addition, you will need the following:
 The assistance of five (5) volunteers to complete the role play activities.
They can be your friends, family, or colleagues.
 An audio and video recording device (e.g., a mobile phone with audio and
video recording capability, laptop or PC webcam, video camera, or other
similar devices).
 A safe environment to conduct the role-play activities (e.g., the living room
of a house).
 Household objects and materials to simulate hazards and implementation
of risk minimisation to these hazards.

For the purpose of this assessment, Lotus Compassionate Care is

based in your state/territory.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Case Study 1 – Georgette McCartney


Georgette is sixty-five years old and living with

dementia. She has been diagnosed with mild
cognitive impairment (MCI), causing a slight but
noticeable decline in her cognitive abilities,
including her memory and thinking skills.

Georgette is a widow and living alone. Her son,

Felix, visits her on weekends and holidays to help
with the household chores. Having been diagnosed
with MCI, it has become difficult for her to
accomplish her activities of daily living (ADLs).
There was one instance when she forgot that she
had turned the stove on. Luckily, Felix, who was at
home at that time, noticed the stove was still on and
turned it off.

Georgette and Felix have decided to seek home care and support services from
Lotus Compassionate Care. They believe that, with the help of these services,
Georgette can be fully supported in her activities of daily living (ADLs) while
maintaining a level of independence and autonomy. She also needs mild to
moderate assistance in her mobility as she is at risk of falls. She uses a walking
stick to aid her in walking around, although she sometimes misplaces it.

As one of its newest Home and Community Care clients, Georgette will be on-
boarded into Lotus Compassionate Care’s services and informed of its policies
and procedures, and her rights and responsibilities as a client.

You have been assigned as Georgette’s support worker who is to conduct her
onboarding. As part of this process, you will also facilitate her interests and
rights as a client in the home and community care services.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Task 1 – Role-play Activity: Facilitating Georgette’s Interests and Rights

In this role-play activity, there is no specific script to be followed. However, you

must demonstrate that you have supported Georgette’s realisation of her rights,
interests, and needs as a home care client.

Follow the steps outlined below to guide you in completing this activity.

Read all instructions carefully before starting.

To complete this role-play activity, you will need the following:

☐ One (1) volunteer to play Georgette

☐ Video recording device (mobile phone or webcam)
A safe environment in which to conduct the Role-

playing activity (e.g., living room of your house)

Steps to take:
1. Access and review the following resources:
 Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook
(username: mercurylearner password: MercuryColleges@123)
 Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home
 Information about the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
found on the My Aged Care Website
The information found in these resources above will assist your
discussion in the role-play activity.

2. Review the criteria items in the Role-play Activity - Assessor’s Checklist

found below. Please note that you must demonstrate ALL of the criteria
items outlined in this checklist. Guidance is also provided within the
checklist to help you complete this activity.

3. Additional Information is provided below. Use this to guide your role-

play discussion with Georgette.

4. Video record your role-play activity. Save this recording as [Surname,

First Name]_CS1 T1 Role-play, as shown below:
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Smith, John_CS1 T1 Role-play

5. Submit this video recording along with this completed workbook.

Your video submission must not exceed ten (10) minutes in length.

Additional Information to Guide Your Role-play Discussion

Georgette’s interests include the following:
 arts and crafts,
 gardening,
 reading books, and
 volunteering at charity organisations and other community organisations.
Georgette’s needs include the following:
 management of her activities of daily living (ADLs) (e.g., continence,
hygiene, and eating and nutrition needs), and
 management of her memory loss.
Georgette’s choices include the following:
 activities such as gardening, music therapy, and arts and crafts; and
 interest groups in the community that can help foster her passion and
hobbies (gardening, volunteering, and reading books).
Available service options for Georgette (and Felix) include the following:
 legal help*,
 carer support group (for Felix),
 National Dementia Helpline, and
 Alzheimer’s Australia.
* In the role-play activity, Georgette is seeking legal help. This will assist her and
Felix to sort legal matters (e.g., power of attorney, and guardianship and
administration rights), and help them to plan for the future.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Assessor’s Checklist


Assessor’s Checklist
The candidate is to leave this blank. This is for the assessor’s use only.

Criteria Assessor’s
In the video submission, did the candidate… Comments

Prior to the Role-play activity, introduce him/herself

as the candidate who is taking the assessment.
Guidance: You may just simply state your name and ☐ ☐
confirm that you are the one completing the
assessments in this assessment workbook.

1. Discuss the rights of Lotus Compassionate

Care as Georgette’s aged care service provider?
Guidance: The candidate may provide a
summary. However, the discussion must ☐ ☐
correspond with information provided in
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook –
Service Provider Rights and Responsibilities.

2. Discuss their rights as Georgette’s support

Guidance: The candidate may provide a
summary. However, the discussion must ☐ ☐
correspond with information provided in
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook –
Support Worker Rights and Responsibilities.

3. Discuss Georgette’s rights as a home care

Guidance: The candidate may provide a
summary. However, the discussion must
correspond with information provided in
☐ ☐
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook –
Client Rights and Responsibilities (Home
Care), and Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights
and Responsibilities – Home Care (Section 1
recipients’ rights – home care).
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

4. Discuss the responsibilities of Lotus

Compassionate Care as Georgette’s aged care
service provider?
Guidance: The candidate may provide a
☐ ☐
summary. However, discussion must
correspond with information provided in
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook –
Service Provider Rights and Responsibilities.

5. Discuss their responsibilities as Georgette’s

support worker?
Guidance: The candidate may provide a
summary. However, the discussion must ☐ ☐
correspond with information provided in
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook –
Support Worker Rights and Responsibilities.

6. Discuss Georgette’s responsibilities as a home

care client?
Guidance: The candidate may provide a
summary. However, the discussion must
correspond with information provided in
Lotus Compassionate Care Client Handbook – ☐ ☐
Client Rights and Responsibilities, and
Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and
Responsibilities – Home Care (section 2
responsibilities General, Care and services,
Communication, Access, and Fees).

7. Assist Georgette to identify her own interests,

needs, and choices?
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate
this through but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills;
 allowing Georgette to lead the
discussion rather than the candidate
dictating what Georgette’s rights,
needs, choices, and responsibilities ☐ ☐
 using open-ended questions; and/or
 clarifying and confirming with
Georgette what has been discussed.
In addition, by the end of the role-play
activity, the candidate, along with Georgette,
have been able to identify her interests and

8. Provide Georgette with information about

options that are available to enable her to meet ☐ ☐
her rights and needs?
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

9. Assist Georgette to choose her preferred option

from the options discussed in Item 8 of this
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate
this through but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills,
☐ ☐
 allowing Georgette to lead the
discussion rather than the candidate
choosing the option for Georgette,
 using open-ended questions, and/or
 clarifying and confirming with
Georgette what has been discussed.

10. Discuss the Lotus Compassionate Care and

legal complaints system?
Guidance: The candidate’s discussion must
correspond with information provided in the
 Lotus Compassionate Care Client ☐ ☐
Handbook – Feedback and
Complaints; AND
 “Aged Care Complaints
Commissioner” section of the My Aged
Care website.

11. Discuss Georgette’s rights to access feedback

☐ ☐
and complaints processes

12. Discuss Georgette’s responsibilities in

☐ ☐
providing feedback about services?

13. Ensure Georgette has understood her rights

and responsibilities.
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate
this through but not limited to the following:
 using open-ended questions,
☐ ☐
 clarifying with Georgette what has
been discussed relevant to the client’s
rights and responsibilities, and
 allowing Georgette to ask questions
about what has been discussed.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

14. Interact with Georgette in a manner that

develops and maintains trust and goodwill.
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate
this through but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills,
 allowing Georgette to lead the
☐ ☐
 using open-ended questions,
 clarifying and confirming with
Georgette what has been discussed,
 speaking in a friendly manner.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Task 2 – Role-play Activity: Assessing Georgette’s Capacity to Advocate

for Self

In this role-play activity, there is no specific script to be followed. However, you

must demonstrate that you have helped in assessing Georgette’s capacity to
advocate for herself (with the assistance of Felix).

Follow the steps outlined below to guide you in completing this activity.

Read all instructions carefully before starting.

To complete this role-play activity, you will need the following:

☐ One (1) volunteer to play Georgette

☐ Video recording device (mobile phone or webcam)
A safe environment in which to conduct the Role-

play activity (e.g., living room of your house)
Client Competency Checklist (provided in this


Steps to take:

1. Review the Client Competency Checklist found below. This will guide
your discussion with Georgette in assessing her capacity to advocate for

Guidance: There is no right or wrong answer in completing this

checklist, as the responses you provide will depend on your discussion
with Georgette. Keep in mind that your responses in your checklist must
correspond with the discussion shown in your video submission.

2. Review the criteria items in the Role-play Activity - Assessor’s Checklist

found on the following pages. Please note that you must demonstrate
ALL of the criteria items outlined in this checklist. Guidance is also
provided within the checklist to help you complete this activity.

3. Complete the Client Competency Checklist during your discussion with

Georgette. Save this as a separate file as: [Surname, First
Name]_CS1 T2 CC Checklist
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Smith, John_CS1 T2 CC Checklist

4. In completing the checklist:

a. Review each item with Georgette.
b. Tick YES, if Georgette agrees, and NO if she disagrees with the
c. Include specific written comments as you review each item with

Guidance: For this to be successful, encourage your “actor” to provide

input into the discussion, instead of just responding YES or NO. They
may elaborate further on the items in the checklist.

A sample response is provided in the checklist for your reference.

5. Video record your role-play activity. Save this recording as [Surname,

First Name]_CS1 T2 Role-play, as shown below:

Smith, John_CS1 T2 Role-play

Your video submission must not exceed five (5) minutes in


6. Submit the video recording and completed client competency checklist

along with this completed workbook.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Client Competency Checklist


YES NO Comments
Is the client able to...

Sample response only:
Maintain a level of mobility to complete her Georgette needs high levels of
☐ ☒ assistance in mobility from
activities of daily living (ADLs)?
support staff and requires a
wheelchair to move around.
1. Maintain a level of mobility to complete
☐ ☐
her activities of daily living (ADLs)?

1. Easily communicate without the need
☐ ☐
for aids?

2. Easily communicate and express needs,

☐ ☐
concerns, and own decisions?

1. Easily understand information that is
☐ ☐
relayed to her?

2. Make decisions on her own relevant to

☐ ☐
the services she receives?

1. Trust people around her (e.g., family,
☐ ☐
peers, and support staff)?

1. Manage her own finances with little
☐ ☐
support needed?

2. Pay bills on her own with little support

☐ ☐

Assessor’s Checklist
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY


Assessor’s Checklist
The candidate is to leave this blank. This is for the assessor’s use only.

Criteria Assessor’s
In the video submission, did the candidate… Comments

Prior to the Role-play activity, introduce him/herself

as the candidate who is taking the assessment.
Guidance: You may just simply state your name and ☐ ☐
confirm that you are the one completing the
assessments in this assessment workbook.

1. Assess Georgette’s ability to advocate for

Guidance: The candidate must demonstrate
this by using the Client Competency Checklist. ☐ ☐
The candidate may also demonstrate this by
discussing with Georgette the items in the
Client Competency Checklist.

2. Interact with Georgette in a manner that

develops and maintains trust and goodwill?
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate
this through but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills,
 allowing Georgette to lead the
☐ ☐
 using open-ended questions,
 clarifying and confirming with
Georgette what has been discussed,
 speaking in a friendly manner.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Task 3 – Preparing to Advocate for Client’s Rights and Preferences


Following your discussions with Georgette, she has expressed further interest in
volunteering at a charity organisation in your local area. She has approached you
and sought your assistance in helping her to accomplish this.

1. In this scenario, as per Lotus Compassionate Care protocols, you will need
to consult with Rachel Allcot, your supervisor, regarding Georgette’s
request. Write an email to Rachel using the template provided.

Your email must specifically include the following:

 A brief description of Georgette’s request.
 Two (2) potential risks to Georgette, if her request goes through.
 Two (2) barriers that may hinder Georgette in accomplishing her goal
in the scenario.
 Two (2) resources that may help Georgette in accomplishing her goal
in the scenario.

Although this type of request is typically dealt with using other
modes of communication (e.g., face-to-face), the main objective
of this task is to demonstrate your ability to identify potential
risks, barriers, and resources regarding a client’s rights, and to
report accordingly. To document this, use the email template
provided below. You do not need to send an actual email.

To Rachel Allcot <>


CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

2. Rachel has received and reviewed your email. She has considered the
information you provided her regarding the barriers and risks to Georgette
in achieving her goal, and the resources available to overcome them. Rachel
responded positively to these.

She has asked you to identify two (2) individuals and two (2) organisations
that you can collaborate with to support Georgette in achieving her goal.

 The Individuals you identify may include but are not limited to the
following: representatives from charity organisations where
Georgette may volunteer, specialists that can provide additional
support to help Georgette achieve her goal, family members, and
support staff from Lotus Compassionate Care.
 The organisations you identify must be real organisations, and they
can be from your local area.

Take the following steps to complete this task:

a. Research online or offline to find information about appropriate
individuals and organisations.

Guidance: Online research may involve the use of search engines

and online databases, while offline research may involve checking
libraries, bulletin boards, and agencies in your local area, or
interviewing people in the industry you already know.

Provide details about the individuals and organisations you have

found by completing the table below. Specifically, you must provide
the following details:
For the two (2) individuals you identify:
i. Their names, if they are people in the case study scenario or
staff members at Lotus Compassionate Care, OR only their
job titles if they are real people.
ii. A brief description of what they do.
iii. A brief description of what they can do to support Georgette in
achieving her goal.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

For the two (2) organisations you identify:

i. Their names.
ii. A brief description of what they do.
iii. A brief description of what they can do to support Georgette in
achieving her goal.
iv. Link to a web page containing information about each
organisation you have identified OR a screenshot of a
brochure or similar document containing information about
each organisation.

Individual 1

Name or Job Title

What they do

What can they do to

support Georgette in
achieving her goal?

Individual 2

Name or Job Title

What they do
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

What can they do to

support Georgette in
achieving her goal?

Organisation 1

Name of Organisation

What they do

What can they do to

support Georgette in
achieving her goal?

Link to web page

containing information
about the organisation

Screenshot of brochure
or similar document
containing information
about the organisation
Only provide this if
you cannot provide a

Organisation 2
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Name of Organisation

What they do

What can they do to

support Georgette in
achieving her goal?

Link to web page

containing information
about the organisation

Screenshot of brochure
or similar document
containing information
about the organisation
Only provide this if
you cannot provide a
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

For Items 3 and 4 of Case Study 1 Task 3

You have consulted Rachel about the individuals and organisations you
identified who can support and represent Georgette in achieving her goal in
volunteering for a charity organisation. Rachel has approved this and has given
you the go-ahead to contact and touch base with them.
For this part of the assessment, you will need to simulate communication with
the two (2) individuals and the two (2) organisations you identified in the
previous task.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

3. Simulate communication with the two (2) individuals you identified in the
previous task.
To complete this simulation, you will need the following:

Audio OR video recording device (e.g., mobile

☐ phone, audio recorder, MP3 player with an audio
recording device, etc.)

Follow the steps outlined below to complete this task.

Read all instructions carefully before starting.

a. Simulate phone calls with the two (2) individuals you identified in
the previous task. There is no specific script to be followed, but these
phone calls should inform them of the following:
 who you are, and
 the purpose of the call.
In addition, your phone calls must meet all criteria items in the
checklist provided below.
Guidance: You can do this through a video recording or just an
audio recording. Further guidance is provided in the checklist

Your two (2) video/audio submissions must not exceed five

(5) minutes in total.

b. Save the video or audio recording, as

[Surname, First Name]_CS1 T3 Phone Call 1
[Surname, First Name]_CS1 T3 Phone Call 2

As shown below:

Smith, John_CS1 T3 Phone Call 1 Smith, John_CS1 T3 Phone Call 2

IMPORTANT: In line with Lotus Compassionate Care policies and

legal requirements for privacy and confidentiality, ensure to
maintain Georgette’s privacy and confidentiality. You are not to
disclose any personal and/or sensitive details about her that may
lead to her identification.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

For both simulated phone calls, did the candidate… YES

Prior to the simulated phone call, introduce him/herself as the

candidate who is taking the assessment.

Guidance: You may just simply state your name and confirm that
you are the one completing the assessments in this assessment

1. Introduce themselves to the person they are calling? ☐

2. State the purpose of this call?

Guidance: The purpose of the call must be to express the
interest of the client to volunteer at a local charity ☐
organisation, and to inform the call recipient of what they
can do to support the client in achieving this goal.

3. Maintain client privacy and confidentiality?

Guidance: This can be demonstrated through but not limited

to not giving any personal or sensitive information that will
lead to the identification of Georgette.

4. Interact in a manner that develops and maintains trust and

Guidance: This can be demonstrated through but not limited ☐
to following professional phone etiquette and speaking in a
friendly and warm manner.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

4. Simulate communication with the two (2) organisations you identified in

the Case Study 1 Task 3 Item 2.

For the purpose of this simulation, you will be contacting the organisations
through their Contact Us pages on their website.

Follow the steps outlined below to complete this task.

Read all instructions carefully before starting.

a. Access this link: ‘Contact Us’ Simulation.

b. Fill out the form twice, once for each organisation, and include the
following details:
 your email address,
 your name,
 the name of the organisation you are contacting, and
 your message to them, introducing yourself and the purpose of
your message.
In addition, your messages must meet all criteria items in the
checklist provided below.
c. Attach the screenshots of the confirmation you received by email
after filling out the forms. You must attach two (2) screenshots, one
for each organisation you contacted.

IMPORTANT: In line with Lotus Compassionate Care policies and

legal requirements for privacy and confidentiality, ensure to
maintain Georgette’s privacy and confidentiality. You are not to
disclose any personal and or sensitive details about her that may
lead to her identification.

For both messages, did the candidate… YES

1. Introduce themselves? ☐

2. State the purpose of the message?

Guidance: The purpose of the message must be to express the
interest of the client to volunteer at a local charity ☐
organisation and to inform the message recipient of what
they can do to support the client in achieving this goal.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

3. Maintain client privacy and confidentiality?

Guidance: This can be demonstrated through but not limited

to not giving any personal or sensitive information that will
lead to the identification of Georgette.

4. Interact in a manner that develops and maintains trust and

Guidance: This can be demonstrated through but not limited ☐
to maintaining professionalism while communicating in a
friendly and warm manner.

Screenshot of Confirmation from Organisation 1

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Screenshot of Confirmation from Organisation 2

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Task 4 – Role-play Activity: Advocating for Georgette’s Rights and


This part of the assessment will be completed through a role-play activity based
on the following scenario:

Part 1 – Collaborating with Georgette

This part of the role-play will involve you and ‘Georgette’ working together
to come up with strategies on how she can meet her goal and needs while
engaging in volunteer activities and tasks.
Part 2 – Supporting Georgette in her volunteer activities
This part of the role-play will involve you and ‘Georgette’ implementing
the strategies you have come up with (in Part 1 of this scenario) while
engaging in volunteer activities and tasks.
In addition, this part will involve you applying work practices to minimise
the potential risks to Georgette, yourself, and others.
Part 3 – Gathering Georgette’s Feedback
This part of the role-play will involve you discussing with Georgette her
feedback and progress, and working with her in identifying opportunities
for improvement and ways to address them.

Although this is a three-part role-play activity, you are only to submit one (1)
video recording. In addition, you will need to submit supporting
documentation as required below.

There is no specific script to be followed in this role-play activity. However,

your submission must meet all criteria items provided in the Assessor’s

Follow the steps outlined for each part to guide you in completing this activity.

Read all instructions for Parts 1, 2, and 3 carefully before starting.

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

To complete this role-play activity, you will need the following:

☐ One (1) volunteer to play Georgette

OPTIONAL: Other volunteers to play various roles

in your role-play activity
☐ Video recording device (mobile phone or webcam)
A safe environment to conduct the different
☐ scenarios in the Role-play activity (e.g., living room
of your house)
☐ Action Plan Template (provided in this workbook)
☐ Discussion Notes Template (provided in this

Once you have completed your role-play activity and the supporting
documentation required, save the video recording using the following filename:
[Surname, First Name]_CS1 T4 Role-play, as shown below.

Smith, John_CS1 T4 Role-play

Your video submission must not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in

Submit this file along with this completed workbook.

Part 1 – Collaborating with Georgette

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Steps to take:
1. Locate and review the Action Plan for Georgette template found on the
following pages. You should complete this template as documentation of
your discussion with Georgette in the role-play activity.

2. Role-play a discussion with Georgette. In this discussion, you need to

collaborate with her in order to come up with strategies that help meet her
rights and needs.

Specific guidance, along with sample responses, is provided in the
template for your reference. There is no right or wrong answer in
completing the template, as the responses you provide will depend on
your discussion with Georgette.

3. During your discussion, Georgette suggests the following strategy to help

meet her right to live in a safe, secure and homelike environment, and to
move freely both within and outside the Home Care service without
undue restriction:
 To go unaccompanied by a support worker to the organisation
where she will be volunteering.
However, this suggestion conflicts with Lotus Compassionate Care’s
policies and procedures, and relevant legal requirements.

You understand that Georgette’s dignity of risk must be recognised and

upheld, but you are also aware that her suggestion will pose some risks to
her safety and security, given her condition.

Consequently, you need to negotiate with Georgette in coming up with an

alternative strategy that she can agree with and that meets her rights and

You may suggest to her any of the following:

 a support worker to accompany her,
 Felix to accompany her, or
 both a support worker and Felix to accompany her.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

For the purpose of this assessment, Georgette will agree to your


Guidance: There is no specific script to be followed in your role-play.

However, you must be able to demonstrate all of the above. Further
guidance is provided for you in Part 1 of the Assessor’s Checklist to help
you complete this part of the activity.

4. Save the Action Plan for Georgette template you completed during your
discussion with Georgette. Save this as a separate file as: [Surname,
First Name]_CS1 T4 P1 Action Plan for Georgette

Smith, John_ CS1 T4 P1 Action Plan for Georgette

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY


To be used in conjunction with Part 1 of the Role-play Activity

Georgette’s Rights Strategies to Address this

Provide at least one (1) for each right
Sample response: Encourage Georgette to
use her walking stick.
1. To maintain her personal
(From Charter of Care Recipients'
Rights and Responsibilities - Home

2. To live in a safe, secure and homelike

environment, and to move freely
both within and outside the Home
Care service without undue
(From Charter of Care Recipients'
Rights and Responsibilities - Home

Strategies to Address this

Georgette’s Needs
Provide at least one (1) for each need

1. Minor episodes of memory loss and

(As established in Case Study 1 Task
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

2. Eating and nutrition needs while

engaged in volunteer activities
(As established in Case Study 1 Task
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Part 2 – Supporting Georgette

Steps to take:

1. Role-play a scenario of Georgette engaging in her volunteer activities.

Guidance: You may choose any scenario you like. This may include but not
limited to the following:
 Georgette helping out at Meals on Wheels,
 Georgette helping out with the registration of participants in a
community event, or
 Georgette reading stories to children.

2. In this scenario, you must demonstrate you have done all of the following:

i. Implemented the strategies you outlined in your completed Action

Plan for Georgette template in Part 1 of this Role-play Activity.
ii. Supported and encouraged Georgette to exercise her rights.
iii. Applied safe work practices to minimise harm to Georgette, to
yourself, and to others.

Guidance: There is no specific script to be followed in your Role-play.

However, you must be able to demonstrate all of the above. Further
guidance is provided for you in Part 2 of the Assessor’s Checklist to help
you complete this part of the activity.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Part 3 – Gathering Georgette’s Feedback

1. Locate and review the Discussion Notes template found on the following
pages. You will need this template to guide your discussion.

2. Role-play a discussion with Georgette. In this discussion, you will need to

do the following:

i. Gather her feedback on how she was supported in Part 2 of this

role-play activity.
ii. Work with her to discuss her progress and outcomes from Part 2 of
this role-play activity.
iii. Work with her to identify at least two (2) areas of improvement.
iv. Work with her to discuss an action plan on how to address these
two (2) areas of improvement.

Document this discussion using the Discussion Notes template provided.

Guidance: There is no specific script to be followed in your role-play.

However, you must be able to demonstrate all of the above. Further
guidance is provided for you in the template below and Part 3 of the
Assessor’s Checklist to help you complete this part of the activity.

3. Additional Information is provided below. Use this to guide your role-play

discussion with Georgette.

4. Save the Discussion Notes template you completed during your discussion
with Georgette. Save this as a separate file as [Surname, First Name]_
CS1 T4 P2 Discussion Notes

Smith, John_ CS1 T4 P2 Discussion Notes

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Additional Information to Guide Your Role-play Discussion

Discussion points for Georgette’s feedback include the following:
Her highlights:
 Georgette feels a great sense of accomplishment in volunteering.
Her lowlights:
 Georgette is constantly worried about having episodes of memory loss
and disorientation.
On the activity:
 Georgette really enjoyed the activities and expressed an interest in
becoming involved in future activities of the organisation.
On the support worker:
 Georgette enjoyed her support worker’s company and appreciates that
the support worker allowed her to take the lead on completing her tasks
instead of doing things for her.
 She thanked her support worker for encouraging her in her volunteering
 She also added that she doesn’t mind having the support worker
accompany her again in the future.
Discussion points for Georgette’s Progress and Outcomes include the following:
 Georgette needs her walking stick for mobility support.
 Georgette’s overall health and wellbeing are good, and no other issues
have been identified or encountered so far.
 Georgette has gained a sense of accomplishment and independence.
 Georgette feels great being able to socialise and interact with other
The following areas of improvement are identified:
 Georgette is finding it extremely difficult to accomplish specific tasks.
 WHS hazard present, as reported by Georgette - she found a wasp nest
near the venue where she was doing her volunteering activities.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

To be used in conjunction with Part 3 of the Role-play Activity

Georgette’s Feedback
Guidance: Discussion may include but not limited to Georgette’s highlights and lowlights of
the activity, her feedback on the activity and on the support worker, general sentiment, etc.

Georgette’s Progress and Outcomes

Guidance: Discussion may include but not limited to changes in Georgette’s health and
wellbeing during the activity, mobility and support, social wellbeing, sense of independence
and accomplishment, etc.

Areas of Improvement and Action Plan

Ways of Addressing Each Area

Areas of Improvement
Provide at least one for each.

Sample answer: Georgette feels that she had Support worker to let Georgette lead more
not accomplished much during the in her activities, rather than completing
activities. things for her.

i. i.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

ii. ii.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Assessor’s Checklist


Assessor’s Checklist
The candidate is to leave this blank. This is for the assessor’s use only.

Criteria Assessor’s
In the video submission, did the candidate… Comments

PART 1 – Collaborating with Georgette

Assessor to evaluate this part of the video in conjunction with the candidate’s Action Plan
for Georgette submission.

Prior to the Role-play activity, introduce him/herself

as the candidate who is taking the assessment.
Guidance: You may just simply state your name and ☐ ☐
confirm that you are the one completing the
assessments in this assessment workbook.

1. Initiate strategies that address Georgette’s rights

and needs?
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate this
through but not limited to the following:
 discussing and identifying strategies
that address Georgette’s needs,
 using active listening to prompt
Georgette to suggest her own
strategies, and ☐ ☐
 leading the discussion in a way that it
becomes a collaborative effort between
Georgette and the candidate.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

2. Negotiate at least two (2) strategies that address

Georgette’s rights and/or needs?
Guidance: In order for the candidate to
demonstrate this, Georgette must suggest
strategies that are not in line with Lotus
Compassionate Care’s protocols and
procedures (e.g., Georgette wanting to go alone
to the centre where she is volunteering).

☐ ☐
In this situation, the candidate may
demonstrate negotiating strategies through but
not limited to suggesting alternative strategies
that Georgette agrees with.

PART 2 – Supporting Georgette

1. Implement ALL the strategies that Georgette

and the candidate identified in Part 1 of this
role-play activity?
Guidance: Strategies implemented here must
correspond with the strategies identified in the
candidate’s Action Plan for Georgette.

2. Support and encourage Georgette to exercise her

rights and personal preferences without
compromising her safety and that of others?
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate this
through but not limited to the following:
 allowing Georgette to take the lead on
completing various tasks and activities as
a volunteer, instead of doing things for
her; ☐ ☐
 encouraging Georgette to use her
walking stick;
 ensuring venue or place is free of WHS
hazards; and
 reminding Georgette to wear her glasses.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

3. Apply at least two (2) work practices to

minimise potential for harm to Georgette, self,
and others?
Guidance: The candidate may demonstrate this
through but not limited to the following:
 ensuring the venue is free of WHS
 reporting potential hazards as they are
 implementing risk control as applicable ☐ ☐
to the support worker’s role; and
 following correct guidelines for manual
handling, etc.

PART 3– Gathering Georgette’s Feedback

Assessor to evaluate this part of the video in conjunction with candidate’s Discussion Notes

1. Discuss progress and outcomes with the client?

Guidance: This part of the video submission
must correspond with the candidate’s
Discussion Notes submission.
The candidate may demonstrate this through ☐ ☐
but not limited to the following:
 discussing with Georgette her progress
and outcomes of the support and
volunteer activity undertaken.

2. Work together with Georgette to identify areas

of improvement and ways of addressing these?
Guidance: This part of the video submission
must correspond with the candidate’s
Discussion Notes submission.
The candidate may demonstrate this through
but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills to prompt
Georgette to identify areas of
improvement, and/or
 letting Georgette lead the discussion in
identifying areas of improvement and
ways of addressing these.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

3. Obtain Georgette’s feedback?

This part of the video submission must
correspond with the candidate’s Discussion
Notes submission.
The candidate may demonstrate this through
but not limited to the following:
 using active listening skills to prompt
Georgette to provide feedback, and/or ☐ ☐
 letting Georgette lead the discussion in
giving feedback.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Supplementary Tasks
In the following supplementary tasks, you are to take action on the outcomes of
your discussion with Georgette in Part 3 of the Role-play Activity.
To complete this, you will need to report to and collaborate with Rachel Allcot,
your supervisor, and Georgette’s volunteer coordinator at the centre, regarding her
progress and feedback, as discussed in Part 3 of the Role-play Activity.

1. Report to Rachel Allcot, your supervisor, regarding Georgette’s progress and

feedback, as discussed in Part 3 of the Role-play Activity.
Your email must specifically include the following:
 Georgette’s feedback;
 Georgette’s progress and outcomes of the volunteer activity
 areas of improvement identified;
 ways of addressing the areas identified above; and
 your own recommendations, which must include collaboration with
another person or service provider (e.g., volunteer coordinator).
Although this is typically dealt with using other modes of
communication (e.g., face-to-face), the main objective of this task
is to demonstrate your ability to take action on the client’s
feedback. To document this, use the email template provided
below. You do not need to send an actual email.

To Rachel Allcot <>



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

2. Report to Georgette’s volunteer coordinator regarding her progress and

feedback, as discussed in Part 3 of the Role-play Activity.
Your email must specifically include the following:
 Georgette’s feedback,
 Georgette’s progress and outcomes of the volunteer activity
 areas of improvement identified,
 ways of addressing areas identified above, and
 your own recommendations.
Although this is typically dealt with using other modes of
communication (e.g., face-to-face), the main objective of this task
is to demonstrate your ability to take action on the client’s
feedback. To document this, use the email template provided
below. You do not need to send an actual email.

To Volunteer Coordinator <>



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Following your email correspondences with Rachel Allcot and the volunteer
coordinator, it has been suggested you contact a pest control company to remove
the wasp nest that Georgette found near the venue.

3. Draft an email to Wasp-Away, a local pest control business, to request for a

technician to remove the wasp nest near the venue. Write your email in the
template below.
Although this is typically dealt with using other modes of
communication (e.g., phone call, face-to-face), the main objective
of this task is to demonstrate your ability to take action based on
the client’s feedback. To document this, use the email template
provided below. You do not need to send an actual email.

To Wasp-Away



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Task 5 – Supporting Georgette through the Complaints Process

Georgette is scheduled to start her volunteering work at the centre today. Upon
arrival at her house to pick her up, she informs you that she does not want to go.
You ask if she is feeling alright, and she just shrugs her shoulders. She looked
unhappy this morning.
You check to see if there are any signs of sickness, but she seems to be fine on
your initial examination, so you ask her again comfortingly.
“Are you feeling unwell, Georgette? Do you have a cold or a headache?”
Georgette is hesitant to respond at first, but after a bit, she starts sharing
information about a few unpleasant encounters she has had with Brenda, the
other support worker assigned to Georgette, while you were away on holiday
leave last week.
She recalls one instance when there was a discrepancy with her grocery receipt.
She suspected Brenda because at that time she had insisted on doing Georgette’s
grocery shopping as it was raining heavily outside.
Georgette recalled Brenda’s words that day, “You might get caught in the rain,
and you might get sick. We don’t want you getting sick now, do we?”
So she had given Brenda her grocery list and money. On her return, Brenda had
given her the receipt for the groceries and her change. It was only the next day
when Georgette was doing her bills that she realised that Brenda had
overcharged her. It was fifteen dollars short. Georgette was confident because
she had not touched the money since Brenda gave it to her.
Georgette said she had confronted Brenda about it, but Brenda became
defensive and angry.
“Are you accusing me of stealing from you? I didn’t steal anything from you. You
probably spent it and forgot about it. You know you are always forgetful and
absentminded!” Brenda had snapped at Georgette. Georgette was taken aback
and could not respond.
Since that day, Brenda has been acting inappropriately towards Georgette. She
easily loses her temper when Georgette asks for her assistance or when
Georgette forgets something, and then leaves without cleaning up.
As a result, Georgette has sought your assistance in addressing the situation.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

1. Have Georgette’s rights infringed in the scenario above?

 If your answer is yes, explain why. Include in your response which of
Georgette’s rights have been infringed in the scenario. Refer to Lotus
Compassionate Care’s Client Handbook and the Charter of Rights and
Responsibilities – Home Care. Indicate what form of abuse was
shown in the scenario.
 If your answer is no, explain why.

☐ Yes

☐ No


Which of Georgette’s rights have been infringed in the scenario? Identify at least
one (1).
Guidance: Do not answer this question if you answered no.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Indicate what form of abuse was shown in the scenario.

Guidance: Do not answer this question if you answered no.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

2. According to Lotus Compassionate Care Policy and Procedures, you are

required to report and convey any concerns to your supervisor.

Draft an email to Rachel Allcot. Write your email in the space provided below.
The points you make in the email must adhere to the following:
 Be objective, factual, accurate, and appear in a logical order.
 Identify the rights of the client that were breached, if your answer to
Question 1 is yes.

Although this is typically dealt with using other modes of
communication (e.g., face-to-face), the main objective of this task
is to demonstrate your ability to respond accordingly to
suspected situations of abuse. To document this, use the email
template provided below. You do not need to send an actual

To Rachel Allcot <>



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

3. You have verbally explained her rights and the Lotus Compassionate Care
Complaints Procedures to Georgette, and she has requested you to write this
information down for her.
In the space provided, write a note to Georgette outlining the following
a. Her rights in the situation.
b. How to lodge a complaint.
c. Information about the Aged Care Complaints Scheme (ACCS) so
Georgette is able to decide between making an internal or external
complaint. This must include an explanation of the following:
 what the ACCS is,
 how it works, and
 how it can be accessed.
Guidance: Ensure that your note can easily be understood by Georgette.

a. Her rights in the situation.

Guidance: Provide at least one (1). Refer to Lotus Compassionate Care’s
Client Handbook and the Charter of Rights and Responsibilities – Home
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

b. How to lodge a complaint.

c. About the Aged Care Complaints Scheme (ACCS).

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

4. With your assistance, Georgette has successfully lodged a complaint regarding

her concerns about Brenda. It has been three (3) days since she lodged her
complaint. Draft an email to Rachel Allcot requesting for a follow-up on
Georgette’s complaint.
Although this is typically dealt with using other modes of
communication (e.g., face-to-face), the main objective of this task
is to demonstrate your ability to monitor the complaints process.
To document this, use the email template provided below. You do
not need to send an actual email.

To Rachel Allcot <>



CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

5. Shortly after sending the email, you receive Rachel’s response.

To Candidate <Candidate’s Email Address>

Rachel Allcot

Subject Re: Follow Up

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

I appreciate your initiative on this matter.

With regard to Georgette’s complaint, this has already been

actioned upon by Lotus Compassionate Care’s Complaints
Team. They have completed their initial investigation, and it
has been established that other similar complaints have been
made against Brenda. Brenda is currently suspended and her
case under further investigation.

I will update you as soon as possible regarding developments

in this matter.

Kind regards,


Now you will need to relay this update to Georgette as part of your
responsibility to provide ongoing information to your client.

Record yourself relaying this information to Georgette.

IMPORTANT: At the beginning of the recording, state your name

and confirm that you are the one completing the assessment in this

Save the audio recording as: [Surname, First Name]_CS1 T5 Recording

as shown below:

Smith, John_CS1 T5 Recording

CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

Submit this audio recording along with this completed workbook.

Your submission must not exceed three (3) minutes in length.
CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients - CASE STUDY

6. Suppose Georgette wanted to lodge a complaint through the Aged Care

Complaints Scheme (ACCS). She has asked for you to assist her in navigating so she can file her complaint online.

Take the following steps to assist her:

a. On the Home Page, click on the Lodge a Complaint button.
b. On the Lodge, a Complaint page, look for the Online Complaints Form.
c. Take a screenshot of the Online Complaints Form page and attach it in
the space provided below.

IMPORTANT: Note that you are not to lodge an actual complaint

on the website!

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