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Assalamu’alaikum Wr, wb.

Alhamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin
Wabihi nastanginu ‘ala umuri dun ya wadin
Wa ala alihi wa shobihi ajmain. Ama ba’du.

The Honorable juries of spech contest

The honorobla all the teachers and all my friends whom I respect and love.

Standing over here, I would like to give my greatest thanks to Allah SWT the almighty who has blessing
and mersy us. so we can meet together here,and Sholawat salam may be upon our beloved Prophet
Muhammad SAW..

Thank you for the opportunity given to me, my name is Zulaikha Az Zahra, my friends call me Zahra. I am
the first grade at Muslimin Bahrudin slamic Senior high School. The tittle of my speech to day is “ Being a
grateful Santri”.

I am so glad being here, living in good anvirontment surounded by pople who loves Allah and beloved by

Happy Ladies and gentleman

There are several things we must do to be grateful for this blessing.

Firstly, Lets do the best

Don’t be sad being here, far from family and other conditions, just remember that we are so
luck. Allah Said, A'udzu billahi minas syaythanir rajim, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

َ‫َواَل تَ ِهنُوا َواَل تَحْ َزنُوا َوَأ ْنتُ ُم اَأْل ْعلَوْ نَ ِإ ْن ُك ْنتُ ْم ُمْؤ ِمنِين‬

"And do not be weak and do not grieve. Yet you are a high people, if you believe” (Surah Ali
Imran: 139).

then, let's learn more enthusiastically to learn our beloved religion, Islam and also other lessons.
do not hesitate and be sad just because we are different from other teenagers, because in fact we are
the lucky one.

Happy Ladies and gentleman

We are islamic young generation, let’s do the best for our brighter future. Let’s improve our ability and
quality in education. Let’s show to the world that Moslem students are able to compete with others. I
belief by working and studying hard, the brighter future is ours.

Secondly, ask our parents to pray for our success.

Nowadays, most of young generations are influenced by modernization era, Many of them consume
drug, alcohol and something else that far from Islamic guidance. There isn’t moral value in their life. Our
parents’ wishes are we can far from those problems. So we have to ask theirs pray for our success.
From Anas bin Malik radhiallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"There are three prayers that are not rejected: [1] the prayer of parents (to their children) [2] those who
are fasting, [3] the prayers of those who are traveling" (HR. Al Baihaqi in his Sunan no. 6619,
authenticated by Al Albani in the lineage of Ash Shahihah)

So, hopefully our parents’ pray is not rejeted.

At last, lets put your trust only in Allah. After we do the best then ask our prarents’ pray, sure we have
to put our trust in Allah. Everything His plan is the best for us.

A'udzu billahi minas syaythanir rajim, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

"It may be that you hate something, even though it is very good for you, and it may be that you like
something, even though it is very bad for you; Allah knows, while you do not know." (Surat al-Baqarah:

Happy Ladies and gentleman

Let’s we show that santri always be a good example, good personality, being a good generation for our
parents, teachers, society and country, we are expected to be better and to bring brighter future. Lets
do the best. Be proud of being santri and say it “ it is my way, being santri is my way” please repeat after

Happy Ladies and gentleman

I think that’s all my speech, thanks for your kind attention. if there are mistakes, please forgive me.
because mistakes come from me and perfection belongs only to Allah wabilahitaufik walhidayah
wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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