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CHEMISTRY YEAR 12 Class activity sheet-02 (Atomic Structure)

An atom is made up of:

- a tiny dense positively charged central region called the nucleus
- the shells (space around the nucleus) containing electrons .

1. (a) (i) Why is the nucleus described as dense region? …..…………………………………..

(ii) Why is the nucleus described as positively charged region? ……………………………
(iii) What is the expected charge in the space around the nucleus of an atom? Explain.
(b) The structure of an atom is shown below,

+ Add a nucleus to the structure of the atom
shown on the left and label the diagram
completely. (6mks)

(c) A particle in the nucleus of an atom is called a nucleon.

(i) Name two types of nucleons in an atom. ………………………………………………..
(d) (i) Complete the table below by stating the different types of subatomic particles,
charges and relative masses.
Subatomic particle Charge Relative mass Location in an atom

(ii) Using the information you have provided on the table above, describe charge and mass
distribution in an atom ……………...……………………………….………………...........
- The diagram below shows the behaviour of subatomic particles in an electromagnetic field.

A: ……………………………
Positive plate
B: ……………………………

– – – – – –
Negative plate C: ……………………………

(d) (i) Label the particles A, B and C on the diagram.

(ii) Why is particle A deflected towards the positive plate?
(iii) Why does particle B pass through the field undeflected?
(iv) Why is particle C deflected towards the negative plate?
………………………………………………………………………………………. (6mks)
Isotopes are atoms of the same element.
- Definition: Isotopes are atoms of the same elements with different nucleon numbers.

2. The nuclei of two atoms (A1 and A2) of element E are shown below.
A1 A2

(a) State the atomic number of the element E and suggest a reason.
(b) State the number of:
(i) protons in the nucleus of A1 and give a reason. …………………………………..
(ii) protons in the nucleus of A2 and give a reason. …………………………………..
(iii) neutrons in the nucleus of A1 and give a reason. ………………………………….
(iv) neutrons in the nucleus of A2 and give a reason. ………………………………….
(c) Based on your answers in (a) or (b), which element on the Periodic Table is element
E? Explain. ……………………………………………………………………………...
(d) Using the exact symbol of element E on the periodic Table, represent A1 and A2 in the
form E.
(e) What term can be used to describe the atoms A1 and A2? Explain.
3. (a) Define the following terms as applied to an atom:
(i) Atomic number. ………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) mass number. ………………………………………………………………………………..
(b) A nuclide can be represented as .
(i) What does each of the following represent?
A: ………………………………… X: …………………………….. Z: ………………….. (i) (ii)
Suggest two other names for A. ……………………………………………………………
(iii) The number of neutrons in a is given by neutrons = A – Z. Complete the table below. …

Nuclide No of protons No of neutrons No of electrons

(c) Explain why:

(i) every atom is electrically neutral. ………………………………………………………………...
(ii) a sodium ion (Na+) is positively charge. …………………………………………………………
(iii) a chloride ion (Cl-) is negatively charge. ………………………………………………………..
(d) Complete the table below.
Nuclide No of protons No of neutrons No of electrons

54 76 56

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