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Date: Tuesday 19 October 2021

Final Mark Percentage

Time: 1hour 30 mins

Total marks available: 60

First Marker: total marks achieved:

Second Marker: total marks achieved:

1|P ag e
1. Hydrogen (1H), deuterium (2H) and tritium (3H) are all isotopes of each other.
a) Identify one similarity and one difference between these isotopes. (2)
b) Deuterium can be written as 2 H. Determine the number of protons, neutrons and
electrons in a deuterium atom. (3)
2. Copper exists in two main isotopic forms, 63Cu and 65Cu.
a) Calculate the relative atomic mass of copper using the information from the mass
spectrum. (2)


2|P ag e
3. Potassium reacts with oxygen to form potassium oxide, K2O.
a) Give the electronic configurations of the K atom and K+ ion. (2)
b) Give the electronic configuration of the oxygen atom. (1)
c) Suggest the identities of an atom, a positive ion and a negative ion with the electronic
configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6. (1)

4. This table shows the nuclear charge and first ionisation energy for four elements.
Element B C N O
Charge of the +5 +6 +7 +8
1st Ionization 801 1087 1402 1314
Energy (kJmol-
a) In these four elements, what is the relationship between nuclear charge and first
ionisation energy? (1)
b) Explain why nuclear charge has this effect on first ionisation energy. (2)

3|P ag e
5. The table below shows the melting points of period 3 elements

Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Melting 371 923 933 1687 317 392 172 84
Point (K)
In terms of structure and bonding, explain why;
a) Silicon has a high melting point (2)
b) The melting point of sulfur is higher than that of phosphorus. (2)

6. Calcium oxide is an ionic compound with ionic formula CaO.

a) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the formation of a bond and subsequent
bonding in calcium oxide. Show the outer electrons only. (3)

b) Solid calcium oxide does not conduct electricity, but molten calcium oxide does.
Explain this with reference to ionic bonding. (3)

4|P ag e
7. Predict the % ionic character of a C–Cl bond, given that the Pauling electronegativity
values of carbon and chlorine are C = 2.5 and Cl = 3.0. Show your calculations. (2)
Electronegativity 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.5 3.0
% ionic character 0.5 2 6 12 22 34 43 51 63 79 89

8. a) Define the term intermolecular force of attraction. (2)

b) What is the strongest intermolecular force? (1)
c) The diagrams below show the structures of two molecules of butane and two
molecules of methylpropane respectively.

5|P ag e
Butane molecule has a boiling point of 273K while methylpropane molecule has a boiling
point of 261K. Explain the difference in boiling points of the two molecules in terms of
intermolecular forces of attraction. (4)

9. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a commonly used component of bleach.

a) In hydrogen peroxide, what is the oxidation number of:
i) hydrogen? …………………………………….. (1)

ii) oxygen?.............................................................. (1)

b) Hydrogen peroxide reacts with sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) to produce sodium sulfate and
What is the oxidation number of sulfur in the sodium sulfite compound? (1)

6|P ag e
10. The following reaction is a disproportionation reaction:
Cl2 + 2H2O HOCl + HCl + H2O
By using oxidation numbers, show why this reaction can be classified as a
disproportionation reaction. (3)
11. Barium and Calcium are both group 2 elements.
a) Which, out of barium and calcium, has the highest, combined first and second
ionisation energy? Explain your answer. (4)
b) Calcium can be burned in chlorine gas. Write an equation, including state symbols, for
the reaction. (2)
12. A student has a sample of an aqueous potassium halide solution. She knows it contains
either chloride, bromide or iodide ions. The student adds a few drops of aqueous bromine
solution to the test tube and a reaction takes place.
i) Which halide ion is present in the potassium halide solution? (1)
ii) What colour will the aqueous solution in the test tube be after the reaction has
finished? (1)

7|P ag e
13. a) Calculate the number of particles present in 306g of Al2O3. (2)
(Avogadro’s Constant= 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 and Molar Mass of Al2O3 =102gmol-1)

b) How many moles of calcium sulfate are there in 34.05 g of CaSO 4? (2)

c) Calculate the mass of 0.360 moles of ethanoic acid (CH 3COOH). (2)

d) Calculate the concentration, in g dm–3, of 0.100 moles of HCl dissolved in 100cm3 of

water. (2)

8|P ag e
e) When 19.8 g of an organic acid, A, is burnt in excess oxygen, 33.0 g of carbon dioxide and
10.8 g of water are produced. Calculate the empirical formula for A and hence its molecular
formula, if Mr(A) = 132. (5)

9|P ag e
10 | P a g e

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