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Basalo, Johanes Marc B.

11 – STEM A October 31, 2022

The doodle fiction that is being analyzed is entitled “A Walk in the Park of
Peculiarities.” At first glance, the story seems to be normal to the reader, but as the
readers dive deep down and continue to explore the piece, they will start to notice it is
quite a strange story. This particular doodle fiction explores the genre of dark comedy
and pushes out of the cliché kind of stories. “A Walk in the Park of Peculiarities,” tells
the tale of Mrs. Parkinson, who recently moved to a new neighborhood. She explores
the peculiar behavior of the people who reside within the neighborhood.

The story starts when Mrs. Parkinson saw the entrance to a neighborly park. As
soon as she enters, she saw one of her new neighbors, Mr. Richards. This panel
already shows how comical the story gets, having ducks sitting on the bench while Mr.
Richards is the one swimming in the pond. Quite a strange behavior for two different
creatures. There is a term used in lifestyle called sitting ducks; it describes a person
doing too much sedentary behavior. Studies show that sitting ducks may eventually lead
to chronic diseases; from this, it can be implied that Mr. Richards has a chronic disease.
Onto the next panel, Mrs. Parkinson saw a young man who was eating a lot of honey.
Though it is okay to eat honey daily, hogging it like there is no tomorrow is truly
gruesome. The character in this panel exhibits Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; the
main symptoms shown are such as his obsession with eating honey. In the final panel
of the story, the last person that Mrs. Parkinson saw was her next-door neighbor Ms.
Rose with her dog, Andrew. According to Ms. Rose, Andrew could not remember where
he buried his bone. This particular behavior exhibits dementia, which is quite similar to
human's Alzheimer’s disease. Andrew’s forgetfulness may be the result of his old age.

In conclusion, Mrs. Parkinson’s exploration has led her to witness the different
conditions and traits of the people in her new neighborhood. The author has somehow
showcased within the piece different health disorders, ranging from chronic diseases to
mental illnesses. The characters in the story have shown quite peculiar behavior.
However, these are still common among the people we see in our everyday lives. All of
us meet a lot of different people but only it is their outward appearance that is seen. We
cannot fully read what is inside a person, whether it is their body, mind, or heart.

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