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“Drowning by the WHAT IFS and WHYS”

Life is to be lived, so live everyday as if it were your last. As a human being living in this fast-paced world,
I am being drowned by the what ifs and whys, suffocated by everyone's expectations, and slowed down
by fears and doubts. I am an excel and academic seeker, but others expect me to achieve what I have
hoped for quickly, and there is still a part of me that doubts myself in that so-called "life." What if I'm
not successful one day? What if I am a failure, a burden, and a waste of time? What if I continue to make
the same mistakes as before? Why are they having the life they desire but not me? Sometimes I lay in
bed, staring at the ceiling, looking at the sun or the moon, listening to the birds in the air, day after day,
hour after hour, minute by minute, and I wondered if I would encounter all of these questions in the
near future. But I realize that if we delve deeper and get to know the people better, we may discover
that we all have various perspectives on life and different what ifs and whys. However, these what ifs
and whys in our life may push us to make critical but intriguing actions.

As a youth in our generation, I could see that there was a great deal of pressure to remain unaffected.
The world and universe will try to tell us what to do until we are drowned out by the what-ifs and whys.
But I, you, and we are all aware of what is going on within our own souls. Life is all about taking chances
and making bold choices. If you don't, you will forever be thinking of those questions. But, to tell the
truth, I'm frightened of the future, but that's what life is, right? Life is supposed to be scary. Life is meant
to be lived.

Thus, Life is too short to live with regrets, so waste it wisely and holistically just like the Philosophy
teacher told me. By reflecting, learning, and growing, I learnt that I must try not to ruin today by
overthinking what happened yesterday and what could happen tomorrow. Just like what Mother Teresa
quoted, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” Those days
ahead of me are comprised of the same thing that I am right now—opportunity, space, and endless
possibilities. It places a lot of strain on my future self and hinders me from improving right now. So why
not now? Why not go for it right now?

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