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Because of the combination of many modalities, multimodal literature is a motivating

educational resource for students. Language acquisition can be aided by providing rich and
relevant input in the form of texts that interest the learner affectively and cognitively. This is
critical so that students and instructors alike regard multimodal book reading as both
pleasurable and beneficial.

Promoting the Reading of Multimodal Literature in ELT and Beyond

The images commonly presented in children's and young adult novels assist the reader
understand the message despite a lack of language abilities, therefore they contain more than
just vocabulary. Reading aids the brain in remembering these language structures because the
learner will relate an image to the word it represents, and because learning is aided by visual
cues, reading aids the brain in remembering these language structures.

According to Moeller and Meyer, because children's and young adult literature uses natural
language patterns in circumstances that students can relate to, it aids kids in making
connections and remembering language structures.

Defining and Describing Multimodal Literature

A multimodal text can be a book, such as a picturebook, informative text, or graphic novel,
although it is most typically a digital text. Multimodal materials, unlike monomodal texts,
necessitate the simultaneous processing of many modes as well as the recognition of
relationships between them.

Many features of texts must be examined while integrating them into ELT. The three
categories of text qualities listed below can be utilized as a starting point for characterizing
and analyzing texts in an educational setting.

 authentic features (content, language, presentation and multimodality)

 descriptive features (the reading context, length, and format)
 pedagogical features (activities and tasks)

Pedagogical Principles

‘In order to most effectively integrate multimodal texts in ELT and to provide a theoretical
grounding for integrating these texts, pedagogical principles are presented in Figure 1 that
can set the foundation for the planning of a lesson sequence focusing on multimodal
literature. The principle of 'integrating a variety of text formats' considers the importance of
including a wide variety of different texts that are of potential interest to learners.

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