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The Cellular Jail, also known as Kālā Pānī (lit.

 'Black Water'), was a British

colonial prison in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.This jail was built during the
reign of Bruisers after the war of 1857. The main objective of constructing this
prison was to provide severe torture to all the freedom fighters of India who
fought for Indian independence.Cellular Jail is situated at Port Blair within the
boundaries of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.This jail is surrounded by sea on all
its sides so that the prisoners who were detained in this jail could not find any
way to escape from the prison.Presently, this place is visited by tourists in the
form of a popular national monument. It is given the title of the National
Memorial. The major attraction of the place is its fascinating museum that
showcases life in prison and struggles faced by prominent political prisoners of
India.The Jail was designed in such a way that no prisoner can see, and talk to
other prisoners. A prisoner in one cell could not interact with the prisoner in the
adjacent cell.Several acclaimed freedom fighters of India who fought during the
epic Indian freedom movement were detained in the prison. A few of them are
Batukeshwar Dutt, Yogeshwar Shukla, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, and the famous Veer

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