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Azərbaycan State Oil and Industry


Specialization: Energy
Student : Nulan Hüseynli
Group: 511.23
Subject : English
Coober pedy
This Australian city is a village
completely underground. It was
built at the beginning of the
XNUMXth century as a mining
town dedicated to the
extraction of opals. Miners
soon discovered that it was
simpler and easier to stay
underground, especially in the
summer when the temperature
above reached 51ºC.
Whittier city

This city works in a single

building. This is it! The
building of 14 floors was once
a military barracks. Today, the
site is known as the gateway
to Prince William Sound, an
attraction for locals and
tourists who come to Alaska in
search of nature adventure.
Whittier has 200 residents all under one roof that
housed a police station, gas station, church and,
at the time, a video rental store. The entire
building is called Begich Towers and has only
one entrance/exit which opens twice an hour,
closes at night and reopens the next day.
Yangsi village
• .
This is a small Chinese
village. There are 30 people
living there, no more than
120 meters 1 centimeter
tall. China’s dwarfs built
this village to escape
discrimination and still
have their own police and
fire departments
This city was born in 1975,
when Oberto Airaudi and his
friends formed a ecological and
spiritual community in the
Piemonte region in the north of
the country. 600 people live
today and it is considered a
laboratory for the future of
Here people live in community
houses between 10 and 30
people. Life is completely
shared, has its own currency,
Credit and receives interesting
tourism. Due to the way of life,
but also due to its buildings,
some were built underground
Only 35 people live in this town, but
there are 350 dolls and puppets in
human form. They are the work of
artist Ayano Tsukimi, a woman now
in her 70s who came up with the
idea to fill the city with these
puppets and dolls when the real
population began to dwindle and
people began to feel lonely.
These dolls represent real
people and their professions, or
the professions they once had.
You can even watch the
documentary, Valley of the
Dolls, where you can see the
artist’s life and the process of
making these dolls.
Cold city, the city where the dead
are frozen forever without
breaking. It is true that the
location is so far north that, in
addition to the location, the cold
is also very great. The sun does
not rise for four months of the
year. From October to March, the
famous festival called Solfestuka
will be welcomed by all
Thanks for
your attention

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