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Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

TIN 101
Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Introduction, Definition, History and

Development of Industrial Engineering
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Universitas Andalas

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TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Capaian Pembelajaran Mata kuliah

(Course Learning Outcomes)
Students are able to:
• Explain the definition, history and development of Industrial
• Explain the profession, ethics, and professional
organizations of Industrial Engineering
• Explain the concept of integrated system in Industrial
Engineering perspective related to decision making
• Explain the most common methods related to statistical
analysis used by industrial engineers to solve problems
• Explain the most common methods related to body of
knowledge of Industrial Engineering used by industrial
engineers to solve problems

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Kontrak Perkuliahan
• Prasyarat: -
• Norma Akademik
- Berpakaian rapi dan sopan
- Kehadiran => 75%
• Penilaian
§ UTS : 30%
§ UAS : 30%
§ TUGAS/KUIS : 40%

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Silabus Mata kuliah (1)

• Introduction, definition, history and development of
Industrial Engineering
• Profession, ethics and professional organizations of
Industrial Engineering
• Introduction to the concept of integrated system in
Industrial Engineering
• Introduction to Andalas University IE curriculum (including
the Body of Knowledge of IE)
• Introduction to Statistical Analysis (population and sample,
introduction to probability theory, descriptive statistics
versus inferential statistics)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Silabus Mata kuliah (2)

• Introduction Work Design & Measurement
• Introduction to Ergonomics and Human Factors and Safety
• Introduction to Operations Engineering & Management
• Introduction to Quality & Reliability Engineering
• Introduction to Facilities Engineering & Energy Management
• Introduction to Engineering Management and Engineering
Economic Analysis
• Introduction to Operation Research & Analysis
• Introduction to Supply Chain Management and Information
• Introduction to Product Design & Development and System
Design & Engineering

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Referensi Utama
• Turner, Wayne C., et al. (1993). Introduction to
Industrial and Systems Engineering (3rd Edition),
• Salvendy, G. (2001). Handbook of Industrial
Engineering (Edisi Ketiga), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Referensi lainnya (1)

• Work Systems and Methods, Measurement and Management
of Work. Groover, Mikell P. Prentice Hall. 2007
• Introduction to Operations Research. Hillier, Frederick S. and
Lieberman, Gerald J. McGraw-Hill, 10th Edition. 2015.
• Engineering Economic Analysis. Newnan, Donald G., Lavelle,
Jerome P., and Eschenbach, Ted G. Oxford University Press,
12th Edition. 2013
• Facilities Planning. Tompkins, James A., White, John A., Bozer,
Yavuz A. and Tanchoco, J. M. A. Wiley, 4th Edition. 2010.
• Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Montgomery, D. C.
Wiley, 7th edition. 2013
• Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers.
Lehto, Mark R. and Landry, Steven J. CRC Press, 2nd Edition.

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Referensi lainnya (2)

• Production and Operations Analysis, 7th Edition. Nahmias, S.
and T. Lennon Olsen. Waveland Press, Inc. 2015
• Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and
Operations. Chopra, Sunil, and Meindl, Peter. Pearson, 6th
Edition, 2015
• Managing Engineering and Technology. Morse, Lucy C. and
Babcock, Daniel L. Prentice Hall, 6th Edition. 2013
• Goetsch, D. (2015). Occupational Safety and Health for
Technologists, Engineers, and Managers (8th edn.).
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
• Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
14th Edition. Laudon, K.C., & Laudon, J.P. Pearson Education,
Inc. 2016)
• Product Design and Development. Ulrich, Karl T. and
Eppinger, Steven D. McGraw- Hill/Irwin, 5th Edition. 2011
• Systems Engineering and Analysis. Blanchard, Benjamin S.
and Fabrycky, Wolter J. Pearson, 5th Edition. 2011
TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Introduction, Definition, History and

Development of IE
Learning Outcomes:
Students are able to explain the definition, history
and development of Industrial Engineering

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

As companies adopt management philosophies of

continuous productivity and quality improvement to
survive in the increasingly competitive world
market, the need for industrial engineers is
growing. Why? Industrial engineers are the only
engineering professionals trained as
productivity and quality improvement
specialists ”

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Productivity ?
The concept of productivity had
no meaning until the industrial
engineers showed how to
measure it ... increasing
productivity created the need for
the knowledge of how to use it ...
the key to producing more was
to work smarter ... the key to
productivity was knowledge, not
sweat (Peter Drucker, The Age
of Discontinuity,1968)

Productivity is doing the right things in

the right way
TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What is Engineering? (1) Engineering is the

application of
mathematics, as well
as scientific,
economic, social, and
practical knowledge
in order to invent,
innovate, design,
build, maintain,
research, and
improve structures,
machines, tools,
systems, components,
materials, processes,
Engineering is the application of math and solutions, and
science by which the properties of matter and organizations
the sources of energy in nature are made (https://en.wikipedia.o
useful to people (kamus Webstar) rg/wiki/Engineering)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What is Engineering? (2)

Engineering is the
profession in which a
knowledge of the
mathematical and
natural sciences
gained by study,
experience and
practice is applied
with judgement to
develop ways to
utilize, economically,
the materials and
forces of nature for
the benefit of
(ABET, 2000)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Engineering vs Science (1)

Engineers solve
problems, but so do
Engineers analyze,
but so do statisticians
and economists.
Engineers design
systems, do others ?
(Wayne C. Turner, Introduction to

Industrial and Systems Engineering 2003)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Engineering vs Science (2)

• Science adalah berkaitan • Engineering berkenaan dengan
dengan memahami alam, creating what has never been
understanding what is § Engineering murni bersifat sintetik
§ Science murni bersifat § Bekerja dengan engineering
analitik method
§ Bekerja dengan metode – Menentukan kebutuhan dengan
ilmiah (sientific method) requirement analysis (definisi
– Membuat dugaan masalah; menentukan batasan-
(hipotesis) batasan; menentukan properti
– Membuktikan apakah solusi)
hipotesis benar atau – Mencari pilihan rancangan
salah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
– Eksperimen dan – Membuat prototype dan
pengumpulan fakta menyempurnakan rancangan
dilakukan untuk – Mentransformasikan prototype
pembuktian menjadi produksi masal
– Menghasilkan solusi dengan
terus menguji dan
memperbaiki rancangan
TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What is Industrial Engineering (IE) ? (1)

• Industrial • Industrial
engineering is a engineers work to
branch of eliminate waste of
engineering which time, money,
deals with the materials, man-
optimization of hours, machine
complex processes, time, energy and
systems or other resources
organizations. that do not
generate value

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What is Industrial Engineering (IE) ? (2)

• Menurut Institute of Industrial and System Engineers
Industrial and System Engineering is concerned with the design,
improvement and installation of integrated systems of people,
materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon
specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and
social sciences together with the principles and methods of
engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate
the results to be obtained from such systems

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What is Industrial Engineering (IE) ? (3)

• Sebagai disiplin dalam rumpun engineering, IISE
menyatakan bahwa:

§ as any other Engineering discipline, requires a

fundamental knowledge of math and science.
§ These include Calculus, Statistics, Probability,
Chemistry, Physics, and the Engineering Sciences

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Industrial Engineering = Design ?

• Industrial Engineering= Production/Operation
Engineering, Methods Engineering/Ergonomics
(the study of work)
• Design :
§ Merancang, mengkonstruksi, mengintegrasikan
§ Analisa (diferensiasi) + Sintesa (integrasi)
• Tanpa praktek merancang, disiplin TI/IE bukan
engineering, tetapi sekedar matematika terapan.
• Problem perancangan mikro
(real/nyata) ke makro (abstraktif)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Engineering Approach
• Penciri yang menyebabkan teknik industri tetap
merupakan disiplin engineering
§ Analitic thinking: the abstract separation of a whole
into its constituent parts in order to study the parts
and their relations.
§ Synthetic thinking: the combination of ideas into a
complex whole
§ Engineering analysis: involves the application of
scientific analytic principles and processes to reveal
the properties and state of the system, device or
mechanism under study
§ Design approach: mulai dari kebutuhan dan berujung
pada hasil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Teknik Industri (IE): Merancang Apa?

• Tidak merancang industri • Pengukuran kinerja
(designing industry) rancangan dilihat dari
• Merancang sistem untuk aspek benefit-cost ratio
industri, perbankan, penggunaan uang,
pemerintahan, material, waktu, usaha
pendidikan, dll agar manusia dan energi
menghasilkan barang dan • Rekayasa proses dan
jasa secara efisien sistem untuk
dengan mutu tinggi memperbaiki kualitas
dan produktivitas kerja
(efektif – efisien)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Industrial Engineering and Other Disciplines

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

History and Development of IE (1)

(s/d tahun 1950-an – Revolusi Industri 1.0 dan 2.0)
• Tokoh-Tokoh:
§ Adam Smith (1776) – specialization,
§ Charles Babbage (1832) – Division of Labor
§ Frederick W. Taylor (1905) – Scientific
§ Frank & Lillian Gilbreth (1912) – Micro-motion

• Konsep-konsep:
§ Wealth of Nations – spesialisasi/keahlian untuk
meningkatkan produktivitas kerja
§ Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers –
pembagian kerja
§ Principles of Scientific management
§ Human Factors, Ergonomics, Micro-motion

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

History and Development of IE (2)

(1950-1970 – Revolusi Industri 3.0)
• Bidang perhatian:
§ Teknik Tata Cara & Pengukuran Kerja
§ Pengendalian produksi, persediaan,
kualitas (mutu), waktu, biaya, anggaran,
§ Evaluasi jabatan, sistem pengupahan:
analisis jabatan, analisis kinerja, upah
perangsang, administrasi pengupahan, dll
§ Rancangan dan fasilitas pabrik : tata
letak, pengadaan dan peremajaan
peralatan, perancangan produk, perkakas,
peralatan, dll

• Bahan kajian:
§ Statistika, Operation Research, Psikologi

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

History and Development of IE (3)

(1970-1990 – Revolusi Industri 4.0)
• Bidang Perhatian:
§ Bidang Industri : antariksa, bank dan
keuangan, elektronika, pemerintahaan,
pelayanan kesehatan (rumah sakit),
retail, industri baja, transportasi dan
distribusi, utilitas, dll.
§ Bidang Sistem Manusia dan
Informasi : komputer dan sistem
informasi, ekonomi teknik, ergonomi,
hubungan kerja dan industri,
manajemen, tata-cara dan pengukuran
kerja, dll
§ Bidang Sistem Produksi : manajemen
energi, perancangan dan perencanaan
fasilitas, sistem manufaktur, penelitian
operasional, pengendalian produksi dan
persediaan, pengendalian mutu dan

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

History and Development of IE (4)

(1990-sekarang – Industri 4.0)
• Topik-topik Baru:
§ CIM – Computer Integrated
§ DSS – Decision Support System
§ JIT – Just-in-Time Production System
§ Perkembangan variasi dari sistem
produksi, penelitian operasional,
manajemen sumber daya manusia,
§ Knowledge-Based-Management,
Supply Chain, Six Sigma, dll
§ Topik-topik lama tetap berkembang
seperti ergonomi, pengukuran kerja
(dalam skala makro)

• Didasari oleh
perkembangan komputer
dan teknologi informasi
TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Development of Industrial Engineering (IE)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Phase-Phase Perkembangan Aktivitas

Produksi di Industri

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Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Perkembangan Disiplin Teknik Industri

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

The Role of the Industrial Engineers in

Integrating New Technologies (1980 - 2000)

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Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Kompetensi Teknik Industri Menyongsong Masa Depan

Sumber: Sinks, DS. Can IE’s Become Master of Change?
Journal Industrial Engineering, December 1985

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Performance Industri Masa Depan

• Manufacturing : focus on processes, continuous
improvement, mass customization.
• Reach the market faster, at lower costs, at
higher quality, high customer satisfaction
and loyalty.
• Quality - reliability - maintainability -
• Manufacturing ethics : emphasis on people and
environment (human capital/assets, human-
ware, brainware, etc)

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

What Do IEs Do ?
• As a management engineer in a hospital, you may help
doctors and nurses make the best use of their time in
treating patients. You may also design procedures for
optimum use of medical facilities to help bring the cost of
healthcare down.
• an ergonomist in a television manufacturing plant, you
may change the tools workers use to assemble televisions to
reduce the risk of repetitive stress injuries.
• As an operations analysts for an airline, you may design a
bar coding system for identifying and transporting
passengers’ luggage to ensure that it does not get lost.
• As a quality engineer for a public gas and electric
company, you may improve customer satisfaction by
designing a process to schedule service calls around the
availability of the customer

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Industri 1.0 - Industrial 4.0

PLC pertama kali
dimanfaatkan pada Revolusi 4.0:
1969 Penggunaan
Revolusi 3.0: komputer dan
Lintas perakitan
Pemanfaatan telekomunikasi
pertama 1870
elektronik dan maju (internet)
Revolusi 2.0: teknologi untuk
Mesin tenun
Penggunaan informasi untuk membentuk
mekanik tahun sistem produksi
1784 konsep produksi melakukan
masal melalui otomasi proses cyber-physiscal;
Revolusi 1.0: yaitu penyatuan
lintas produksi produksi
Pemanfaatan dunia nyata
tenaga uap untuk yang didukung termasuk
oleh manajemen dengan dunia
mekanisasi pada pemanfaatan (ERP) maya (virtual)
proses produksi energi listrik
Akhir abad 18 Awal abad 20 Awal tahun 1970 Sekarang
TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1
Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Industry of the future

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

Apa pengaruhnya ?
• Kemampuan-kemampuan yang harus
diperkuat oleh seorang Industrial Engineer :
• Kemampuan terkait teknologi informasi dan
• Kemampuan analitik untuk mencari pengetahuan
dari big data
• Kemampuan kerjasama
• Kemampuan inovasi

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Andalas

TIN101 Pengantar Teknik Industri, Pertemuan 1

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