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System Analysts will review an existing system which is currently

not meeting expectations. The steps shown below will be
followed to develop a new system which is fit for the purpose.
1- Analysis: Collecting information about the present system
and identifying problems.
2- Design: Designing a new system to correct the problems
identified in the analysis.
3- Development & Testing: Developing and testing new
4- Implementation: Replacing the old system with the new
5- Documentation: Creating technical and user documentation
for new system.
6- Evaluation: Evaluating whether the new system meets the
requirements of the design requirements.

Analysis: In order to collect information of the existing system,

four common methods are used as described below.
1- Observation: This method involves watching/observing
people using the existing system.
Advantages Disadvantages
It obtain reliable data. People are generally
uncomfortable being
Inexpensive method. People may perform
differently when they are
being watched.

2- Interview: In this method people are interviewed (one-

toone/ question and answer session).
Advantages Disadvantages
It allows to probe more It can be time consuming.
into the problem.
It allows the analyst to get The analyst cannot remain
honest opinion of the anonymous with this
employees. method.

3- Questionnaires: Questionnaires are distributed to

employees/customer to find out a range of opinions about
the current system.
Advantages Disadvantages
Large audience can be Questions may not be
reached. completely accurate.
Questions can be answered May not be all returned.
quickly such as tick boxes.

4- Collecting Documents: This method allows the analyst to

see how the existing system is working. It gives the idea of
scale of the problem, memory size requirement and type
of I/O devices being used.
Advantages Disadvantages
Analyst can view how Time consuming.
current paper work
This method can give Can be a costly method.
critical information of the

Design: Based on the information from the analysis stage a new

system will be designed. The new system will hope to resolve the
issues identified in the current system.
Data capture forms: These forms allow the data to be input into
the system. This will be either paper based or electronic-based
depending on the application.
Paper-based forms must include:
1- Proper heading.
2- Text boxes to limit the amount of information.
3- Tick boxes to make choice easier.
4- Sufficient space to write answers.
5- Use clear fonts and clear text colours.
Computer based forms must include:
1- Text boxes to capture key data.
2- On-screen help.
3- Use of radio buttons and tick boxes for easy selection.
4- Control buttons such as clear, save, next, back etc. 5-
Automatic validation.

Screens display and printed reports: The output forms need

careful consideration and therefore should be designed as:
1- To make sure size of all output fields are correct.
2- Instructions are clear.
3- Full screen is utilized.
4- Colors and fonts are clear.

System Flowcharts: It is used to show how data flows in a system

and how decisions are being made. System analyst use these
charts to give an overall view of the proposed system.
Verification: It is used to check the accuracy of the data. It is a
way of preventing errors in a system. Types are
1- Double entry: In this method the data is entered twice and
is then compared.
2- Visual check/ proof reading: It is the checking of accuracy of
entered data by comparing it with original file.
Validation: It is the process to check if data is reasonable or not.
It is used to see whether entered data satisfies certain criteria or
Development and Testing: Once the design process is
completed, it is then necessary to create the system and test it
Development stage includes:
1- Create the file structure.
• Field names
• Set data types
2- Validation techniques: It make sure the input data is correct
and reasonable.
3- User interface: It allows the user to interact with the system
to input data.
Testing: Testing is done to make sure all the components of the
system are working correctly before the system is implemented.

•Software systems are developed in Modular form which means

each part of the system is developed separately by the

•This allows each module of the system to be tested separately

once it has been developed.

•If errors are found in the modules or full program then

modifications will be made to the system.

A typical test plan includes three different types of test data as

described below
Example test score: 0 – 100
1- Normal Test Data: It is within range i.e. 1 to 99
2- Abnormal Test Data: It is outside the range such as -10, 101
3- Extreme Test Data: It is on the boundary of the range such
as 1 or 100.
Implementation: It involves the change of the old system with
the new tested system. The change of system can be done by
using the following methods.

1- Direct Changeover: The existing system is stopped and

replaced by the new system immediately.
Advantages Disadvantages
Cost is reduced as only one If new system fails old system
system is being used. is not available to fall back to.
The new system will be more Employees are not trained
efficient and less prone to yet.
errors as it is fully tested
before applying.

2- Parallel Running: The existing system work together with

the new system for a period of time until the new system
fully takes over.
Advantages Disadvantages
If new system fails, old system Tasks will be duplicated as
is still available. data is being input in both the
Employees can be trained This can require more work
gradually. force (salaries).

3- Phased Implementation: The new system is gradually

introduced e.g. when parts of new system are working
according to the requirement then new parts are
Advantages Disadvantages
If new system does not work Time consuming as every part
properly, we can fall back to of the system is gradually
old system. implemented after

New system is only Employees have to

introduced when it is be trained.
working properly.

4- Pilot Running: The new system is trialed in one part of the

department, if successful then it is implemented across all
the departments.
Advantages Disadvantages
Only one department is It is time consuming as it will
affected if new system does take a while to fully implement
not work properly. the new system.
Training can take place in one If system fails, then
department at a time. modification is required which
can leads to further delay.

1- User Documentation: It is used to help the user/employees
of the system. It includes
• List of minimum hardware and software requirement.
• How to install the system.
• How to start and stop the system.
• Example input/ output.
• A troubleshooting guide.

2- Technical documentation: It is for technical people who

need to know how exactly the system works. It includes
• Details of hardware and software.
• Details of data structure.
• Details of validation check.
• Details of how data is processed.
• Flow charts

Evaluation: The final stage of the system life cycle is to evaluate the
new system which has been implemented in full. The purpose of the
evaluation is referring back to the requirement specification to see
whether the new system has resolved the issues of the previous system
and met the requirements stated in the design.

• After the evaluation is completed if there are any problems

or limitations with the system from a technical or user point
of view then the system analyst will refer back to the design
stage of the system life cycle.
• Based on the feedback necessary adjustments could be made
to improve the overall efficiency and usability of the new

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