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System life cycle

When creating a new system, a set of system analysis teams are brough to review the existing
system to suggest the improvements. For example, if we have a chocolate factory, that is run-in
old-school fashion without no machinery, and we are trying to update it and make it into a
modern chocolate factory. To update it will have to do the following steps:
1. Analysis
2. Design
3. Design
4. Development and testing
5. Implementation
6. Documentation
7. Evaluation

 The stages are:
1. Research or collect data from current system. The team will research and collect data
about the system of the chocolate factory.
2. Describe the current system. The team will describe the system by listing the inputs and
outputs, and the processes of both of them in making chocolate.
3. Identify the problem with the current system. The team will identify that because of
lack of machinery the processing of creating chocolates is slower.
4. Agree the objective with the clients. The team will show their work and tell the owner
of the chocolate factory about their objectives of bringing more machines, and instead
of making all their business documents on paper they can have it digitally on computers.
5. Identify and agree customer requirements. The team will agree to the requirement that
the chocolate should still be in the same quality as it was before, as they have agreed to
it with the owner.
6. Interpret customer requirement. The team adds the customer’s requirements in with
the rest for their data.
7. Produce a cost-benefit analysis. Then the team will use the information they got a
create proper analysis that will not be very expensive.
8. Identify suitable hardware and software. The team will know list all the differ machines
required to producing the chocolate faster, and will also list the proper software and
hardware devices to create a database for the factory.
9. Produce a data flow diagram. The team will produce diagram to show the owner how
the new chocolate production will go.
 In researching and collecting data there are 4 common ways:
o Observation- this involves observing/watching the current system to find
out how it works.
 Advantage- they obtain reliable data and relatively inexpensive method
 Disadvantage- workers can work differently due to their presence
o Questionnaires – this involves giving out questioneires, to find ou their views,
and key tasks.
 Advantage- they can be completed quickly and inexpensive method
 Disadvantage- they may not be filled because workers can forget and they
are inflexible as questions are often generic.
o Interviews- this involves one-to-one question and answers between
analysts and the employee/customers to find out specific aspects of the
 Advantage- it motivates the interviewee to give honest answers and
questions can be changed a specified according to situation.
 disadvantage- time consuming and interviewee will not be anonymous.
o Looking at existing paperwork- this method involves looking through all
the files, papers, accounts, etc. this can help identify the size of the issue,
required devices, etc.
 Advantage- can find information that wouldn’t have been found any other
way and this method allows to see how the paper system operates.
 Disadvantage- it time consuming excise

1. Design the forms, either paper based or computer based.
2. Design the screen layout.
3. Design outputs in the from of screen displays and printed reports
4. Produce systems flowcharts
5. Select/design validation/verification rules that need to be used.
 Verification- a way to prevent errors
o Double entry: data is entered twice from 2 different people and then
o Visual check: comparing and checking data with original document.
 Validation- data is checked to specify a certain criteria. The following check that
o Range check- within acceptable values
o Visual check- exists and is stored in data table
o Length check- contains required number of characters
o Character/type check- doesn’t contain invalid characters
o Format/picture check- in specific format
o Presence check- actually present and hasn’t been missed out
o Consistency check- checks if fields corresponds with each other.
o Check digital- if extra digits are added when a calculation is done.
6. Design/agree on file structures
 Field length
 Field name
 Data type
o Data dictionary is used to find suitable field names.
7. Produce any algorithms or program flowcharts.
8. Design a testing strategy/plan.

Testing and development stage

 File structure should be finalized
 Make sure data is stored in correct files.
 Create some form of user interface.
Testing strategy
 Software is often developed in modular forms. This method breaks down the software
into smaller parts (modules), and then each on of these modules is developed and
tested. Then they all are combined again to reform the system then it is tested all
together again.
 The testing uses many types of test data, they all fit in 4 categories:
o Normal- has an expected outcome, example 2 to 14 in a range of 1 to 15
o Extreme – it is at the limit of acceptability, example 1 and 15 in a range of 1 to
o Abnormal- they are outside the limit of acceptability, example 20, -2,1.5, July
from a range of 1 to 15.
o Live- data with a known outcome

The process is the following:
1. They will need to train staff on the new system.
2. Transfer paper files or electronic files to new system.
o You can either:
o Scan the documents
o Key in the data
o Download files to new database
3. Changeover to new system.
o You can either do:
o Direct changeover- stopping the old system all together and starting
the new one immediately
o Parrel running- old and new are run side by side, before the new
system takes over
o Pilot implementation/running- using the new system in another
place to see if it really works then using it on the main place.
o Phased implementation – the system is introduced in parts to make
sure everything is working, until the old system is fully relaced.

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