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Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

If you study hard, you will get good marks.
If he jogs every day, he can lose weight.
If there were snow in Bien Hoa, I would buy many coats.
If you went to the moon, you could see Mr. Cuoi.
If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you.


I. Future possible

II. Present unreal

III. Past unreal

1. When “if clause” stands at the beginning of the sentence,
2. “if” and “when”
- If:
- When:
I will see you at Christmas when we’re all at Sally’s place. (We are certain to be at Sally’s place.)
I’ll see you in August if I come to New York. (Perhaps I’ll come to New York, perhaps not)
3. Unless =
If he doesn’t work hard, he will lose his job. = Unless he works hard, he will lose his job.
Unless you answered my question, I’d punish you. =
4. Otherwise:
I had no problems. Otherwise, I would have telephoned you.
Thanks for your directions to the house. We wouldn’t have found it otherwise.
5. Truth/Facts
Ex. Oil floats if you pour it on water.
If you boil water, it turns into steam.
6. Mixed conditional sentences
Ex. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t be tired now.
7. If… should; if … happen to:
Ex. If he should be late, we’ll have to start without him.
If you happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs.
8. If … were to:
If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you say?
9. if so
There is a possibility that Jack will be late. If so, I’ll take his place.
10. Even if:
Even if it rains, we’ll still go for a picnic.
11. What if?
What if the train is late? What if she forgets to bring it?
12. Inversion:
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

Ex. 1.If I were you, I would accept his invitation.

2. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
3. If you should finish early, give me a ring.
4. If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t have much trouble now.

13. in case
Ex. There’s some steak in the fridge if you’re hungry.
= There’s some steak in the fridge in case you’re hungry.
I have bought some more food if / in case our guests stay to dinner.
(underline the correct oftion)
14. But for /Without

Ex. If there were no sun, there would be no light.

= But for/without the sun, there would be no light.
If it weren’t for his wife’s money, he’d never be a director.

If he hadn’t helped me, I would have died.

If the man hadn’t acted so quickly, I could have been killed.

15. imagine (that), suppose (that), supposing (that), providing (that), provided (that), as/so long as, on
condition (that)
Ex. Imagine we could all fly. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Supposing you fell in love with your boss, what would you do?
You can borrow my bike providing/provided you bring it back.
I’ll lend you the money so /as long as you return it to me by December.
I’ll give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning.
16. If and adjectives
If necessary, take a taxi.
17. If only = I wish
Present/future meaning

S + wish/wishes + S +

The students wish (that) today were Sunday. (Today is not Sunday.)
We wish we could make a trip around the world. (We can’t make a trip around the world.)
She wishes she had a car. (She doesn’t have a car now.)
I wish I was going on holiday with you next week. (I am not going)
Would is used:
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

I wish he would change his mind and marry Jane.
I wish you wouldn’t make such a mess.

Past meaning
S + wish/wishes +
Now she wishes she had gone to university.

Ex. If only it would stop raining, we could go out. (future)

If only I were better looking. (present)
If only I hadn’t drunk too much, this wouldn’t have happened. (past)
I wish you (not bite)…………………………… your nails!
If only she (not tell)…………………. the police, everything would have been all right. (past)
I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I’ll look for your notebook, and if I (find) ________, I (give) _______ you a ring.
2. Unless Tom (take) _______ his library book back tomorrow, he (have to pay)___________ a fine.
3. If he (not study) _____________ his lessons, he will be punished.
4. If we invited them, they (come) __________________?
5. I (not be) __________________ upset if she wrote to me earlier.
6. I (tell) ______________________ you about it if I had seen you last week.
7. He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian. If he (tell) ______________, I (cook)
_______________him something more suitable.
8. If he (study) ___________ his lesson carefully, he would have passed the exam.
9. If he (take)………………………….. my advice, everything can go well.
10. It’s too bad we lost the game. If you (play) ………………for us, we (win)………………..
11. What you (do)……………………… if she refuses your invitation?
12. Unless they (pass)………………………. their examinations, they would join the army.

II. Rewrite the following sentences, using “if clauses”.

1. He got up late this morning. That’s why he was late for school.
If ………………………………………………………………..
2. It’s too cold, so we can’t go swimming.
If ………………………………………………………………..
3. There will be a shortage of water unless it rains.
If ………………………………………………………………..
4. You drank too much coffee that’s why you can’t sleep.
If you ………………………………………………………………..
5. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
Unless ………………………………………………………………..
6. I don’t know his address so I can’t contact him.
If ………………………………………………………………..
III. Choose the best answer.
1. If people ______ after their houses properly, the police wouldn’t have so much work to do. (CĐ, 08)
A. should look B. look C. have looked D. looked
2. Had she worked harder last summer, she ______. (CĐ, 2009)
A. wouldn't be sacked B. wouldn't sack C. wouldn't have been sacked D. wouldn't have sacked
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

3. If everyone ______, how would we control the traffic? (ĐH, 2010)

A. had flown B. can fly C. could fly D. flies
4. We have bought extra food ______ our guests stay to dinner. (ĐH, 2010)
A. if B. so that C. in case D. when
5. If it ______ for the heavy storm, the accident would not have happened. (ĐH, 2011)
A. were B. hadn’t been C. weren’t D. isn’t
6. Had they arrived at the shop earlier, they ______ a better selection of clothes.(CĐ, 2011)
A. will find B. would be finding C. would have found D. will have found
7. The children wish that they have more free time to play football. (CĐ, 2012)
8. The bad weather caused serious damage to the crop. If only it ______ warmer. (ĐH, 2012)
A. were B. had been C. has been D. was
9. I would join that running competition ______. (A 1, 2013)
A. when I was 5 years older B. if I were 5 years younger
C. if it would happen 5 years ago D. unless I were 5 years younger
10. “What ______ if the earth stopped moving?” (A 1, 2013)
A. happened B. would happen C. happens D. will happen
11. I wish I hadn’t accepted the invitation to her birthday party. (A 1, 2013)
A. I insisted on having been invited to her birthday party.
B. I was very glad to accept the invitation to her birthday party.
C. I regret accepting the invitation to her birthday party.
D. If only I had come to her birthday party.
12. I would have worn the right shoes if I had known I was going to do all this climbing. (A 1, 2013)
A. I would love to go climbing, but I do not have any shoes that would be suitable.
B. As I did not know I was going to do so much climbing, I did not wear suitable shoes.
C. I did not go climbing because I did not have the right shoes.
D. I would have gone on the climb if I had been wearing the right shoes.
13. If you had stuck to what we originally agreed on, everything would have been fine. (ĐH, 2013)
A. If you had not kept to what was originally agreed on, everything would have been fine.
B. Things went wrong because you violated our original agreement.
C. If you had changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine.
D. As you fulfilled the original contract, things went wrong.
14. ________ a few more minutes, we could have finished the task. (A 1, 2014)
A. Unless we had B. If we had had C. If we have D. If we had
15. ______ my mother’s encouragement, I wouldn’t have made such a daring decision. (ĐH, 2014)
A. Until B. In spite C. But for D. Providing
16. “Take a spare tyre ______ you have a puncture on the way to the beach.” (ĐH, 2014)
A. in case B. if C. so that D. unless
17. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ………………their student cards. (2015)
A. didn’t produce B. don’t produce C. produced D. hadn’t produced
18. If John does not change his working style, he will be sacked soon. (2015)
19. Without your help, I ______ the technical problem with my computer the other day. (2016)
A. wouldn’t solve B. couldn’t have solved C. could solve D. can’t solve
20. She didn’t pass the exam because of her serious illness. (2016)
Had she not ______________________________________________________________.
21. He now regrets that he didn’t take the doctor’s advice. (2016)
He now wishes ___________________________________________________________.
22. He was successful in his career thanks to his parents' support. (2017)
A. Had it not been for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.
B. If his parents hadn't supported him, he wouldn't have been successful in his career.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

C. But for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.

D. Without his parents' support, he would have been successful in his career.
23. They were late for the meeting because of the heavy snow. (2017)
A. Had it not snowed heavily, they would have been late for the meeting.
B. If it snowed heavily, they would be late for the meeting.
C. But for the heavy snow, they wouldn't have been late for the meeting.
D. If it didn't snow heavily, they wouldn't be late for the meeting.
24. We survived that accident because we were wearing our seat belts. (2017)
A. If we weren't wearing our seat belts, we couldn't have survived that accident.
B. But for our seat belts, we would have survived that accident.
C. Had we not been wearing our seat belts, we wouldn't have survived that accident.
D. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.
25. They cancelled all the sporting events because of the heavy rain. (2017)
A. If it didn't rain heavily, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
B. Without the heavy rain, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
C. If it hadn't rained heavily, they would have cancelled all the sporting events.
D. Had it not rained heavily, they wouldn't have cancelled all the sporting events.
26. If Martin were here now, he ______ us to solve this difficult problem. (2018)
A. would help B. helps C. will help D. has helped
27. If he didn't have to work today, he ______ his children to the zoo. (2018)
A. will take B. takes C. would take D. has taken
28. If you didn't have to leave today, I ______ you around the city. (2018)
A. have shown B. showed C. will show D. would show
29. If our teacher were here now, he ______ us with this difficult exercise. (2018)
A. has helped B. helps C. will help D. would help
30. We __________on a field trip if the weather is fine this weekend. (2019)
A. would go B. went C. could have gone D. will go
31. Peter moved abroad for a fresh start. He regrets it now. (2019)
A. If only Peter had moved abroad for a fresh start.
B. If Peter moved abroad for a fresh start, he would regret it.
C. Peter regrets not having moved abroad for a fresh start.
D. Peter wishes he hadn’t moved abroad for a fresh start.
32. If you follow my directions, you _________her house easily. (2019)
A. will find B. would have found C. found D. would find
33. Mike didn’t follow his parents’ advice on choosing his career. He regrets it now. (2019)
A. Mike regrets having followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
B. If Mike followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career, he regrets it now.
C. If only Mike followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
D. Mike wishes he had followed followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
34. If I ______you, I would take the doctor’s advice. (2020)
A. had been B. are C. were D. will be
35. The English patient made a miraculous recovery from Covid-19. This was thanks to the efforts of the
Vietnamese meadical staff. (2020)
A. Suppose that the English patient made a miraculous recovery from Covid-19, the Vietnamese
meadical staff would make efforts.
B. Without the efforts of the Vietnamese meadical staff, the English patient a a miraculous recovery
from Covid-19.
C. If the English patient had made a miraculous recovery from Covid-19, the Vietnamese meadical
staff would have made efforts.
D. But for the efforts of the Vietnamese meadical staff, the English patient couldn’t have made a
miraculous recovery from Covid-19
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

36. Jane doesn’t have a computer. She can’t work from home. (2021)
A. If only Jane had had a computer, she couldn’t have worked from home.
B. If Jane had had a computer, she couldn’t have worked from home.
C. Jane wishes she had a computer so that she could work from home.
D. Provided that Jane has a computer, she can’t work from home.
37. Mike doesn’t feel well today. He can’t go out with his friends. (2021)
A. If only Mike had felt well today, he couldn’t have gone out with his friends.
B. If Mike had felt well today, he couldn’t have gone out with his friends.
C. Mike wishes he felt well today so that he could go out with his friends.
D. Provided that Mike feels well today, he can’t go out with his friends.
38. Her English is not good. She can’t apply for the job. (2021)
A. If only her English had been good, she couldn't have applied for the job.
B. If her English had been good, she couldn’t have applied for the job.
C. She wishes her English were good so that she could apply for the job.
D. Provided that her English is good, she can’t apply for the job.
39. Paul doesn’t have access to the Internet. He can’t go online. (2021)
A. Provided that Paul has access to the Internet, he can’t go online.
B. Paul wishes that he had access to the Internet so that he could go online.
C. If only Paul had had access to the Internet, he couldn’t have gone online.
D. If Paul had had access to the Internet, he couldn’t have gone online.

I. Match sentences with their meanings, A or B, in each pair.
1. Nick's having a shower. A. There's a shower, not a bath, in his flat.
2. Nick has a shower. B. He's wet.
3. Sally works from home. A. Her office is in her home.
4. Sally is working from home. B. She is at home today to wait for a builder.
5. David's cold. A. He feels ill.
6. David has a cold. B. The heating is turned off.
7. It 's going to be cold tonight. A It's always cold at night at this time of year.
8. It'll be cold tonight. B I can feel a cold breeze coming from the north.
9. He'll probably win. A The race is almost over and he's at the front.
10. He's going to win. B He's won lots of races before.
11. I'm going to do a course at college. A I've been looking at their websites.
12. I'm doing a course at college. B I enrolled yesterday.
II. Give the correct verb forms
1. Yolanda fell asleep at her desk because she (work)...... .................................. too hard.
2. The children were dirty because they (play)............ ............................. in the garden.
3. I'll ask Jane to call you back at twelve. Her meeting ... ... ... ................... .... .. by then.(end)
4. When he retires next year, Adam .. ... ... .. .. ..... .... .. .. here for more than twenty years. (work)
5. I'll have more free time after September because the children .... ............ ..... to school by then . (go back)
6. My best friend is doing a ' round-the-world' trip. By this time next week she
.... ............ ... .......... for more than six months. (travel)
7. Don't worry. By the time you get here, my mother-in-law ..... ...... ....... ...... ................... . !(leave)
8. ..... .. ..... ... ....... .. .... ....... ... ... .. .. the project in time for the meeting? (the team, complete)
9. It's a really long flight. We .... .... ...... .. ...... .... ..... .. in the same seats for over fourteen
hours so we'll be exhausted when we get there. (sit)
10. We ............................... (meet) Sophie at 7.00. Would you like to join us?
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

11. I’ll phone you as soon as I .................... ... .... .... (hear) any news.
12. Next year, Thanksgiving Day .............. ...... .......... (be) on Thursday, 26th November.
13. I've checked the itinerary. The bus ....... ..... ........ ........... (get back) at 4.45.
14. Barry and Gill were soaked when they arrived because it ......................................... heavily. (rain)

III. Complete the conversation with suitable forms 'of the verbs in brackets.
CELIA: Hi, Celia. Nice to see you. (0) Shall I get (I get) you a coffee?
JAKE: No, thanks, I've just had one.
CELIA: I can't believe this weather. It's awful!
JAKE: I know. And by the look of those clouds it (1) . . ..................... ... (get) worse.
CELIA: Oh well, this time next week I (2) ..... ....... ...... ............. (sit) on a beach in the sun!
JAKE: So you've booked your holiday then?
CELIA: Yes. We (3) ............................... (leave) on Sunday.
JAKE: Lucky you! I (4) ............................... (not think) we're going to go away this year. Sylvia's boss
has given her a big project. She (5) .............................. (work) on it all summer.
CELIA: That's a pity.
JAKE: Yes. But her boss has promised that he (6) ............................... (give) her three weeks off in the
autumn ... Anyway, we should all get together before you leave. How about Friday?
CELIA: I'm not sure. I (7) ............................... (look) in my diary ... Well, I (8) ............................ (not do)
anything on Friday but Mado (9) ............................. .(go) to football training. So it (10)
........................... (j ust be) me. Is that OK?
JAKE: Fine. We (11 ) ............................ (see) you on Friday. ( 12) ............................. (we meet) at seven?
CEILA: Great. See you then.
IV. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets.
Use two to five words in your answer.
1. They will definitely ask us about our holiday plans. (sure)
They ……………………………………………… about our holiday plans.
2. I planned to phone you but I didn't have time. (was)
I ............................... but I didn't have time.
3. I think we're probably going to be there around 6.00. (likely)
We .... .... ... ..................................... there around 6.00.
4. The Prime Minister will make an announcement this evening. (is)
The Prime Minister .................. ......... .... an announcement this evening.
5. The car broke down when we were in the middle of our drive to Manchester. (as)
The car broke down ………………………………………. to Manchester.
I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 The exam was a bit (easy)…………………………..all the other tests.
2 Children need to visit a dentist ................................... than adults do. ( frequent)
3 Going by car took twice……………………………..going by train. (long)
4 He is not nearly………………………………………his sister. (intelligent)
5 Please speak ..... ........................................................... - I can't understand you. (slow)
6 The film wasn’t ……………………………………I had thought it would be. (good)
7 You've made lots of mistakes. Please work ... ... .. ................. . .. next time. (careful)
8 Don't get the ten o'clock train. It arrives .......... ....................... than the others. (late)
9 I thing English spelling is by far ……………………………..(difficult)
10 You’ll find your way around the town……………………….if you have a good map. (quick)
II. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.
1. Is the Silver Line bus service a lot more frequent than the others?
Does the Silver Line bus service run ............................................. than the others?
2. The flight was boring and exhausting.
At the end of the flight we felt ........... ..
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

3. The Station Hotel is less expensive than the Holiday Inn.

The Station Hotel isn't ........ ................... .. ......... as the Holiday Inn.
4. We had a long relaxing holiday.
Our holiday was ....................... .


I. Complete each sentence with the correct (infinitive or -ing) form of the verb in brackets.
1. A I love (0) … cooking… (cook) for friends. You must try my onion soup.
B Well, I can smell something (1).. ……………... (burn). Did you turn the cooker off?
A Oh! I think I remember (2). .. . . .. ……………. (do) it, but I'd better go and check.
2. A I've had the letter. This is what they said: 'We regret (3) .... ………….... (inform) you that your
application will not be taken any further.'
B So what does that mean?
A Well, they're trying (4) ...... .. .. .. ..... . . .. .. (tell) me nicely that I haven't got the job.
B Oh, no. What will you do now?
A I' ll go on (5) . . .. ..... .. .. (look), of course. I still need (6)…………………………(find) a job!
II. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above it. Use an ing form or an
1. Christa likes swimming and ice-skating. She prefers the second activity.
Christa prefers ………………………………………………………………….
2. The driver was tired and felt like having a break. So he stopped driving.
The driver stopped driving ....... ....... .... .. ....... .... a break.
3. Lucia was feeling very unhappy. She pretended she wasn't unhappy.
Lucia pretended ............................... unhappy.
4. Karel is called 'Daddy' by his stepdaughter. He likes it.
Karel likes ......................... ...... 'Daddy' by his stepdaughter.
III. Choose the correct answer, A. B or C.
1. Do you mind .......... here? It's a non-smoking office.
A not smoking B not smoke C not to smoke
2. Can you imagine .......... your university degree before you're fifteen?
A having finished B have finished C to have finished
3. You should .......... confirmation of your booking within three working days.
A receive B to receive C receiving
4. The children decided ...... their holidays with us last year.
A not take B not taking C not to take
5. Stop worrying about the promotion. You really deserve ........ .. it.
A get B getting C to get
6. Wouldn't you just hate .... ...... in a factory?
A work B to work C to working
7. You don't have to remind .......... all the time – I am eighteen now!
A to take me my key B me my key to take C me to take my key
8. We advise .......... through the starter book before the course begins.
A students to work B to work students C students working
9. We do not recommend . ……………….only the minimum amount off your credit card each month.
A to pay B pay C paying
10. Slaves were made .......... for hours without rest and without food or drink.
A to work B work C working
11. Do you remember .......... to that concert in Hyde Park when we were teenagers?
A to go B we go C going
12. Many people regret .......... the opportunity to go to university.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

A not have B not having C not to have

13. We saw the plane ........ .. out of the sky - it was really terrifying.
A drop B dropping C to drop
14. I couldn't watch the animals .......... each other in that documentary. I turned off halfway through.
A attack B to attack C attacking
15. If you can't help .......... unhelpful comments, then please don't say anything.
A making B make C to make
I. Read about the club and choose the correct words in italics.
• What is the Spoil Yourself Club?
The Spoil Yourself Club is there for your every need, Once you pay the $10,000 membership fee you can
call us at any time and get us (0) arrange / to arrange almost anything you want.
• What can you get for me?
We can get almost anything for you. For example, if you need a new designer dress for a special party we
can have a top designer (1) produce / produced something for you within a few days. If you need a table
at a five star restaurant we can (2) have had / have the best table (3) reserved / to reserve for you at just
an hour's notice. If you've had (4) cancelled a flight /a flight cancelled, we can get one of our pilots (5) to
fly / fly you anywhere you desire in our private jet.
• What about other services?
If you've had a hard day at the office and just want a relaxing massage, we have a team of excellent
therapists ready to help. You can have your hair and make-up (6) to be done /done by our expert
beauticians. But we haven't forgotten about those everyday problems. So, if your central heating system
breaks down we will get a plumber (7) coming / to come to your house in half an hour. If your car needs
(8) servicing / to service, we can have a mechanic collect your car and return it to you later the same day.
II. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. .......... in the 1960s?
A Did the house build B Was the house built C Was built the house
2. The experiment .......... under strict medical supervision.
A we carried out B was carried out C was carrying out
3. Thanks for the medicine. ........... before or after meals?
A Should it be taken B It should take C Should be taken it
4. I'm not surprised your camera isn't working. It .......... out in the rain!
A shouldn't have left B shouldn't have been left C shouldn't to be left
5. Rome is often .......... '
A as the Eternal City known B known as the Eternal City C as known the Eternal City
6. Mrs Osbourne .......... once a month.
A her hair coloured B has coloured her hair C has her hair coloured
7. I .......... serviced next week.
A am being the car B am having the car C have done the car
8. The ancient Romans .......... central heating.
A are believed to invent B are believed have invented C are believed to have
9. We were expected .......... the match against the army team.
A to lose B losing C to be lost
10. You can't park there. You .......... at the side of the building.
A supposing to park B are supposed parking C are supposed to park
I. Choose the correct words in italics.
1. The director wouldn't call a special meeting if / unless it were really necessary.
2. People are always friendlier when the sun is / was shining.
3. It may be a good idea to take extra money even if/ in case the museum isn't free.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

4. If I were a prime minister, I will / would increase taxes immediately.

5. Suppose / When Abba played together again, do / would you go to see them?
6. We will get to the airport in time if / unless there isn't much traffic on the motorway.
7. Provided this illness has / doesn't have time to develop, it is very easy to treat.
8. I know it's unlikely, but will / would you accept the job if they offer / offered it to you?
II. Choose the correct answer. A, B or C.
1 I don't know what's wrong with this computer. If I press F1, it always .......... down.
A close B closes C will close
2 .......... Mr. Grainger arrives while I'm at lunch, please ask him to wait in my office.
A When B Unless C If
3 If it's raining when you arrive, .......... to the station and pick you up.
A I come B I' ll come C you come
4 I won't accept the job .......... they offer me more money than I'm earning now.
A unless B if C when
5 The manager won't give Kevin his job back, .. .... he gets on his knees and begs!
A as long as B in case C even if
6 He would certainly buy a better car if he ... ... enough money.
A had B would have C didn't have
7 Imagine you .......... have a superpower, which one would you choose?
A could B would C can
8 If I .......... Geraldine, I'd definitely tell her son to leave home.
A am B would be C were
9 I'm sorry we offended you. We wish we . .... .... such awful things.
A hadn't said B didn't say C had said
10 The government .......... lost the election if they hadn't put taxes up.
A won't have B hadn't C wouldn't have

I. Reported speech: Imperative

reporting verbs: advise, ask, beg, invite, offer, order, promise, request, want
1. “Close your books, please”, said the teacher. The teacher …………………………………
2.The teacher said, “Stop by my office after class, Mary.”  The teacher…………………………………
3. “Don’t cheat in exams,” said the teacher.  The teacher…………………………………
II. Reported speech: Statements
Ex. “I met Mary yesterday”, he said.  He said (that) …………………………………………..


Present simple V1 V2/ed

Present continuous am/is/are +V_ing
Past simple V2/_ed
Present perfect have/has + P.P
Past continuous was/were + V_ing
Present perfect continuous have/has + been + V_ing
must / have to
this / these
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

next week
last week

- If the reporting verb is in the past, the verb of the original speech is usually in a past form.
1. Ex. Mary has just said, “I will meet Peter today.”
Mary has just said she ………………… Peter ………………..
2. Ex. Mary said, “I will meet Peter today.”
 Mary said she ………………….. Peter …………………….
- When the situation or feelings/opinions in the original speech are still true:
My three sisters have bright red hair. - He told me his three sisters ………….. bright red hair.
III. Reported speech: Questions
reporting verbs: ask, want to know, wonder
1. Yes/No questions
“Do you like him?”, she said to me.  She asked …………………………………………
2. Wh-questions
Ex1 She said to me, “Why are you so sad?’’  She …………………………………………
Ex2 Tom asked, “Who did you meet yesterday, Lisa?” Tom …………………………………………

I. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of say, ask, tell, or talk.
1. She _________ me that she did not know the answer.
2. The doctor _________ if I had stayed up late the night before.
3. Our teacher ___________ us to study harder.
4. At the end of the party they __________about their favourite films on TV.
5. “Why don’t you get up and do something?”, his mother ___________him.
6. “I really don’t know what you are doing”, she ________________.
7. She ___________ when you met him, you could no longer realize him.
8. They ________ if they knew the answer, they would tell you.
9. The old man _________ us the way to the railway station as he couldn’t see the sign well.
10. An old man ____________ us the way to the railway station as we are new comers here.
11. He ……………………, 'Are you feeling OK?'
12. She smiled, and………………………… to me, 'I'm very pleased to meet you.'
13. Could you …………………….me the time, please?
14. The Sales Manager is going to.................. everyone about the meeting.
15. Did you …………… anything to Melanie about the barbecue?
16. The company should……………. its employees what's going on.
17. Do you think he's…………………… the truth?
18. If he …………………….that again, there'll be trouble.
19. Did you ………………anything to him about your problems at work?
20. I think he's ………………………..lies.

II. Circle the best option to complete each sentence:

1. She said that she _________ him the previous day
a. had visited b. has visited c. will visit d. would visit
2. He said that he _________ me there at 4.30 that afternoon.
a. would meet b. met c. will meet d. meets
3. The salesman told me that he _________ ten cars the previous week.
a. sold b. had sold c. would sell d. has sold
4. Did Bob say that he _________ from Princeton in 1951?
a. would graduate b. graduates c. has graduated d. had graduated
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

5. Some _________ the tickets are free

a. said me b. said me that c. told me d. told to me
6. “I’ll do it tomorrow”. He said he’d do it _________
a. the following day b. tomorrow c. today d. the previous day
7. She _________ her holiday in Finland
a. said me about b. told about c. said about d. told me about
8. What did the man say _________ ?
a. at you b. for you c. to you d. you
9. I wonder _________ the tickets are on sale yet
a. what b. when c. where d. whether
10. Salima asked us why .......... to the club recently
a. we didn't go b. we hadn't been c. hadn’t we been d. had we not been
III. Rewrite the quotes in reported speech. Do not change the tense if it is possible not to.
1 'The museum was opened to the public in 1965.'
The guidebook says ............................ ....... .. ......... ........................................ .
2 ' I' ll take a taxi home after the film tomorrow evening.'
John told us last Friday .......... ......... ... .... ... ..... . ............................................. .
3 'Humans first walked on the moon in 1969.'
The lecturer said ........................ ....... ... ..... ......................... ...... . . ... ... '
4 'Samir's ill and can't come to school today.'
Mrs Richards, Samir's mother said ... ....... .. . . ........... ....... ........... .. .... .
5 'Jason had been working for me for two years at that point.'
The manager told the police officer ............................................................................... .
6 'We' re meeting our cousins from Vancouver at the weekend.'
Lou and Jane told us last week ................................... ... ......... .


1. “I will give it to him tomorrow,” Mary said.
Mary said (that)
Mary promised to
Mary promised that
2. “I’ve always wanted to be rich,” Bob says.
Bob says (that)
Bob has always dreamed of

1. “Keep quiet,” the teacher said to us.

The teacher
2. “We’ll come back again,” they said.
They promised
3. “Remember to lock the door before going to school,” my sister said.
My sister reminded
4. “Tom, you should study harder,” said the teacher.
The teacher advised
Some verbs to remember:
Verb to verb
attempt, claim, consent, demand, fail, guarantee, hope, intend, manage, offer, refuse, threaten, volunteer,
propose, promise (to sb), agree (with sb), plead (with sb)
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

Verb Object to verb

allow, advise, ask, beg, command, encourage, expect, force, order, persuade, recommend, remind, urge


1. “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you.

- Tom thanked me
2. “ I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary said.
- Mary apologised
Some verbs to remember:
apologise (to sb) for focus/concentrate on dream of object to prevent sb from
thank sb for compliment sb on approve of confess to stop sb from
criticize sb for congratulate sb on accuse sb of look forward to

blame sb for blame sth on sb

praise sb for give a praise to
warn sb against (negative meaning) = warn sb not to do sth
Police are blaming the drunk man ..….the accident. Police are blaming the accident ……the drunk man.

Some verbs to remember:

Verb (that) clause
accept, add, admit, answer, argue, boast, complain, confide, confirm, declare, deny, grumble, reveal
Verb Object (sb) that clause
convince, persuade, inform, notify, remind
complain to, confess to, explain to, indicate to, propose to, reply to, report to, say to
Ex. 1. I admitted (make)……………………………….a serious mistake.
2. I admitted that………………………………………………………
3. She decides (go)…………………………. when she finishes university.
4. She decides that………………………………………………………..
I. Choose the best answer.

1. “ Susan, can you remember to buy me some sugar?” said Billy.

a. Billy advised Susan to buy him some sugar. c. Billy reminded Susan to buy me some sugar.
b. Billy reminded Susan to buy him some sugar. d. Billy invited Susan to buy me some sugar.
2. The secretary said, “Sorry, I will never work on Sunday.”
a. The secretary promised not to work on Sunday. c. The secretary refused to work on Sunday.
b. The secretary refused not to work on Sunday. d. The secretary reminded her boss to work on Sunday.
3. “ _______,” John advised me.
a. You ought to work harder. b. I would rather work harder.
c. It is my duty to work harder. d. It is worth working harder.
4. “ _______,” the mother warned her sons.
a. Boys, don’t go near the lake. b. Boys, you will not go near the lake.
c. Boys, let’s go near the lake d. Boys, would you like to go near the lake?
5. “ I will bring you some food.” He said to me.
a. He invited me to eat some food b. He offered to bring me some food.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

c. He told me to bring some food. d. He advised me to bring some food.

6. John ______ him my phone number.
a. invited me to give b. suggested me givin c. said to me d. told me to give.
7. The boss _______ because he was too lazy.
a. threatened to dismiss him b. threatened him to dismiss
c. suggested him to dismiss d. promised him to dismiss
8. “ _______” Peter offered.
a. I would like to sing a song b. I had better sing a song c. I must sing a song d. Sing a song, please
9. My the new bypass is that it will spoil the countryside.
A. object B. objection C. objective D. objecting
10. There was waiting longer than half an hour, so we left.
A. good B. use C. worth D. point
11. I have told him never .................. here again.
A. come B. comes C. came D. to come
12. "Where are the children?" "I the yard."
A. them playing B. they playing C. them to play D. they play
13. I hope you don't mind late at night.
A. telephone B. to telephone C. to have telephoned D. telephoning
14. Professional people expect..................when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. you to call them B. that you would call them C. your calling them D. that you are calling them
15. to phone them before I go out.
A. Remind B. Remember C. Mention D. Make
16. I tried to..................them from going, but they wouldn't take any notice.
A. warn B. refuse C. prevent D. tell
17. She..................him of lying to her.
A. threatened B. blamed C. criticized D. accused
18. being treated like that.
A. don't like B. refuse C. complain D. object
19. Jack admitted..................the money.
A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. stolen
20. I..................Ann against giving the information.
A. forbade B. banned C. warned D. prevented
21. I wouldn't..................of going to a party I hadn't been invited to.
A. dream B. intend C. depend D. rely
22. I'm sorry but I forgot..................your letter. It's still here, in my pocket.
A. to post B. posting C. post D. that I posted
23. The child was told to..................for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse B. forgive C. confess D. apologise
24. She will .................getting up early and playing her radio very loud.
A. insist on B. demand C. require D. hope
25. The instructor warned the students..................sailing alone on the lake.
A. not B. about C. from D. out of
26. He said that Linda and John _______ married _______.
A. were getting / tomorrow B. are getting / the next day
C. were getting / the next day D. will getting / the day after
27. They asked me when _______.
A. did I arrive B. will I arrive C. I had arrived D. I can arrive
28. The farmer said, “I didn’t see her.”  The farmer said _______ her.
A. he had seen B. I hadn’t seen C. she didn’t see D. he hadn’t seen
29. I wondered _______ the right thing.
A. if I am doing B. was I doing C. am I doing D. whether I was doing
30. Charlie _______ that his father was in hospital.
A. told me B. told to me C. said me D. asked me
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

31. “I'll never make that mistake again”, Robert said.  Robert promised _______ that mistake again.
A. no making B. not made C. never to make D. never made
32. “You should quit smoking and eat more vegetable”, said the doctor.
 The doctor advised him _______ more vegetable.
A. to quit smoking and eat B. quit smoking and eat
C. to quit smoking and to eating D. quitting smoking and eating
33. “Please come and join our party tonight”, said Lana.  Lana invited us_______.
A. to come and join our party tonight B. to their party that night
C. to come and join their party that night D. to our party tonight
34. Andrew told me that they _______ fish two_______ days.
A. have not eaten / ago B. had not eaten / previous
C. did not eat / before D. would not eat / last
35. John often says he _______ boxing because it _______ a cruel sport.
A. does not like / is B. did not like / were C. not liked / had been D. had not liked / was
36. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.
A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred C. did he prefer D. if he prefers
37. The mother asked her son _______.
A. where he has been B. where he had been C. where has he been D. where had he been
II. Choose the correct sentence (A, B, C or D) which has the same meaning as the given one.

1. "Could you lend me your pen?" Tom said to Jerry.

A. Tom asked Jerry to lend him her pen. B. Tom asked to lend Jerry's pen.
C. Tom asked if Jerry could lend you her pen. D. Tom asked if Jerry could lend her his pen.
2. "Ok. I'll take the brown pair," Andrew said.
A. Andrew promised to take the brown pair. B. Andrew wanted to take the brown pair.
C. Andrew agreed to take the brown pair. D. Andrew asked to take the brown pair.
3. "If I were you. Bill, I'll buy the house, "Stephen said.
A. Stephen suggested Bill to buy the house. B. Stephen advised Bill to buy the house.
C. Stephen promised Bill that he would buy the house. D. Stephen forced Bill to buy the house.
4. "I'll definitely return it to you tomorrow," John said.
A. John said that he'll return it to me the next day. B. John promised to return it to me the next day.
C. John told that he'll return it to me the next day. D. John decided to return it to me the next day.
5. "Shall I carry your suitcase, Mary? " said Peter.
A. Peter promised to carry Mary's suitcase. B. Peter decided to carry Mary's suitcase.
C. Peter wanted to carry Mary's suitcase. D. Peter offered to carry Mary's suitcase.
6. "Let me carry your suitcase, John!" Harry said.
A. Harry offered to carry John's suitcase. B. Harry agreed to carry John's suitcase.
C. Harry insisted carrying John's suitcase. D. Harry decided to carry John's suitcase.
7. "1 wouldn't buy that car, Janos, if I were you."
A. I advised Janos of buying the car. B. I advised Janos not to buy the car.
C. I advised Janos not buying the car. D. I advised Janos on my buying the car.
8. "Would you like to come to the cinema on Saturday, Pam?"
A. I invited Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday. B. I wanted Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday.
C. I persuaded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday. D. I reminded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday.
9. "Well done, Jerry, you've passed the driving test"
A. I congratulated Jerry on passing her driving test. B. I told that Jerry had passed her driving test.
C. I told Jerry that she had done well in her driving test. D. I told Jerry about her passing the driving test.
10. "I'm really sorry for being late again," said Ann.
A. I felt sorry for Ann's being late again. B. Ann was sorry for my being late again.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

C. Ann excused for my being late again. D. Ann apologized for being late again.
11. "How about spending the day at the beach?" said Tom.
A. Tom said he wanted to spend the day at the beach. B. Tom suggested spending the day at the beach.
C. Tom insisted on spending the day at the beach. D. Tom advised us to spend the day at the beach.
12. "No, I didn't take it! I wasn't even there!" said Daisy.
A. Daisy refused to be there to take it.
B. Daisy denied taking it.
C. I knew Daisy didn't take it because she wasn't there.
D. Daisy wasn't there, so who knew she took it or not.
13. I'm sorry that I didn't learn French when I was a student.
A. I regret not to learn French when I was a student. B. I wish I learned French when I was a student.
C. I regret not learning French when I was a student. D. I regret learning French when I was a student.
14. “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” he said.
A. He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night.
B. He offered me to go to the cinema with him tonight.
C. He asked me if I'd like to go to the cinema with him tonight.
D. He would like me to go to the cinema with him this night.
15. “Remember to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon” she said.
A. She told me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
B. She reminded me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the following afternoon.
C. She reminded me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next afternoon.
D. She told me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next day afternoon.
16. “How beautiful the dress you have just bought is!” Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
17. “Can I bring a friend to the party?” Nancy wanted to know.
A. Nancy asked me if she could bring a friend to the party.
B. Nancy wanted to ask someone to bring her friend to the party.
C. Nancy knew that bring a friend to the party was good.
D. Nancy wanted to invite her friend out and to the party.
III. Rewrite these sentences with the words given.

1 'Don't run in the school corridors,' the head teacher told us. (ordered)
The head teacher .................................. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. ..... ....... in the school corridors.
2 'I'm really sorry that I didn't remember your birthday,' Jennie told her sister. (remembering)
Jennie .......... .. .... ................................. ………………. ......... her sister's birthday.
3 'My advice is that you shouldn't give up your job yet,' Dad told me. (to)
Dad ......................................... give up my job yet.
4 Our manager said to us, 'I'm going to pay for everyone's lunch and that's final.' (insisted)
Our manager ......................................... for everyone's lunch.
5 'John, please don't ride that motorbike again,' said his father. (begged)
John's father ........................ . ... .... ride that motorbike again.
IV. Choose the correct words in italics. In some sentences, both answers are possible.

1. We told you/ to you that we couldn't see you that evening.

2. The thief finally admitted to stealing / that he had stolen the painting from the gallery.
3. Your representative said my husband / to my husband that no payment would be taken.
4. The dentist suggested that I should visit / visiting him more regularly.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

5. The programme makers apologised upsetting / for upsetting a lot of people.

6. Mario insisted on buying / that he should buy dinner for me as a 'thank you'.
7. She complained to my manager that I was lazy / about my laziness.
8. The school encouraged its students / to its students to go to university.
9. I agreed to him/ to sign the bank forms for my son.
10. The government spokesperson denied/refused that there was a crisis.
11. Jane said me/told me there was nothing the matter.
12. Peter persuaded me/insisted me to stay to dinner.
13. The director of studies advised me/suggested me to spend more time in the library.
14. Sheila explained me/warned me not to leave the heater on all night.
15. The chairperson mentioned us/reminded us that time was extremely short.
16. Bill answered them/replied them with a detailed description of his plans.
17. Michael and Sarah announced/reported that they were going to get married.
18. Paul accepted/reported that he had made a mistake, and apologized.
V. Choose the correct answer.

1. "Why don’t we go out for dinner?” said Mary.(ĐH, 2008)

A. Mary suggested a dinner out. B. Mary requested a dinner out.
C. Mary ordered a dinner out. D. Mary demanded a dinner out.
2. "I will let you know the answer by the end of this week,” Tom said to Janet. (ĐH, 2008)
A. Tom offered to give Janet the answer by the end of the week.
B. Tom suggested giving Janet the answer by the end of the week.
C. Tom insisted on letting Janet know the answer by the end of the week.
D. Tom promised to give Janet the answer by the end of the week.
3. My friend told me, “If I were you, I would not smoke so much.” (ĐH, 2008)
A. My friend advised me not to smoke so much. B. My friend suggested not smoking so much.
C. My friend prohibited me from smoking so much. D. My friend warned me against smoking so much.
4. She said, “John, I’ll show you round my city when you’re here.” (ĐH, 2009)
A. She planned to show John round her city. B. She organized a trip round her city for John.
C. She promised to show John round her city. D. She made a trip round her city with John.
5. “Please don’t drive so fast, Tom,” said Lisa. (ĐH, 2009)
A. Lisa pleaded with Tom not to drive too fast. B. Lisa grumbled to Tom about driving slowly.
C. Lisa insisted on Tom’s driving on. D. Lisa complained about Tom’s driving too fast.
6. “Why don’t you reply to the President’s offer right now?” said Mary to her husband. (ĐH, 2009)
A. Mary wondered why her husband didn’t reply to the President’s offer then.
B. Mary suggested that her husband should reply to the President’s offer without delay.
C. Mary told her husband why he didn’t reply to the President’s offer then.
D. Mary ordered her husband to reply to the President’s offer right now.
7. Conan said to me, "If I were you, I would read different types of books in different ways." (CĐ, 2009)
A. Conan ordered me to read different types of books in different ways.
B. I said to Conan to read different types of books in different ways to me.
C. Conan advised me to read different types of books in different ways.
D. I read different types of books in different ways to Conan as he told me.
8. "Would you like some more beer?" he asked. (ĐH, 2010)
A. He offered me some more beer. B. He asked me would I like some more beer.
C. He asked me if I wanted some beer. D. He wanted to invite me for a glass of beer.
9. “We’re having a reunion this weekend. Why don’t you come?” John said to us. (ĐH, 2010)
A. John didn’t understand why we came to a reunion.
B. John asked us why we didn’t come to a reunion this weekend.
C. John simply asked us why we wouldn’t come to a reunion.
D. John cordially invited us to a reunion this weekend.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

10. “Stop smoking or you’ll be ill,” the doctor told me. (ĐH, 2010)
A. The doctor advised me to give up smoking to avoid illness.
B. I was warned against smoking a lot of cigarettes.
C. The doctor suggested smoking to treat illness.
D. I was ordered not to smoke to recover from illness.
11. The manager ______ him for a minor mistake. (CĐ, 2010)
A. accused B. charged C. complained D. blamed
12. “Be careful! Don't do that again,” he said. (CĐ, 2010)
A. He encouraged me to do that again. B. He advised me to be careful and do that again.
C. He warned me not to do that again. D. He told me to be careful, so I didn't do that again.
13. “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your boy,” the kidnappers told us. (ĐH, 2011)
A. The kidnappers promised to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
B. The kidnappers ordered to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
C. The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
D. The kidnappers pledged to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
14. “Mum, please don’t tell dad about my mistake,” the boy said. (ĐH, 2011)
A. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more.
B. The mother was forced to keep her son’s mistake as a secret when he insisted.
C. The boy begged his mother not to tell his father about his mistake.
D. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about his mistake.
15. “Don’t forget to tidy up the final draft before submission,” the team leader told us. (ĐH, 2011)
A. The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
B. The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
C. The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
D. The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
16. “You shouldn’t have leaked our confidential report to the press, Frank!” said Jane. (ĐH, 2011)
A. Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential report to the press.
B. Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their confidential report.
C. Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press.
D. Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their confidential report.
17. “My company makes a large profit every year. Why don’t you invest more money in
it?” my friend said to me. (ĐH, 2011)
A. My friend suggested his investing more money in his company.
B. My friend persuaded me to invest more money in his company.
C. My friend instructed me how to put more money into his company.
D. I was asked to invest more money in my friend’s company.
18. “I will not leave until I see the manager,” said the customer. (ĐH, 2012)
A. The customer said he would leave before he saw the manager.
B. The customer decided to leave because he did not see the manager.
C. The customer refused to leave until he saw the manager.
D. The customer was persuaded to see the manager before leaving.
19. “Please accept my apology for arriving late,” said Janet to her employer. (ĐH, 2012)
A. Janet quickly made an apology and the employer accepted it.
B. Janet apologised to her employer for her late arrival.
C. Janet thought she would apologise to her employer for arriving late.
D. Janet had to make an apology because her employer demanded it.
20. “Trust me! Do not invest all your money in one company,” said my friend. (CĐ, 2012)
A. My friend ordered me to invest all my money in one company.
B. My friend encouraged me to invest all my money in one company.
C. My friend persuaded me not to invest all my money in one company.
D. My friend offered to help me to invest all my money in one company.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

21. “May I see your passport, Mrs Scott?” said the customs officer. (CĐ, 2012)
A. The customs officer promised to show Mrs Scott his passport.
B. The customs officer suggested seeing Mrs Scott’s passport.
C. The customs officer asked Mrs Scott to see his passport.
D. The customs officer asked to see Mrs Scott’s passport.
22. “How brave you are!” he said to the firemen. (A1, 2013)
A. He blamed the firemen for their discouragement. B. He criticized the firemen for their
C. He praised the firemen for their courage. D. He asked how brave the firemen were.
23. “Why don’t we wear sunglasses?” our grandpa would say when we went out on bright sunny days.
(D 2014)
A. Our grandpa used to suggest wearing sunglasses when we went out on bright sunny days.
B. Our grandpa would warn us against wearing sunglasses on bright sunny days.
C. Our grandpa asked us why we did not wear sunglasses when going out on bright sunny days.
D. Our grandpa reminded us of going out with sunglasses on bright sunny days.
24. “I would be grateful if you could send me further details of the job,” he said to me.
A. He flattered me because I sent him further details of the job.
B. He felt great because further details of the job had been sent to him.
C. He thanked me for sending him further details of the job.
D. He politely asked me to send him further details of the job.
25. John said, “You’d better not lend them any money, Daisy.” (A1, 2014)
A. John asked Daisy if she had lent them any money.
B. John commanded Daisy not to lend them any money.
C. John advised Daisy not to lend them any money.
D. John ordered Daisy not to lend them any money.
26. “Get out of my car or I’ll call the police!” Jane shouted to the strange man. (A1, 2014)
A. Jane politely told the man she would call the police if he didn’t leave her car.
B. Jane plainly said that she would call the police.
C. Jane threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her car.
D. Jane informed the strange man that she would call the police.
27. “Believe me. It’s no use reading that book,” Janet told her boyfriend. (D, 2014)
A. Janet tried to convince her boyfriend that the book was not worth reading.
B. Janet opposed her boyfriend’s idea that reading the book was not useful.
C. Janet managed to persuade her boyfriend that reading the book was worthwhile.
D. Janet suggested to her boyfriend that reading the book was useful.
28. “Send this urgent document immediately!” the officer told the soldier. (D, 2014)
A. The officer advised the soldier to send the urgent document right away.
B. The officer ordered the soldier to deliver the urgent document instantly.
C. The officer requested that the soldier rush out due to the document’s urgency.
D. The officer recommended the soldier leave right away because of the urgent document.
29. “Would you like to come to my 18 birthday party?” he asked me. (2015)
He invited __________________________________________________.
30. “I’m sorry. I didn’t do the homework,” Peter said to the teacher. (2016)
Peter apologised _____________________________________________.
31. I will phone Vivian to ……………her to buy some sugar; otherwise, she will forget. (2017)
A. remind B. encourage C. allow D. advise
32. "Why don't we go camping at the weekend?" he said. (2017)
A. He denied going camping at the weekend. B. He suggested going camping at the weekend.
C. He objected to going camping at the weekend. D. He apologized for going camping at the weekend.
33. "We will not leave until we see the manager," said the customers. (2017)
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

A. The customers agreed to leave before they saw the manager.

B. The customers decided to leave because they did not see the manager.
C. The customers refused to leave until they saw the manager.
D. The customers promised to leave before they saw the manager.
34. "Would you like to go to the show with me?" Anna said to Bella. (2018)
A. Anna reminded Bella to go to the show with her.
B. Anna persuaded Bella to go to the show with her.
C. Anna encouraged Bella to go to the show with her.
D. Anna invited Bella to go to the show with her.
35. "You should take better care of your health," said Tom's mother. (2018)
A. Tom's mother promised to take better care of his health.
B. Tom's mother ordered him to take better care of his health.
C. Tom's mother required him to take better care of his health.
D. Tom's mother advised him to take better care of his health.
36. "Don't forget to submit your assignments by Thursday," said the teacher to the students. (2018)
A. The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
B. The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
C. The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
D. The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday.
37. "I'm sorry I haven't finished the assignment," Fiona said. (2018)
A. Fiona denied having finished the assignment. B. Fiona regretted having finished the assignment.
C. Fiona refused to finish the assignment. D. Fiona apologised for not finishing the assignment.
38. “What have you done with my laptop, Jane?” asked Tom. (2019)
A. Tom asked Jane what she has done to his laptop.
B. Tom asked Jane what has she done to his laptop.
C. Tom asked Jane what she had done to his laptop.
D. Tom asked Jane what had she done to his laptop.
39. “How long have you lived here, Lucy?” asked Jack. (2019)
A. Jack asked Lucy how long she had lived here. B. Jack asked Lucy how long she has lived here.
B. Jack asked Lucy how long had she lived here. D. Jack asked Lucy how long has she lived here.
40. “Why didn’t you attend the meeting, Mary?” Tom asked (2019)
A. Tom asked Mary why she wasn’t attending the meeting.
B. Tom asked Mary why she didn’t attend the meeting.
C. Tom asked Mary why she hadn’t attended the meeting.
D. Tom asked Mary why hadn’t she attended the meeting.
41. “I’m going to participate in a volunteer program this summer”, said Martha. (2020)
A. Martha said that she was going to participate in a volunteer program that summer.
B. Martha said that I was going to participate in a volunteer program this summer.
C. Martha said that I am going to participate in a volunteer program this summer.
D. Martha said that she is going to participate in a volunteer program that summer.
42. "I'm going back to work next week," said Harry.
A. Harry said that he was going back to work the following week.
B. Harry said that I am going back to work next week.
C. Harry said that I was going back to work the following week.
D. Harry said that he was going back to work next week.

43. "I'm going to have a job interview tomorrow," said Paul.

A. Paul said that I am going to have a job interview tomorrow.
B. Paul said that he was going to have a job interview the following day.
C. Paul said that I was going to have a job interview the following day.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

D. Paul said that he was going to have a job interview tomorrow.

44. “I have a lot of assignments to do,” Ly said. (2021)

A. Ly said that he had a lot of assignments to do.

B. Ly said that I had a lot of assignments to do.
C. Ly said that he has had a lot of assignments to do.
D. Ly said that I have a lot of assignments to do.
45. “I can answer the teacher’s question,” Peter said. (2021)

A. Peter said that I could answer the teacher’s question.

B. Peter said that he can’t answer the teacher's question.
C. Peter said that he could answer the teacher's question.
D. Peter said that I can’t answer the teacher’s question.


1. A phrasal verb = a verb + a preposition / adverb
Prices have gone up a lot. go + up = increase
I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = meet
2. Some phrasal verbs are intransitive.
He suddenly showed up.
3. Some phrasal verbs are transitive.
I made up the story.
4. Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable.
I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car. (persuade sb to do sth)
5. Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable.
I ran into an old friend yesterday.
6. Some phrasal verbs can take an object in both places.
I looked the number up in the phone book. Or I looked up the number in the phone book.
7. When the object of the phrasal verbs is a pronoun, the two parts of the phrasal verb must be separated:
I looked it up in the phone book.

1. back away (from sb/sth): to move backwards because of fear or dislike.

The child backed away from the big dog.
2. back out (of sth): to withdraw from an agreement, fail to keep a promise
At the last minute John backed out and refused to go with us.
3. break down
1. stop working (a machine or vehicle) The telephone system has broken down.
2. lose control of your feelings and start crying He broke down and wept when he heard the
4. break into: enter a building, open a car by force
5. break out (unpleasant events): start suddenly Fire broke out during the night.
6. break up: 1. separate into smaller pieces The ship broke up on the rocks.
2. come to an end Their marriage has broken up.
7. bring about: cause sth. What brought about the change in his
8. bring back: 1. return Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.
2. make sb remember sth or think about it again
The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.
9. bring sb down: make sb lose power or be defeated The scandal may bring down the
10. bring sth down: reduce sth We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

11. bring in: introduce a new law; make or earn a particular amount of money
12. bring up: raise He was brought up by his grandparents.
13. call down: scold Don’t call Mary down for that mistake. I’m sure she didn’t make it on
14. call for sb: collect sb in order to go somewhere I’ll call for you at 7 o’clock.
15. call for sth: to require, demand They called for the immediate release of the hostages
16. call on: 1. visit Last night several friends called on us.
2. to ask sb urgently to do sth We are calling on you to help us.
17. call off: cancel They had to call off the match because of bad
18. call up: to make a phone call, recall
19. carry out: conduct, do & complete a task Extensive tests have been carried out on the patients.
20. catch on: become popular I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?
21. catch up (with) : 1. keep up with
Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you.
After missing a term through illness, he had to work hard to catch up with the others.
2. communicate with sb She spends hours on the phone, catching up with old friends.
22. catch sight of ≠ lose sight of: see for a moment ≠ cannot see
I caught sight of my former teacher while I was out shopping today, but
she turned a corner and I lost sight of her.
23. come in for sth: receive sth, especially sth unpleasant
The government’s economic policies have come in for a lot of criticism.
24. come off: be able to be removed, fall from sth, become separated from sth
A button had come off my coat.
25. come out off: to be removed from sth by washing or cleaning
These ink stains won’t come out off my dress.
26. cool down/off: become cool or cooler; become calm, less excited or less enthusiastic
27. count on: to depend upon Don’t count on Frank to lend you any money because he has none.
28. do over: repeat a job Do this homework over.
29. fall behind : fail to keep level with sb/sth
30. fall through: not completed, not happen Our plans fell through because of lack of money.
31. fill in/out : complete a form
32. find fault with: to criticize He is always finding fault with the work of his secretary.
33. get along: make progress, succeed
34. get along with = get on well with = be on good terms with: to live or work harmoniously with
35. get away: to leave, escape
36. get away with: to do sth forbidden or illegal and to escape without punishment
You can’t be rude to everyone and expect to get away with it forever.
37. get by (on / in / with): manage to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equipment
that you have How does she get by on such a small salary?
38. get in touch with = keep in touch: communicate with
I have been trying all morning to get in touch with Mr. John.
39. get on # get off
40. get over : recover from I got over the flu, but I don't know if I'll ever get over my broken heart.
41. get rid of: to become free of, escape from We can’t seem to get rid of the mice in our apartment.
42. get through: finish
43. give in : admit that you have been defeated by sb/sth
Completely surrounded by our troop, the enemy finally gave in.
44. give up: Don’t give up hope.
45. go away : leave a person or a place; disappear
46. go off ( an alarm ) : make a sudden loud noise , ( a light, electricity ): stop working , explode
The bomb went off in a crowded street.
47. go on = continue
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

48. go out: leave the house, stop burning or shining She goes out a lot.
49. go over: review The students went over the material before the exam.
50. go up ≠ go down :
51. go after = come after: chase
52. go by ( of time ) : pass Things will get easier as time goes by.
53. go with sth: to match, harmonize in color or design Her blouse doesn’t go with her skirt.
sb : have a romantic relationship with sb
Helen went with Peter for about six months, but now she has a new boy friend.
54. hand in: to submit Every student has to hand in their paper in 45 minutes.
55. hang up: Ex. He hung up his coat in the closet. Wait. Don’t hang up the phone.
56. hold up = stop =delay
57. hurry up : Hurry up! We’re going to be late.
58. keep an eye on: to watch Please keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket.
59. keep away/ out/ off/ from: stay away/ out/ off/ from
60. keep in mind: bear in mind Please keep in mind that you promised to pick me up at 6 p.m.
61. keep pace with: move, increase, change, etc. at the same speed as sb/sth
The company is struggling to keep pace with changes in the market.
62. keep up with sb: continue to be in contact with sb.
How many of your old friends do you keep up with?
63. keep up with sth: learn about or be aware of the news, current events.
She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.
64. knock sb down/over: hit sb and make them fall to the ground.
65. knock sth down: destroy a building by breaking its walls, demolish
66. look after : take care of
67. look into: investigate, examine carefully
68. look out = watch out = to be careful
69. look over: examine, check
The lawyers looked over the papers carefully before questioning the witness.
70. look up : improve, raise your eyes, look for information in a dictionary or reference book, a computer
She looked up from her book as I entered the room.
Can you look up the opening times on the website?
71. look up to: admire or respect sb # look down on / upon
72. look for : search for
73. make out: hear, understand He was so far away, we really couldn't make out what he was saying.
74. make up (for): compensate for some loss or absence.
Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.
75. make up: to become reconciled after a quarrel, to invent a story
The story John told us wasn’t true; he made it all up.
76. pass over: ignore, avoid sth, overlook They chose to pass over her rude remarks.
77. pick up: 1. to take with fingers Why didn’t you pick up that pencil which lay on the floor?
2. to go somewhere to collect sb in one’s car
78. pick out: choose, select
79. put away: return sth to its proper place The mother told the child to put her toys away.
80. put off: delay, discourage, postpone We asked the boss to put off the meeting until tomorrow
81. put on : dress yourself in sth, switch on, gain weight, procduce/present a play, provide sth special
Hurry up! Put your coat on. / Do you mind if I put some music on? / She looks like she’s put on
82. put out: extinguish, stop sth from burning or shining. Put out a candle /cigarette
The firemen worked hard but were not able to put out the fire.
83. put up with: to tolerate I refuse to put up with his actions any longer.
84. result from: job losses resulting from changes in production
85. result in: make sth happen, cause sth The tsunami has resulted in many thousands of deaths.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

86. run / come across = run into: find by chance I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
87. see someone off: to go to a train, ship, or plane in order to say goodbye to someone
88. set fire to: set on fire: to cause to burn No one knows who set fire to building.
89. set off/out: begin a journey
90. show off: She wants to go out simply to show off her new clothes.
91. stand down: withdraw or resign from a position
The President is standing down after 5 years in office.
92. stand by: be present while sth bad is happening but not do anything to stop it.
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn’t do?
93. stand by sb: help sb or be friends with them, even in difficult situations.
94. stand by sth: still believe and agree with sth you said, decided or agreed earlier
She still stands by every word she said.
95. stand for: be an abbreviation or symbol of sth; support/accept sth
I wouldn’t stand for that sort of behavior from him, if I were you.
96. stand out: be very noticeable She’s the sort of person who stands out in a crowd.
97. take after = resemble : Who do you take after, your father or your mother?
98. take advantage of:
He took advantage of their hospitality and stayed a whole month without paying them anything.
99. take charge of: be in charge of John is going to take charge of all the arrangements for the dance.
100. take in: deceive She took me in completely with her story.
101. take off ≠ put on; (of an aircraft) : leave the ground and begin to fly, become successful
102. take on: 1. employ sb They decided to take on new staff.
2. agree to be responsible for sth/sb I can’t take on any extra work.
103. take over: have control or responsibility for sth, esp in place of sb else
104. take up: learn or start to do sth, esp for pleasure. They have taken up golf.
105. talk over: discuss We have serious problems here. Let's talk them over like adults.
106. try on : put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks
Try the shoes on before you buy them.
107. try out : test sb/sth in order to see how good or effective they are
They are trying out a new presenter for the show.
108. turn down: reject or refuse He asked to marry her but she turned him down.
109. turn off ≠ turn on :
110. turn out: to become Although it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.
111. turn up : arrive, appear
112. wash away: (of water) remove or carry sb/sth away to another place
Part of the path had been washed away by the sea.
113. wash off: be removed from the surface of sth or from clothes by washing
114. work out: develop, solve, understand Ex. Don’t worry. Everything will work out all right.
I. Choose the best answer:
1. What may happen if John does not arrive in time?
A go along B . count on C keep away D. turn up
2. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
3. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.
A . take up B . turn round C put off D. do with
4. The stranger came ------------ me and asked, "Is there a post office near here?"
A. on to B away from C. out of D. up to
5. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take------------ you at all.
A after B. along C. up D. over
6. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well ------------- her classmates.
A from B. with C. for D to
7. I would be grateful if you kept the news ------------ yourself. Do not tell anyone about it.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

A from B . to C. for D. at
8. I do not use those things any more. You can ----------------- them away.
A get B. fall C throw D. make
9. They were late for work because their car -------------- down.
A got B. put C. cut D. broke
10. The authority -------------- down that building to build a supermarket.
A knocked B. came C . went D.fell
11. At present we are -------------- an anti-drug campaign.
A. setting up for B. carrying out C. taking part D. joining with
12. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed ----------- of it.
A. down B. away C. off D. out
13. At the station, we often see the sigh “ ------------------ for pickpockets”.
A. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at
14. Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll ----------------- .
A. turn down B. turn off C. turn over D. turn up
15. UNESCO ------------- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
A. stands for B. brings about C. takes after D gets across
16. I was -------- by the traffic this morning. As a result, I was ten minutes late for the press conference.
A. turned down B. held up C. kept pace with D. caught up with
17. Don't forget to ----------------- your gloves on. It is cold outside.
A let B . make C put D. fix
18. The passengers had to wait because the plane ------------------- off one hour late.
A. took B. turned C. cut D. made
19. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look out B Look up C. Look on D Look after
20. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
A put on B. went off C got out D kept up
21. These shoes were too tight, so I took ------------------ and tried a larger size.
A. away them B. off them C. them away D. them off
22. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.
A went over B. got over C. took over D looked over
23. I can’t -------------- walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?
A go on B. get on C. go up D. get up
24. When you are finished using the computer, can you please --------------- it off.
A take B . turn C . do D go
25. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.
A fell B . exploded C. called D . rang
26. Look out. There is a rattlesnake under the picnic table!
A Listen B. Be careful C Go D. Watch
27. Mrs. Jones's husband passed away last Friday. We are all shocked by the news.
A got married B . divorced C. died D. were on business
28. If you want to be healthy, you should ………….your bad habits in your lifestyles
A give up B call off C break down D get over
29. Watch ………… ! A car is coming.
A out B up C. away D off
30. Try to study harder to catch …………….your classmates.
A up B up with C out D with
31. Don’t be impatient ! I ‘m sure he will turn …………on time.
A up B round C on D off
32. Go _______ this book because it has the information you need.
A. over B. by C. off D. on
II. Complete the sentences:
1. Put your shoes ________. It’s too cold to walk around barefoot.
2. You must get _________ now or you’ll be late for school.
3. Where is the fitting room? I’d like to try __________ these clothes.
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

4. My little sister woke me ___________ in the middle of the night.

5. Please turn __________ the music. I’m talking on the phone.
6. Could you __________ out the candles?
7. Mum, can I watch TV now? I’ve _________ up my dinner.
8. How do you get __________ well with your classmates?
9. Well, go __________ being so selfish and you’ll soon have no friends anymore.
10. I had just fallen asleep when the alarm went __________.
11. The cost of living has gone ___________.
12. Why don’t you __________ down and have a nice cup of tea with me?
13. The scarf goes well __________ your shirt.
14. I’m looking ___________ my mobile. Have you seen it?
15. You must ___________ up or you’ll miss the bus.
16. It's not polite to come ___________ ( = enter) without knocking.
17. I told her a joke to cheer her ___________. (= to make her happier).
18. Please write ___________ your email address.
19. You can count ___________ me.
20. I look ___________ to seeing you soon.
21. Don't hang ___________ the phone.
22. I woke ___________ at 7.
23. We have to get ___________ at the next stop.
24. The frog turned ___________ ( = became) a prince.
25. I'm sorry it didn't work ___________ . (= it wasn't successful)

III. Fill a suitable phrasal verb into each blank:

1. My parents are out. So I have to _______________my baby-brother.
2. It’s warm inside. ___________ your coat.
3. He finds it difficult to ___________ smoking.
4. It took the firemen five hours to _____________ the fire.
5. Would you like to ____________ tonight? There’s a new restaurant in town.
6. There are so many words in this text that I had to ____________ in the dictionary.

IV. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb:

1. The meeting ………….….. (to be delayed) again. What a nuisance! It’s the second time this month.
2. If you want to open a bank account at HSBC, you need to ………….. (to complete) 5 different
3. Sarah ……………… (to leave) the bus at the wrong stop on Monday and was late for her interview.
4. Can you come and ……..…me………….. (to collect by car) from work on Tuesday? My car needs
fixing so I have taken it to a garage.
5. I will not ……….………. (to tolerate) this heat in my office any longer: the air conditioning has to
be fixed this week or I will look for another job!
6. I will come in late tomorrow because I have to ………… my sister …….. (to go to a station);
she’s going to Birmingham on the 9.00 o’clock train.
7. Airport announcement: “All the planes flying to Frankfurt …………………. (to be cancelled) for
the day. Please refer to the information desk for any extra information.”
8. John ……………... (to work well with someone) Nancy and Tom: they are a very efficient team.

V. Choose the best answer.

1. Remember to go ____ your test paper to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. (ĐH, 2004)
A. on B. over C. off D. into
2. The old houses were ______ down to make way for a block of flats. (ĐH, 2007)
A. banged B. hit C. knocked D. put
3. I accidentally ______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday. (ĐH, 2008)
A. caught sight of B. paid attention to C. lost touch with D. kept an eye on
4. Take the number 5 bus and get ______ at Times Square. (CĐ, 2008)
A. outside B. down C. up D. off
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

5. It is very important for a firm or a company to keep ______ the changes in the market. (ĐH, 2009)
A. up with B. touch with C. pace of D. track about
6. It is hard to get ______ him; he is such an aggressive man. (CĐ, 2009)
A. on with B. by C. into D. over to
7. We ______with a swim in the lake. (ĐH, 2010)
A. took up B. gave in C. cooled off D. got out
8. If you don’t know when that important football match takes place, look it ______ in the
World Cup timetable. (CĐ, 2010)
A. after B. up C. into D. out
9. You need more exercise - you should ______ jogging. (CĐ, 2010)
A. try on B. take up C. carry out D. hold up
10. The Second World War ______ in 1939. (ĐH, 2011)
A. broke out B. brought about C. turned up D. took out
11. “We'd better ______ if we want to get there in time.” (ĐH, 2011)
A. speed up B. take up C. put down D. turn down
12. The police are going to look ______ the disappearance of the child. (CĐ, 2011)
A. through B. after C. into D. around
13. I can’t ______ this noise any longer. I’m going to write a letter of complaint to the local
authority about this problem. (CĐ, 2011)
A. get back to B. take away from C. put up with D. make out of
14. I can’t find my dictionary at the moment. I hope it will ______ up soon. (ĐH, 2012)
A. turn B. come C. clear D. look
15. He came ______ a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview. (ĐH, 2012)
A. in for B. out of C. off D. over
16. The children made ______ a funny story and wrote it on the card. (ĐH, 2012)
A. for B. up C. off D. out
17. He gave ______ his job in order to go back to university. (CĐ, 2012)
A. in B. up C. out D. away
18. Parts of the mountain road have been washed ______ after the floods. (CĐ, 2012)
A. through B. out C. off D. away
19. A large number of workmen ______ because of the economic recession. (A 1, 2013)
A. have laid down B. has laid aside C. have been laid off D. has been laid out
20. The government was finally ______ by a minor scandal. (A 1, 2013)
A. put back B. brought down C. pulled down D. taken down
21. I am sorry I have no time at present to ______ detail of our plan. (ĐH, 2013)
A. bring in B. take into C. come in D. go into
22. I could hear voices but I couldn’t ________what they were saying. (A 1, 2014)
A. turn up B. bring about C. make out D. try out
23. We received a call from the teacher_______ charge of our course. (ĐH, 2014)
A. to B. in C. at D. on
24. While I was looking through my old albums the other day, I ______ this photograph of my parents'
wedding. (ĐH, 2014)
A. took after B. made up C. turned down D. came across
25. We’ve already bought the house but won’t ______ it until May, when the present occupants have
moved out. (ĐH, 2014)
A. take possession of B. catch sight of C. keep track of D. gain recognition of
26. Nguyen Thi Anh Vien performed so well in the 28th Sea Games women’s 200m butterfly that none of her rivals
could ______ her. (2015)
A. catch up with B. look up to C. come up to D. put up with
Choose the answer to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
27. “Be quick! We must speed up if we don’t want to miss the flight.” (2015)
A. turn down B. look up C. slow down D. put forward
Tran Bien High School Teacher: Lê Thị Thu Hòa

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
28. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more welfare.
A. rejected B. sacked C. reviewed D. deleted
29. The Government has brought ______ a new law in an effort to prevent further environmental deterioration.
A. in B. about C. up D. on
30. Candidates are requested to ______ the form to the admissions officer by July 25th. (2016)
A. fill out B. show up C. pass over D. hand in
31. The company management decided to __________ more workers to meet the production schedule.
A. take on B. make out C. take over D. make up
32. Peter is disappointed at not getting the job, but he will ____________it soon. (2017)
A. take on B. go through C. come over D. get over
33. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will ____________that position.
A. catch on B. take over C. hold on D. stand for
34. A lot of research in medical science has been __________to improve human health. (2017)
A. carried out B. given off C. made up D. taken up
35. You shouldn't lose heart; success often comes to those who are not ______ by failures. (2018)
A. left out B. put off C. switched off D. turned on
36. The school drama club is ______ a play for the school's anniversary, which is due to take place next
A. turning up B. making off C. putting on D. bringing down
37. Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education will enable them
to ______ in the future.(2018)
A. turn up B. get on C. get out D. turn away
38. The coastal city is ______ extra buses during the summer because of a considerable increase in the
number of tourists.(2018)
A. making up B. turning out C. putting on D. taking off
39. These photos brought back many sweet memories of our trip to Hanoi last year. (2019)
A. recalled B. caught C. released D. revised
40. The young singer’s career took off after her lastest album topped the chart. (2019)
A. remained unchanged B. became successful D. ended in failure D. went unnoticed
41. Much to their disappointment, their start-up project fell through though it had been carefully
A. failed B. expanded C. succeeded D. moved
42. Though considered the king sport in many parts of the world, soccer has never really caught on in
the United States. (2019)
A. been consolidated B. become popular C. remained silent D. been active
43. Peter is an ambitious man who will never _______ till he gets what he wants. (2020)
A. turn down B. give up C. put on D. take back
44. Instead of reading stories from books, Michelle’s father usually __________stories to lull her to
sleep. (2020)
A. turns off B. makes up C. takes after D. gets on
45. The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us to respect doctors and nurses, who ______ others in our
society. (2020)
A. go on B. call back C. pick up D. care for
46. My sister and I share the housework. We take turns to ______ the dishes and clean the house. (2021)
A. wash over B. wash up C. wash away D. wash through
47. Martin helped the old lady to _______ the bus. (2021)
A. get off B. give off C. make off D. take off

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