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Mrs. M. Laster’s Creative Writing

Cooperative Learning Activity “Draw a picture, pass it on”

Grade 1

My cooperative learning activity/idea: Writing for a first grader can be hard and frustrating at times.
However, I’ve tried to keep it interesting and fun. So, I would begin by giving each student a piece of
drawing paper and some crayons. Telling my students, they will have five minutes to create a drawing an
original drawing (of anything). I would set a timer for those five minutes. At the end of those five
minutes, I would collect those drawings. Randomly handing out the drawings to different students
(making sure no one gets their original drawing).

Next, I would give each student a piece of writing paper and a pencil. I would then instruct my students
to write a make-believe story to go with the drawing they have been given. When finished, let students
share their stories with the class and show the drawing that they used as inspiration. This activity
promotes peer communication using visual and written literacy skills. This activity can also be done with
a large or small group of students.

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