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Ordoñez Sanchez Karen Alitzel

Gastronomía 1ªE
News 4

California Passes Law to Standardize Wages, Other Regulations

for Fast Food Industry Workers
On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Fast Food
Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act into law, creating sweeping
new regulations for the state's fast food industry.
The primary effect of the legislation, for at least the next six years, is the creation of
a new ten-member Fast Food Council with the stated goal of establishing
"sectorwide minimum standards on wages, working hours, and other working
conditions related to the health, safety, and welfare of, and supplying the
necessary cost of proper living to, fast food restaurant workers" — specifically
applying to any chain with 100 or more locations nationally.
The resulting council — which is primarily selected by the governor and includes
two representatives each from fast food restaurant franchisors, franchisees,
employees, and employee advocates, alongside one each from the Governor's
Office of Business and Economic Development and the Department of Industrial
Relations, which oversees the council — could have far reaching implications, but
one of the most discussed is their power to dictate a statewide minimum wage for
the industry, which the law states cannot exceed $22 per hour for 2023.
"California is committed to ensuring that the men and women who have helped
build our world-class economy are able to share in the state's prosperity,"
Governor Newsom stated. "Today's action gives hardworking fast-food workers a
stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety
standards across the industry. I'm proud to sign this legislation on Labor Day when
we pay tribute to the workers who keep our state running as we build a stronger,
more inclusive economy for all Californians."
The restaurant industry had opposed the legislation on multiple fronts. Sean
Kennedy, the National Restaurant Association's executive vice president for public
affairs, suggested it piled on more "walls and hurdles for both restaurant owners
and workers when there are strict regulations already in place." He continued, "The
expected higher wage mandates alone could raise costs for California quick
service restaurants by $3 billion and that cost will likely spread to struggling
independent restaurants as well. At a time when California restaurants are
struggling with skyrocketing inflation in food prices and operating costs, this bill will
push many owners closer than ever to shutting their doors in their communities."
Meanwhile, the International Franchise Association argued that franchises, though
involved with larger companies, are often themselves small businesses. "The bill
creates an arbitrary standard for one sector of workers while punishing small
business owners and their customers," the group stated before the bill was
signed, according to Nation's Restaurant News. "Franchising has opened the door
Ordoñez Sanchez Karen Alitzel
Gastronomía 1ªE
News 4

for hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and millions of

workers to establish a career, but this bill stands to break all that down while
raising prices for Californians and forcing restaurants to close their doors."
However, California Assemblymember Chris Holden, who authored the bill, saw
the new system as a way to resolve issues within the industry. "As a former
franchisee, I am aware that time is of the essence and with AB 257, we have a
chance to lift up small business owners and essential workers swiftly with an
inclusive approach to business," he said after the bill was passed in the state
assembly. "Creating a stakeholder driven council, ensures that all voices at the
table are heard and considered. This innovative template helps us do better to
foster improved working environments for all Californians."
I think it is important to empathize with the waiters who provide us with a service,
because raising awareness about tip rates not only contributes to better
remuneration, in terms of their work, I mean their dealings with the client.
It is always important to think of the other and put yourself in their place, because
the waiters are not only a fundamental part of the restaurant, but also contribute to
tourism by working hand in hand with the restaurant and providing better care and
service for the diner.
This new law, I consider important, not only because they are worrying about the
salary, but also because the rate is fair for all restaurants, whether they are
expensive or of any kind.

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