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Situational Strength Test: 22 questions long; no time limit; Deloitte service line specific; no
need to practice, as they ask you to be honest with your answers to gauge the kind of
worker you are
2. Numerical Reasoning Test: 12 questions long; timer starts & records how long you’re
spending on each question; good to do to practice;
3. Verbal Reasoning: Longest part of the assessment, as it’s broken into multiple sections;
verbal dexterity test i.e. how accurate a worker are you, judgment test, critical reasoning,
logical reasoning and reading comprehension; read up on the distinguishing factors
between: True, False, Cannot Say; what indicators you can identify for each conclusion; top
tip= focus on outlining when you should answer cannot say, as it’s a real sticking point for
people, especially if you don’t study a deeply/rigyorously analytical subjects.

Bonus Tip #1: take the test when you are appropriately fed, rested, watered, and haven’t
had a long day of work. Relatively straight forward, but it’s very mentally taxing.

Bonus Tip #2: The testing online is just a benchmarking tool, meaning, you either meet them
and proceed, or you don’t and get rejected. Particularly, aspects like the service line
questionnaire and the initial application questions, motivation and what they ask may differ.

Usually, breakdown of time between first application and receiving something back:
- Submit application
- 2 to 3 days later: invited to take the assessment
- 2 to 3 days later: invited to take some online blended assessment
- Believe that would have a week from the day of invitation until completion
- 2 to 3 days after taking the assessment: progress to the next stage i.e. awaiting for
feedback response

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