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Name: Macapinig, Jhon Jomar B.

Section: BSED-2C
Subject: Speech and Theater Arts

Lesson 1 The Concept of Communication

Complete the table by identifying the elements of communication based on the three given

1. Alisa, a junior high school student, together with her classmates sat in the school
auditorium as audience in a seminar organized by the guidance office. The topic was
about mental health and ways of coping stress. The speaker, a laudable psychologist
explained the topic showing her Power point presentations while in the podium.
2. My best friend and I always end our day with telephone conversation. Since it was
pandemic, we could not go out as easy as it was for a lunch or coffee date, so instead we
share stories of what we have done while ate home quarantine. My best friend calls me
every 6 in the evening just an hour before I eat my dinner in my condo unit.
3. Yesterday, while eating our dinner, my dad, Albert, shared his day’s experience working
in the bank. We all listened to his story of an interesting client who withdrew all of his
money and gave it all to the bank staff. We were in shock and we just kept on listening
and did not give and rebut.

Elements of Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3


Sender The speaker, a laudable Best friend and I Albert the dad

Message About mental health and Share stories of what we His story of an
ways of coping stress have done while at home interesting client who
quarantine withdrew all of his
money and gave it all to
the bank stuff

Receiver Alisa and her classmates Best friend and I We who are listening
Channel Power point Telephone conversation Sharing his day’s
presentations experience working in
the bank

Feedback We were in shock and

we just kept on listening
and did not give and

Environment School auditorium Condo unit At home, eating dinner


Interference Pandemic

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