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Fakultas Ekonomi

Prodi Bisnis Digital


Pertemuan : 11 LEMBAR KERJA I SKS: 2

Hari/Tanggal: Rabu, BISNIS DIGITAL Waktu : 13.50
26 Oktober 2022
Materi: Critical Journal Review
Indicator Achievements : Could synthesize aspects important from in journal , as well as capable serve
history structured with rule which raw .

1. Introduction

Articles that I review is the article entitled “ DIGITAL MARKETING: ENGAGING CONSUMERS WITH
SMART DIGITAL MARKETING CONTENT”. Article this written by Zakiya Umami and Gede Sri Dharma
with ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online. Could downloaded on site .

This article contains marketing strategies to promote food products by looking at the development of digital
marketing. The author conducted research on one of the restaurants in Kuta, Bali called Maisyaroh Restaurant.

2. Summary

The culinary business is currently growing very rapidly with the emergence of many entrepreneurs in the
culinary field because it is considered to have great opportunities supported by a consumptive community culture
and the media used for promotion. Tight competition arises because of the many culinary businesses. In order to
compete, culinary business actors must use the right strategy. Business people must keep up with the times so as
not to be left behind, one of which is by promoting through social media marketing. Maisyaroh Restaurant is a
restaurant located in Kuta, Bali and is famous as a tourist spot that is often visited by tourists from all over the
world, both domestic and international. Maisyaroh Restaurant has several social media accounts, such as
Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Currently, information such as tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels in
a country can be easily searched through social media. This shows that social media has grown rapidly.
Therefore, today's businesses in all fields must make changes by implementing digital marketing, including
restaurants. Bala and Verma (2018) in their research say that consumers seek the best information and offers
from sellers through the internet so that they can provide benefits to businesses through digital marketing such as
search engine marketing optimization (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing,
and optimization. social media.

3. Critique

Article this have advantages and deficiency . On advantages , writing article this very easy understood with
describe definitions related to digital marketing. Besides that writer also enclose references writing article with
details. On cons , space scope study on article limited limited where only conducted in area Kuta so that results
study this no could generalized for consumer in other areas , research this conducted in period time certain (cross
section) where environment Keep going experience change with thereby study new must conducted in time front ,
and discussion about social media marketing in Instagram very limited .
4. Conclusion & References

Based on article the could I conclude that strategy most effective marketing is digital marketing . Digital
marketing is action marketing in the form of branding that applies web -based media , namely blogs, websites,
email and e-mail network social . Digital marketing has many benefit among them save cost , reach more market _
area , as means for increase sale and connection good for seller nor consumers . Digital marketing can conducted
with a number of method like optimization marketing machine search (SEM), marketing content , influencer
marketing , social media marketing , and social media optimization .

Nama : Fanny Citra Sastika Nilai:

NIM : 7221250007
Prodi : Digital Business Paraf Dosen:
Kelas :A

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