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Stabilization of Clay Using Woodash

Celestine O. Okagbue1

Abstract: The potential of woodash to stabilize clay soil was evaluated. The evaluation involved the determination of the geotechnical
properties of clay soil in its natural state as well as when mixed with varying proportions of woodash. The parameters tested included the
particle size distribution, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, compaction characteristics, California bearing ratio 共CBR兲 and the compressive
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strength. The CBR and strength tests were repeated after 28-day curing of the treated samples. Results showed that the geotechnical
parameters of clay soil are improved substantially by the addition of woodash; plasticity was reduced by 35% and CBR and strength
increased by 23–50% and 49–67%, respectively, depending on the compactive energy used. The highest CBR and strength values were
achieved at 10% woodash. Results also showed that curing improved the strength of the woodash-treated clay. However, the strength gain
was short lived as the strength quickly decreased after 7–14 days of curing. These results imply that although woodash provides some of
the beneficial effects of lime in soil stabilization, such as plasticity and swell reduction, improved workability, and strength increase, it is
unlikely to be a substitute for lime as strength gain is short lived.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2007兲19:1共14兲
CE Database subject headings: Soil stabilization; Clays; Evaluation.

Introduction ings have been confirmed by authors working in various parts of

the world, including Brand and Schoenberg 共1959兲, Lund and
Plants growing on a woodash dumpsite were observed to be Ramsey 共1959兲, Hilt and Davidson 共1960兲, Dumbleton 共1962兲,
greener than their counterparts around. Laboratory testing of soil Peurifoy 共1970兲, Ingles 共1973兲, Anifowose 共1989兲, Bell 共1989,
samples from the two environments showed that whereas the soils 1993兲, and Muntohar and Hantoro 共2000兲.
from the ordinary sites were acidic 共pH⫽6.0兲, the soils from the Lately, many workers have reported on additives that could
dumpsite were alkaline 共pH⫽8.6兲. These results implied that substitute lime as a soil modifier. Such materials include fly ash
woodash behaves like lime which is used to reduce soil acidity. 共Cokca 1999; Indraratna et al. 1991, 1995兲, rice husk 共Muntohar
Lime is also known to be used to improve the geotechnical 1999; Muntohar and Hantoro 2000兲, marble dust 共Okagbue and
properties of clay soils. In developing countries, however, lime is Onyeobi 1999兲, and limestone ash 共Okagbue and Yakubu 2000兲.
expensive, hence researchers in these countries continue to search In most of these works, the authors have reported a decrease in
for possible alternatives. In this paper, the writer presents results dry density, a decrease in plasticity, and an increase in strength
of geotechnical laboratory tests on clay soil–woodash mixtures and overall workability of the soils.
and assesses the potential of woodash to stabilize clay soils.

Materials and Experiments

Previous Work on Lime as Soil Modifier
Samples and Sample Preparation
Extensive literature is available on soil improvement by the ap-
Bulk samples of clay were obtained from a dug pit at Awgu south-
plication of additives, notably cement and lime. The use of lime
eastern Nigeria and taken to the laboratory where they were air
has become very popular in recent times although its use started
dried for 2 weeks. Woodash was obtained from Teatime Bread
as far back as 1924 when McCaustland reported on the use of
Industry, Abakpa Nike Enugu, also in southeastern Nigeria. The
hydrated lime for soil stabilization in the United States. Lund and
ash was sieved through a BS sieve of 63 ␮m to obtain the fraction
Ramsey 共1959兲, carried out experiments on lime stabilization in
needed for ash–clay reaction.
Nebraska and reported that the addition of lime to plastic soils
resulted in a reduction in the plasticity index with both the liquid
and plastic limits of the soil affected by the additive. These find- Methodology
The following tests were carried out on the clay in its natural state
Professor, Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. and when mixed with varying proportions 共5, 10, 15, and 20%兲 of
E-mail: woodash; particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, compaction,
Note. Associate Editor: Hilary I. Inyang.. Discussion open until June California bearing ratio 共CBR兲, and compressive strength.
1, 2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
The tests were generally performed in accordance with BS 1377
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted 共British Standard Institute 1975兲. The mixing of woodash, soil,
for review and possible publication on February 11, 2005; approved on and water was done manually in a sample tray with a bricklayer’s
July 29, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil trowel. Compaction tests were carried out using CBR molds in
Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/ order that CBR values could be determined at various moisture
2007/1-14–18/$25.00. contents and compactions. Strength values were obtained by un-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:14-18.

Table 1. Chemical Composition of Woodash Table 2. Grain Size Distribution of Clay at Varying Percentages of
Element Range Ground
oxidea % Element 共%兲b limestone Ash Combined silt
共%兲 and clay Sand Gravel
CaO 34.34 Ca 2.50–33.00 31.00
K 2O 0.32 K 0.10–13.00 0.13 0 76 11 13
Al2O3 1.44 Al 0.50–32.00 0.25 5 74 13 13
MgO 1.10 Mg 0.10–2.50 5.10 10 67 21 21
Fe2O3 5.19 Fe 0.20–2.10 0.29 15 59 29 29
P 2O 5 0.02 P 0.10–1.40 0.06
Na2O 2.52 Na 0.00–0.54 0.07
SiO2 53.14 N/Ac N/Ac The addition of woodash to the clay supplied an excess of Ca2+ by
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Mn 0.00–1.30 0.05 dissociation of the product of CaO and H2O in the woodash
Ni 0.02–0.77 0.01 共Table 1兲. The resulting Ca2+ replaced the weaker metallic cations
CaCO3 eq. 33.00–92.00 100.00 共Na+, K+, and Mg++兲 from the exchange complex of the clay. The
pH 10.20 9.00–13.50 9.90 exchange caused a reduction in the size of the diffused water
This study. layer in the clay, thereby allowing clay particles to approach each
b other more closely, or flocculate. Flocculation and agglomeration
From literature 共Risse and Harris 2000兲.
c produce an apparent change in texture, with the clay particles
N/A⫽not available.
“clumping” together into larger-sized “aggregates” 共Terrel et al.
1979兲. These reactions ultimately changed the gradation of the
confined compression testing. Each of the woodash-treated soils clay.
was cured naturally for 28 days and strength and CBR measure-
ments taken at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, respectively, to determine Atterberg Limits
the development of strength with time. The curing was carried out
by placing the prepared and wrapped 共in double cellophane兲 The variations of liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, and
sample into a water bath 共Thompson 1968兲. The woodash was linear shrinkage with varying percentages of woodash are shown
subjected to chemical analysis to determine its chemical compo- graphically in Fig. 1. The results show that both the liquid limit
sition. The analysis was done using ultraviolet 共UV兲 visible and plastic limit increase with increasing percentages of woodash,
spectrophotometer 共Pye Unicam SP500 Series 2兲 and atomic ab- whereas the plasticity index and linear shrinkage decrease with
sorption spectrophotometer 共Buck Scientific AAS-20A兲. The spe- increasing percentages of woodash. These trends are the same as
cific gravity as well as the pH of the woodash was also those produced when soils are treated with lime 共Thompson 1968;
determined. Ingles 1973; Bell 1989; 1993; Muntohar and Hantoro 2000;
National Lime Association 2001兲. These authors agree on a num-
ber of mechanisms, which may be responsible for these beneficial
changes in engineering properties of a soil when treated with
Results and Discussion
lime. These include cation exchange, flocculation of the clay, ag-
glomeration, and pozzolanic reactions. According to these au-
pH, Specific Gravity, and Chemical Composition of thors, the first two reactions take place rapidly and produce
Woodash immediate changes in the plasticity and swelling properties of the
The pH and specific gravity tests on the woodash yielded average treated soil. The calcium silicate gel produced as a result of the
values of 10.2 and 2.2, respectively. The chemical composition chemical reactions coats the clay clasts, binding them together
test results are given in Table 1. The results show that woodash is and filling the pores. In this way, water absorption is reduced and
alkaline and of low specific gravity when compared with natural hence swelling and shrinkage, leading to improved workability as
soil grains. There is presence of alkali and alkali earth metals the treated soil becomes more friable in character. In this study,
which inevitably yield a very alkaline solution. Calcium oxide is the woodash - treated clay became less plastic and more friable
a major constituent as in lime. than the untreated clay. Linear shrinkage also was reduced.

Particle Size Distribution

The clay soil used in the investigation comprised 13% gravel,
11% sand, and 76% fines 共silt and clay兲. The fines plotted in the
medium plasticity range of the Casagrande plasticity chart. When
woodash was mixed with the clay, there was a reduction in the
fines content and increase in the sand and gravel content as shown
in Table 2. Earlier workers on lime–soil mixtures 共Ola 1977,
1978; Akoto and Singh 1981; Osula 1991兲 have noted that lime
causes agglomeration of soil particles, such that the effective par-
ticle size distribution is changed. The agglomeration is known to
be caused by coagulation of the soil particles with consequent
reduction in the amount of fines. By analogy with lime–soil sys-
tems, it is believed that the reactions between woodash and clay Fig. 1. Variation of Atterberg limits and linear shrinkage with
are those of cation exchange, flocculation, and agglomeration. varying percentages of woodash


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:14-18.

Fig. 2. Variation of maximum dry density with varying percentages Fig. 4. Unsoaked and soaked CBR with varying percentages of
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of woodash woodash at zero curing

Figs. 2 and 3 show the graphic representation of the compaction
test results obtained using the British standard, West African stan- Similar behavior has been noted by other authors on
dard, and Modified AASHTO standard compactive efforts. It can some soil–additive mixtures. For example, Thompson 共1968兲,
be seen that while the dry density decreases with greater propor- Anifowose 共1989兲, and Osula 共1991兲 report a 3% optimum for
tions of woodash, the optimum moisture content increases in all lime; Okagbue and Onyeobi 共1999兲 report an 8% optimum for
the compaction standards used. Again these results are consistent marble dust; and Okagbue and Yakubu 共2000兲 report a 6% opti-
with those of other workers using lime admixtures with fine- mum for limestone ash. The present study thus suggests that triple
grained soils. Two reasons may explain the decrease in maximum the amount of woodash may be required to achieve the same soil
dry density. One of them is that the flocculated and agglomerated modification as in lime.
clay particles 共caused by the cation exchange reaction兲 now oc- Fig. 5 shows the effect of curing on the CBR of the 10%
cupy larger spaces, thus increasing the volume of the voids and woodash–clay mixture 共10% woodash yielded the maximum
consequently reducing the weight:volume ratio. The other is the CBR兲 compacted at both the BS and modified AASHTO compac-
replacement of soil particles in a given volume by particles of tion levels and for both soaked and unsoaked conditions. As
woodash of comparatively lower specific gravity 共2.2 compared shown in Fig. 5, an optimal CBR was recorded after 7 days of
to 2.7 of the soil particles.兲 curing for both soaked and unsoaked samples. Thereafter, the
The increasing optimum moisture content with increasing CBR decreased with time.
woodash content is thought to result from the increasing desire Various explanations have been put forward for the improve-
for water 共as woodash content increases兲, as more water is re- ment of the CBR. Neubauer and Thompson 共1972兲 and Arora
quired for the formation of the lime-like product, Ca共OH兲2, and 共1997兲 attribute it to the immediate cation exchange, flocculation,
dissolution of this product into Ca2+ and OH− ions, in order to and agglomeration reactions while Diamond and Kinter 共1965兲,
supply more Ca2+ ions for the cation exchange reaction. Bell 共1989, 1993兲; Muntohar and Hantoro 共2000兲, Okagbue and
Yakubu 共2000兲, and Wartman and Reimer 共2002兲 postulated that
the mechanism responsible is the formation of bonds of tetracal-
California Bearing Ratio cium alumina hydrates and silicate hydrates which link the clay
Fig. 4 shows graphically the results of the CBR for the compacted particles together. Van Ganse 共1974兲, Ola 共1977兲, and Osula
soaked and unsoaked samples at zero curing. It can be seen that 共1991兲 considered the improvement to be due to the formation of
the CBR value increases as the percentage of woodash increases “crumbs” of soils which retain their individuality when the lime–
to an optimum level, after which a decrease in CBR is noted. For soil mixture is kneaded and compacted.
the soaked and unsoaked samples compacted at the BS and modi-
fied AASHTO compactive efforts, this optimum is reached at
about 10% woodash.

Fig. 3. Variation of optimum moisture content with varying

percentages of woodash Fig. 5. Variation of CBR at 10% woodash at varying days of curing


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:14-18.

Ca2+ + OH− + Al2O3 共soluble clay alumina兲
→ calcium–aluminate–hydrate 共CAH兲
In woodash–clay mixtures, the clay minerals are the sources of
the silica and alumina, while the woodash is the source of
Ca共OH兲2 from its CaO content. The United States National Lime
Association 共2001兲 and Mallela et al. 共2004兲 reported that the full
term pozzolanic reaction could continue for a very long time,
even decades, as long as enough lime is present and the pH re-
mains high 共above 10兲. As a result, lime treatment can produce
high and long lasting strength gains. At this high pH, the solubili-
ties of silica and alumina are greatly increased. Thus as long as
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enough residual calcium ion remains in the system and the pH

Fig. 6. Variation of soaked unconfined compressive strength with remains high enough to maintain solubility, the pozzolanic reac-
varying percentages of woodash at zero curing tion will continue. It is possible that in the case of woodash, the
“lime” produced is quickly used up within the first 2 weeks of
curing leaving very small or no lime at all to continue the poz-
Strength zolanic reaction. In that situation the pH would drop below 10,
thus rendering the environment unfavorable for further pozzolanic
Unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted on treated
reaction. The pH of the tested soil at the woodash dumpsite was
and untreated soaked samples compacted at maximum dry density
8.6, which is below 10 and therefore unfavorable for pozzolanic
and optimum moisture at BS and modified AASHTO compactive
reaction and continued strength development. Perhaps the low
efforts. The results are given graphically in Fig. 6. Again opti-
percentage of lime 共CaO兲 content in woodash 共34.34%, Table 1兲
mum strength was attained at 10% woodash content.
accounts for the quick use up of the lime in woodash and subse-
Fig. 7 shows the effect of curing on the strength of the 10%
quent drop in soil–lime reactions.
woodash treated soil. As shown in the figure, an increase in
Remus and Davidson 共1961兲 reported that when compactive
strength was recorded following curing. The highest strength de-
energy was increased from standard to modified AASHTO, the
velopment was achieved at 7 days of curing for the BS compacted
compressive strength of the soil–lime mixture increased by 50–
samples and at about 14 days of curing for the modified AASHTO
250% for both 7 and 28 days curing period. In this study, com-
compacted samples.
pressive strength increased by only 44–70% when compactive
It is not quite clear why there is this variation in the time
energy was increased from standard to modified AASHTO for 7
period of maximum strength development. What is clear is that in
days curing period and 87–129% for 14 days curing period.
both cases, strength decreased after the peak development. Th-
ompson 共1968兲 recommended 28 days of curing for lime-treated
soils, whose maximum strength development is expected to be Implications of Research Findings
reached at this curing period. Okagbue and Onyeobi 共1999兲 re-
ported that the unconfined compressive strength of marble dust- Naturally, clay is a poor construction material but when improved
treated soil peaked between 7 and 15 days of curing and remained by additives, it can be useful. Mateos 共1964兲 reported the success-
virtually constant throughout the 28 days of curing. Strength in- ful use of properly compacted lime-stabilized clayey soil for road
crease during curing is explained in terms of the action of cement- subsurface.
ing gel material 共hydrates兲 produced following pozzolanic The United States National Lime Association 共2001兲 has listed
reactions, which take place over a period of time. Typical reac- some of the benefits of lime stabilization to include: plasticity
tions producing cementing gels 共hydrates兲 are given below reduction, reduction in moisture-holding capacity 共drying兲, swell
reduction, improved stability, very substantial improvements in
Ca共OH兲2 → Ca2+ + 2共OH兲 shear strength, 共by a factor 20 or more in some cases兲, continued
strength gain with time, even after periods of environmental or
Ca2+ + OH− + SiO2 共soluble clay silica兲 load damage, and long-term durability over decades of service
even under severe environmental conditions.
→ calcium–silicate–hydrate 共CSH兲 Woodash certainly meets some of these conditions, such as
plasticity reduction, swell reduction, improved stability, and sub-
stantial strength gain but fails to meet the benefit of continued
strength gain with time. These results imply that although
woodash provides most of the beneficial effects of lime in soil
stabilization, it is unlikely to be a substitute for lime in soil sta-
bilization for engineering construction. It may, however, be very
useful in soil modification for agricultural purposes where sus-
tained strength is not a desired priority property but where
additional lime 共more than 10% of woodash兲 would likely in-
crease pH to any desired level.

Fig. 7. Variation of soaked unconfined compressive strength at 5 and This study has evaluated the extent to which lime contained in
10% woodash at varying days woodash can improve the physical, as well as the mechanical


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:14-18.

properties of clay. The results have shown that woodash reduces Eng. Geol., 28, 131–132.
the plasticity and maximum dry density and increases the strength Indraratna, B., Nutalaya, P., and Kuganethira, N. 共1991兲. “Stabilization of
of clay although the increase in strength is not sustained beyond a dispersive soil by blending with fly ash.” Q. J. Eng. Geol., 24,
14 days. Highest strength of 22% increase is developed after 7–14 275–290.
days of curing and at 10% woodash–clay mixture. It is believed Ingles, O. G. 共1973兲. Stabilization in soil mechanics. New horizons, I. K.
that the “lime” produced by the optimal 共10%兲 woodash content Lee, ed., Newness–Buttersworth, London.
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is quickly used up within the first 2 weeks of curing leaving little
in Nebraska.” Highw. Reservoir. Board, Bull., 23, 24–59.
or no lime at all to continue the pozzolanic reaction usually re-
Mallela, J., Von Quintus, H., and Smith, K. L. 共2004兲. “Consideration of
sponsible for strength gain in clay–lime mixtures. lime-stabilized layers in mechanistic-empirical pavement design.” The
The implication of these results is that woodash, although con- National Lime Association, Arlington, Va., 具http://www.lime.org典.
taining lime as a chemical component, cannot be used as a soil Mateos, M. 共1964兲. “Soil lime research at Iowa State University.” J. Soil
modifier for construction purposes. Mech. and Found. Div., 90共2兲, 127–153.
McCaustland, E. J. 共1924兲. “Lime in dirt road.” Proc., Annual Convention
Downloaded from by Western Michigan University on 03/12/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

National Lime Association.

Acknowledgments Muntohar, A. S. 共1999兲. “Behaviour of engineering properties of the clay
blended with LRHA 共lime rice husk ash兲.” Research Rep. from Grant,
The writer acknowledges the contributions of O. Ohanta, O. C. Muhammadiyah Univ. of Yogya-Karta, Yogya-Karta, Indonesia.
Okoye, C. N. Akaelu, A. E. Iwuamadi, E. O. Ossai-Abeh, and I. Muntohar, A. S., and Hantoro, G. 共2000兲. “Influence of rice husk ash and
Alinta of the Department of Geology for assistance in data col- lime on engineering properties of clayey subgrade.” Electronic. J.
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National Lime Association 共2001兲. “Using lime for soil stabilization and
Laboratory of the Enugu State Ministry of Works for their assis-
modification: A proven solution!” 具http://www.Lime.org典.
tance in carrying out the tests, and Okechukwu Ugwoke for typ- Neubauer, C. H., and Thompson, M. R. 共1972兲. “Stability properties of
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