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Unit 1-2 Map

Unit 1-2 Map

On the map on the reverse side, complete the following tasks. Create a key with multiple different colors to avoid this from becoming too crowded.
Be aware that there may be some overlap, particularly in the empire section.

Label the following cities: - Grand Canal

- Baghdad - Silk Road
- Cahokia - Trans-Saharan
- Chaco
- Great Zimbabwe Complete the following tasks:
- Kashgar - Draw a cross where Christianity was founded
- Mesa Verde - Draw the star and crescent where Islam was founded
- Samarkand - Draw an eight-spoked wheel to indicate where Buddhism was
- Tenochtitlan founded
- Timbuktu

Color in the areas controlled by the following empires:

- Delhi Sultanate
- Ethiopia
- Gujarat
- Hausa Kingdoms
- Inca
- Khmer/Angkor Kingdom
- Malacca Sultanate
- Mali
- Mamluk Sultanate
- Mayan
- Mexica
- Mongols
- Seljuk Empire
- Song China
- Swahili city-states

Outline the general location of the following trade routes:

- Indian Ocean

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