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Write about the following topic:

Languages are dying out all the time. The result of this is a world with
fewer languages. This is a good thing for people everywhere.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

We all live in a highly connected but diverse world. However, the variety of
languages seems to be decreasing. All that said, I believe that the reduction (or even
a unique language), could be good for communication.

Some people could say that if society limits the number of languages, the
complexity of communication would also be reduced. Furthermore some words with
particular meaning only exist in some languages. For example “Saudade”, is a word
really hard to define if you don’t speak Portuguese, because it only exists and has a
meaning in this particular lenguaje. Nevertheless this might represent a difficulty for
an outsider to understand, and in a globalized world this might be an issue.

On the other hand, the reduction in the number of languages could be an advantage
to the democratization of knowledge. With the advance of communication, what
would be better than a unique form of communication to us all, in order to publish
research, cientifics findings or even news worldwide? People from New York,
Cordoba and Bangladesh would have the same opportunity to know about it.
However some people could say that only using one lenguaje would close the door
to the non-speakers, but this might be solved over time with good public politics for
language teaching.

All in all, today's world demands a unique language for communication, beyond on
which language is prefered. Some particular words, dialects or languages would be
lost, nevertheless this has already happened with Latin or ancient greek and
communication is richer now than then. On top of that I think this might help people
in their biggest challenge, to understand each other.
275 words - 38 minutes

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