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M Sadqain

Laravel Developer

+92.306.2821568 Defence View, Karachi, Pakistan

A software engineering graduate who is seeking to find the opportunity to work in a fun and challenging
workingenvironment that will encourage him to improve and learn newand necessary skills as well as be motivated by the
company to dohis best for the sake of helping himself and the company advance in the software engineering industry.

AJAX | AWS Deployment | aws s3 bucket | CodeIgniter | CSS3 | JavaScript | Jquery | Laravel | MySQL | Object Oriented

Programming | PHP | Restful WebServices | Stripe Payment Getway | Vue.js

Feb 2021 - Present Laravel Developer
Salsoft Technologies, Karachi, Pakistan

Laravel 7x & vue.js ,Codeigniter v3,v4 and PHP 7 OOP developer worked in AWS S3
bucket, AWS deployment, AWS EC2, AWS Enviroment and other many systems.

Oct 2020 - Present Back-end Developer

Ingenious Communications, Karachi, Pakistan

Koor Real Estate, multi vendor market place and other Ecommerce sites,
AWS deployment, AWS S3 bucket and also worked in Rest Apis of Ecommerce sites and
Laravel 7x & vue.js ,Codeigniter v3,v4 and PHP 7 OOP developer

Feb 2020 - Sep 2020 Back-end Developer

Ctech Media Solutions, Karachi, Pakistan
Worked in School management system, Hospital management system, LMS and point of
sale management systems. and make rest apis in CodeIgniter and Laravel also done
projects of laravel and PHP ,CodeIgniter and Laravel developer

2020 Faculty of Engineering and Technology, IICT university of sindh
Bachelors in Science
Software Engineering
CGPA: 2.9/4

CBD Pure Remedy
Made Ecommerce Store with Fleet cart .

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Click Marketing
Laravel Admin panel with apis multi roles , admin, user, store owner made ,Coupons and store type mobile applicaiton.
Yupar Roll a Food panda type website with app
Made admin panel with web apis in Laravel ,
Food Panda type app
Make Admin panel in Vue.js and backend with Laravel and make apis with adding stripe accounts,Doctors type website
tire finder ecommerce
worked in on going project, make changes some functionalities of search bar and add products,developed in laravel
worked from scratch, make courses ,lessons ,quizzes ,assignments and also make full functionalities from
scratch.developed in codeigniter
linkeddup ecommerce multi vendor marketplace
make major changes in project,developed aws s3 bucket ,deployed in aws ,make bp rp funcationality , make vendor
consultant and vendor panel from scratch developed in codeigniter
Koor sale and purchase property
developed from scratch this site,functionalities i haved added firebase OTP ,Water mark ,auto expire property ,rent-sale
option, pin drop map location during add property ,make rest api for mobile app and many other functionalitiesdeveloped
in core php

Urdu English
Intermediate Intermediate

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