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My topic I chosen to write about is School Bullying.

Bullying is a form of aggression

that we have all been exposed to at one point or another in our lives; bullying has been around

for decades when many people viewed it as just another rite of passage. I have been noticing that

some adults don't really understand why there is a need for anti-bullying programs in schools. I

often hear " boys will be boys" and "girls are catty". I also hear” they will work it out and

tomorrow they will be best friends". Yet, that is the issue, the lack of understanding about

bullying. Over the past 20 years, bullying has evolved into a much bigger problem and it is

prevalent in most schools. Today, bullying is seen as this stigmatized overused word that no one

wants to address. It can happen to anyone, at anytime. With the increase in technology, Internet

accessibility, and lack of supervision, kids are exposed to more channels to bully and to be

bullied. Now, bullying no longer just happens at school. It can happen online, text message,

pictures, and social media. It can happen all of a sudden and escalate so fast that your head spins.

It is happening more and more but we seem to be seeing it less and less. That is because of the

evolution into cyberbullying and relational aggression. Bullying There are many ways schools

can take action and making progress against school bullying. Schools are training staff and

students to prevent and address bullying prevention efforts over times in schools. Schools also

have programs implanted to help students learn about bullying prevention and incorporate the

topic of bullying prevention in lessons and activities.

School bullying issue relates to NAEYC code of ethical conduct principles.

P-1.1 Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practice that are

emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or

intimidating to children. This principle has precedence over all others in this code.
As a parent I feel that students and parents need to be a part of the solution and be involved in

safety terms and anti-bullying task forces. Parents, teacher, and school administrators can help

students engage in positive behavior to take a stand to stop bullying.

Bradshaw CP, Waasdorp TE, O'Brennan LM, Gulemetova M. Teachers' and Education Support

Professionals' Perspectives on Bullying and Prevention: Findings From a National Education

Association Study. School Psych Rev. 2013;42(3):280-297. PMID: 25414539; PMCID:


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