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Abolish Bullying: A Phenomenology Approach on the Forts Verbal Bullying

on Academic Performance among Grade 10 Students

A Research Paper

Presented to Mrs. Rowena Jakosalem

High School Department

Tisa National High School

Submitted By:

Leyros, Fredelyn C.

Grade 10 Athena

Chapter 1



World Health Organization defines bullying as a threat or physical use of

force, aiming at the individual, another person, a specific community or group

which can result in injury, death, physical damage, some development disorders

or deficiency. The concept of bullying at school is not new, however it has been

increasing in recent years.  Bullying in schools is an issue that continues to

receive attention from researchers, educators, parents, and students. Researchers

increasingly find that bullying is a problem that can be detrimental to students'

well-being. This report focuses not only on the prevalence of bullying, but also

the effect of it in their academic performance. The effect of bullying especially

verbal bullying may last a lifetime and can also affect their self-confidence.

Someone who is being bullied in this way may feel lots of different emotions.

Often a young person might act like they are okay on the outside but inside they

may be feeling very low. They might not want to show how they are really feeling

in case others think they are making a big deal out of nothing, or cannot take a

joke and perhaps they are even worried it might get worse.  They may also start to

believe the verbal bullying and this will knock self-esteem. Everyone deserve to

be treated with kindness and respect. You can deal with verbal bullying

successfully by responding to the bully, putting an end to their insults, and taking

care of yourself. If you can encounter this kind of bullying you can immediately

report them the school management or to your teachers.

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to determine the cause and effect of bullying towards the

Grade 10 students of Tisa National High School and provide possible solutions

and recommendations to abolish verbal bullying. It must be bear in mind that any

kinds of bullying must not be tolerated especially in school for it will have a great

impact towards the academic performance and self-worth of the students.

This is to investigate if many students are still experiencing this kind of

bullying in school. The findings of this study will eventually help the students

know the effects bullying gives in their performance and make them realized how

serious this problem is and it must be stop.

General Problem

The goal of the research was to investigate the impact of bullying in the high

school setting on their academic performance.

Specific Problem

1. Does verbal bullying affect students?

2. How verbal bullying can affects academic performances of the


3. What do you think is the reason why they verbally bullied someone?

4. What are the effects of verbal bullying?

5. What does verbal bullying do towards the students being bullied?

Scope/Delimitation of the Study

This study focused mainly on the effect of verbal bullying which is very

common to students and how it can affect to the academic performance of Grade

10 students of Tisa National High School for school year 2018-2019.

The study involved the Grade 10 students who are prone and exposed to

verbal bullying and the school, Tisa National High School which is located at F.

Llamas St., Tisa Cebu City.

Significance of the Study

This study will have great significance to the following:

Students. As the center of educational system, students will have the

benefit from this study if they will know the effects of verbal bullying bring in

their academic performance. Through this, students will understand and stand

against bullying.

Teachers. Faculty teachers play one of the most important roles here because

they can be our second mother in school in which they can monitor each of

his/her students. They can also help stop what causes verbal bullying and provide

advice to the students who are bully and being bullied.

School. This study is in school based setting in which bullying is mostly

observed and likely to happen. It is said that it is beneficial to the school since the

findings would provide some suggestions to promote a friendly-school


Parents. This will help them realize the importance of the effects verbal

bullying to their children who are still in high school in Tisa National High

School. They can also help their children when they have their problems and we

can also share to them if something or someone is keep bothering you. They can

also motivate us to inform them that one of your so called “friends” is bullying


Chapter 2


Bullying and harassment are not new issues that students and schools face. In

fact, over the years, it has been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it

has been overlooked as a threat to students and reduced to a belief that bullying is

a developmental stage that most youth will experience then get over (Ross, 2002,

p. 107).But not everyone gets over the personal trauma that can come with

bullying both for the victim and the bully. This is why it is seen happening by

adults in work places, in homes, and in the community. Therefore, this harassment

is not isolated to schools alone. But schools are the best place to actively

intervene. Teachers, administrators, counselors, and even students have the

greatest access to the most students through a school system. It is here that school

staff can intervene, support and educate students about ending bullying behaviors

directly and indirectly; breaking the bullying-cycle. This paper will address

bullying in general at all grade levels, but its intervention focus will be at the high

school level. Harris &Hathorn, (2006, p. 50) state: “Because adolescence is a

difficult time in a child’s maturation, bullying exacerbates these difficult times by

forming barriers to positive connections with other students and school faculty

members. Consequently, the presence of bullying at school often creates a barrier

for young people to develop into well-adjusted adults.”

High school is the last opportunity educators have to work with students at

building citizenship, building character, and building self-responsibility. For some

students this may be the last opportunity for an intervention to change behaviour

and attitudes associated with bullying or victimization before they become adults

in the workplace, with a family and in the community at large.Green’s (2007)

research discusses a variety of different studies and how important it is to

implement an anti-bullying program into schools worldwide. Interventions have

promising benefits and should be used more often by schools. Some benefits from

intervention is students will feel safer at the school they attend, bullies will benefit

because several studies show if left alone they show social failure and failure in

academics, and if nothing is done to stop bullying it can escalate to more serious

violence. According to the article some tips to prevent bullying at schools from

another study by Hazler, Hoover, and Oliver (1993) is that bullying does exist and

that all school personnel understand this problem. Administrators’ next step is to

train their staff on the steps they must take to handle bullying. Finally, there needs

to be a familiar comprehensive plan for the members of the entire staff can follow

with ease. Green (2007) quotes, “When we listen to our students, we can bring

our perception of bullying closer to reality” (Green, 2007, p. 336).

Bullies can suffer long-term effects of bullying if their

b e h a v i o r i s n o t addressed. Compelling research confirms that bullies are

twice as likely as their peersto have criminal convictions and four times more

likely to be multiple offenders.” (Abel, 2 0 1 0 ) . S o m e t i m e s a b u l l y c a n

a c t u a l l y h a t e t h e w a y t h e y t r e a t t h e i r v i c t i m s b u t somehow feel

justified in doing so since they are abused by others as well. This feeling ends to

override the feeling of empathy which makes for a psychological mess for

thebully. Feeling conflicted about their behavior is also a source of stress that

makes themw ant to bully more. If a bully is not stopped and treated

then the chance of them stopping and becoming a different and healthier

person is very slim and their behaviorwill continue into adulthood, affecting the

type of life they lead.

Bullying does not need to be reality that students face. As more schools adopt

whole school prevention programs and actively work with students, staff, and

parents in effectively addressing the issues of bullying and harassment in each

individual school, students will develop (Literature Review of School Bullying)

Effects on the victim- Kids who are bulled can experience negative, physical

and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience.

Bullying in the Philippines is widespread in schools and over the Internet,

with a study that states that about 50 percent of Filipino students are bullied in

school. Bullying can easily affect both the bully and the victim, and that’s why the

government in the Philippines is working hard to crack down on it. The latest

measures include the signing the anti-bullying act of 2013, which criminalizes any

act of bullying or cyber bullying that happens in the country. Read on to learn

about bullying in the Philippines.

For any bullying prevention program to be successful it is necessary for each

school to have a clear and easily understood philosophy that promotes a safe and

positive environment. This philosophy should start during the early childhood

years and continue throughout high school. Three values which promote a

positive climate and develop a basis for a bullying prevention program include the

belief that all children can learn, people should be treated with respect 21 and

dignity, and there is no place for violence in the school. (Orpinas& Home, 2006.

p. 85)

Bullying is associated with several behaviours that pose risk to the

adolescents’ physical and psychological health.

Most anti-bullying programs are school-based. Some typical types of

interventions include the following (Limber 2003): 

Awareness-raising efforts: Efforts can consist of assemblies for students,

parent meetings, or in-service training for teachers to make participants aware of

the problem of bullying. While raising awareness is important, such efforts are

insufficient to change cultural norms and bullying behaviors (Limber 2003,

“Misdirections”). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 5 

School exclusion: These efforts include “zero tolerance” or “three strikes and

you’re out” type policies. When schools identify a student as a bully, that student

is excluded from school. Research suggests that school exclusion interventions do

not work: they can decrease the reporting of incidents because the sanctions are so

severe, and they negatively affect through suspension or expulsion the students

who are most in need of prosocial involvement at school (Limber 2003,

“Misdirection”). 

Therapeutic treatment for bullies: This approach might include classes in

anger management or efforts to boost self-esteem and empathy. Again, these

types of programs are unlikely to effectively address the problem of bullying

because they are based on faulty assumptions about the motivating factors for

most bullies (Limber 2003). Moreover, if bullies are grouped for treatment,

behavior may further suffer as students reinforce antisocial and bullying behavior

(“Misdirections”). 

Mediation and conflict resolution: These programs are often used to help

school staff address aggressive and violent behavior between students. However,

these types of programs can backfire when used to resolve bullying situations

because they imply that both parties (bully and victim) are to blame. Furthermore,

these interactions may further victimize the target (Limber 2003,

“Misdirections”).  Curricular approaches: Numerous curricula have been

developed for use in schools. In general, these programs try to explain bullying

and its effects, teach strategies to avoid bullying or for intervening, and build

social cohesion among students. Many of these programs have been evaluated,

and some have been found to be effective in improving desired outcomes.

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study followed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research

design. Qualitative research can be used to provide understanding of a specific

phenomenon. It specifically utilizes the survey studies, in which the researchers

aim to collect data from the survey questions given to the said respondents or

subjects of the study and to determine how verbal bullying really affect to their

school performances. This approach is designed as study is conducted over a

longer period of time. There are thirty subjects in which the questionnaire was

given randomly given to Grade 10 students.


This research uses a phenomenology approach in which phenomenology

defined as the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the-

person point of view.We all experience various types of experience including

perception, imagination, thought, emotion, desire, volition, and action. Thus, the

domain of phenomenology is the range of experiences including these types

(among others).

Knowing phenomenology as a study concerned on phenomena that uses the

senses of sight, hear and etc., in which my research is well suited to this approach.

Research Instrument

An interview instrument was used for the first part of this study. The

interview instrument consisted of approximately 11closed-ended questions to

gathered information from grade 10 students.


The researcher chose the Grade 10 students of Tisa National High School as

respondents of this study. Student Participants were selected by considering their

gender, age, and different sections. The participants included: 30 students who

were between the ages of 15 years old and up. The research conducted in Tisa

National High School in 2018 - 2019 school year.

Chapter 4


1. Have you experienced being bullied verbally?

29 1

2. Does bullying affect your academic performance?

9 21

3. Does it make you feel worthless?

17 13

4. Does bullying affect your self-confidence?

22 8

5. Do you think bullying is the reason behind why students doesn’t want to go to

22 8

6. Does bullying makes your grade low?

5 25

7. Does bullying makes you stop from participating in school activities?

13 17

8. Do you get scared of the person who bullied you?

12 18

9. Do you think bullying is the reason behind why students wants to attempt

24 6

10. Have you tried bullying someone?

22 8

11. Does bullying makes you feel happy and superior to someone?

3 27

Chapter 5


Based on the data gathered, most of the participants experienced being

bullied verbally, even if they experienced this kind of bullying they don’t let this

to effect on their academic performance which is good for them but in the other

hand, 30% of the participants said that verbal bullying can affect their

performances in school. Some of the respondents said that verbal bullying can

affect their self-confidence and also the reasons why students attempt to do


According to the respondents, 73% of the respondents tried to bully their fellow

classmates. However, based on the data 90% of them said that when they bully

someone they don’t feel happiness.

Chapter 6



The findings of this study that the value of the students who been experience

verbal bullying is greater than the value of the students who does not experience



Referring to my data here are some of my recommendations:

Bullying must stop in school especially verbal bullying which is very common in

school so that students can boost more their self-confidence. Also the amount of

the students who been bullied will decrease and the amount of the students who

wants to go to school will be increased. We all know that bullying often takes

place at school that’s why school must be aware of the students doing. And

persuade them not to bully fellow students, instead make them more active in

school activities.


We all know that bullying is very common especially in school. As I have

conducted my research many students have experience bullying which is verbal

bullying. Therefore bullying can lessen the self confidence and self-esteem of a

students that can affect their performance in school.

Chapter 7


"A Review Of Literature: Bullying Effects." 11 2018. All

AnswersLtd. 02 2019 <


American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association,

Answers Ltd. “A Review Of Literature: Bullying Effects.” UKEssays, UK Essays,

13 Feb. 2019,


Bullying in the Philippines Is Widespread in Schools and





“Effects of Bullying.”, Department of Health and Human


.Impayatsoo. “Chapter Ii Review of Related Literature and Studies.” The Logistic

Model Has Good and Bad Features PROS CONS Mathematically Tractable,

College Life,


Literature Review of Bullying at Schools.

Practice: School-Based Bullying Prevention


Santos, Nicole Anne, and Nicole Anne Santos. “CHAPTER II RELATED


STUDIES.” - Share Research,


Smith, J. D., B. H. Schneider, P.K. Smith & K. Ananiadou. 2004. “The

Effectiveness of Whole-School Antibullying Programs: a Synthesis of Evaluation

Research.” School Psychology Review 33: 547- 60.

“”, Department of Health and Human


“The Psychology Of Bullying.” Theravive Counseling, Theravive,




Purpose of the Study……………………………….……………..2

General Problem……………………………….……………….…..2

Specific Problem……………………………………………….…...2

Scope/ Delimitation of the Study……………………………….…3

Significance of the Study………………………………………….3


Review Related Literature…………………………………………...5


Research Design……………………………………………….…...11


Research Instrument……………….……..…………………………12



Data Presentation ……………………………………………………13


Interpretation of Data…………….……………………….………….17






Works Cited…………………..………………….……….………….19


Interview Question…………………………………………………

Field Notes…………………………………………………………

Field Log…………………………………………………………..

3 x 5 Index Card…………………………………………………..


February 7,2019 (6:30 am-12-45 pm) Today is February 7, 2019. The day I

started my observation and giving my

- everyone is busy, they are doing some
research questionnaire. My classmates
are all busy doing our assignments and
- someone is talking
outputs to be past this week. Even if we

- some are using cell phones are all busy we can still have time to talk

- some are busy giving their research to each other and make some jokes.


- there are a lot of students keep shouting

at the lobby when it is the time for recess

- some are studying for their reports

- some students are shouting

-some students are also laughing



February 7,2019 (6:30 am-12-45 pm) February 7,2019 (6:30 am-12-45 pm)

- I will start giving my questionnaires - I accomplish giving the questionnaire

and I collected them

- I will also start observing them

February 9, 2019
- I will collect my questionnaire

- I accomplish to start my chapter 1 and

February 8, 2019
I also started to research that is related
- I will start doing my chapter 1
to my topic which is verbal bullying.

February 9, 2019

- I will continue my chapter 1

- I will start my searching about my

NAME: ____________________________________ AGE: _____________
GRADE &SECTION: ____________________ SEX: ______DATE: ________
This questionnaire will help me as the researcher to collect information to
complete my study about the effect of verbal bullying on the academic
performance of the grade 10 students.
Instruction: Put a check mark if your answer is YES or NO.

Have you experienced being bullied verbally?

Does bullying affect your academic

Does it make you feel worthless?

Does bullying affect your self-confidence?

Do you think bullying is the reason behind why

students doesn’t want to go to school?

Does bullying makes your grade low?

Does bullying makes you stop from participating

in school activities?
Do you get scared of the person who bullied you?

Do you think bullying is the reason behind why

students wants to attempt suicide?

Have you tried bullying someone?

Does bullying makes you feel happy and superior

to someone?

For you, what is verbal bullying?

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