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In school occurs in all areas, it occurs in neary any part around the school bullying through it

more often occurs in recess,hallways, bathrooms, on schools.Bullying in school sometimes consist of

a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of

bystanders,who in some cases want to avoid becoming the nexr victim. School bullying is awidespread

issue that affects the all students in three essential parts of their lives, psychologically educationally

and profesisionally, Bullying is a sort of aggressive by calling nasty names, physical by kicking , pushing,

or tripping up and social by everyone stopped talking to you.

By RM MGBAA:2020 cited by 4- Bullying influences both the individual and the perpetrator and

may lead to present and long-term effects (Aleem,2016), Bullying and peer victimization always have

either direct or indirect effects on the victims and may results in poor academic performance ( Holt,

Finkahor & Kantor, 2007), According to nishuana Juvonen and witkozo (2005), School harassment,

peer victimization and bullying have contributed to a decline in classroom activities and school

engagement , which tend to impact academic performance and achievement negatively.

Academic achievement is the first aspect which influeneces bullying at school therefore, bullied

children live within fear, self-blame, self weak and it affects their personality traits and self-confidence,

so this sitruation makes them unable to study well and they hate going to school.Furtheremore, they

weel lose their opportunity to participate with others or enjoy school activities. Hence they weel gain

less academic performance and low educational attainment. There are strong relationship between

bullying and school quality such as class size, Lack of library, Both bullies and victims feel more negative

about school, and persistent bullying may lead to stress and depression.

The purpose on this study is having a better understanding of bullying can help you identify

children who need help ether they are the one being bullied or doing the bully. By taking action, you can

prevent both short-term and long-term negative outcomes, the primary purpose of student bullying
survey is to identify and quantity of number of factors-rates of bullying ,students and staff attitudes

towards bullying, different types of bullying occurring and more-in order to address them.


This reseach is aimed of finding the causes and proposing solutions to bullying in the school

environment. The problem with investigate into bullying by some set of students and the victims,

whether there are better supervisions during recess, lunch time, and break time, whwther there are

class rules against bullying and class meeting, whether there are creqative solutions to helps students

by classrooms teachers, whether there are talk with targets bullies and their parents.

1:Does bullying effect students performance in schools

2:Is there any difference between violence and school bullying

3:Does supervision reduce the effects of bullying


My research is all about the effects of bullying to the students, bullying happens through criticize

the appearance of person, Nowadays there are cases of bullying that many teenager experience

negative effects such as trauma , and may lead to suicide . This study was conclude at Adlaon

Integrated School. The respondents were the five students who have been victimized of bullying the

said respondents of this study were randomly select3ed. In order to discover the life, experience,

feelings anf coping mechanisms of bully victims for the school year 2022-2023 interview method was


This study will be beneficial to the, school personel, parents, students this study is significant to

the school personel, this study will give them a hint to improve their motivional and teaching materials

and help the,m to the students who really need their guidance ,parents , they will be aware about the

kind of attitude their child is possessing . it will give a hint on how they would help and encourage their

child to avoid bullying.

Students , this study will encourage them to change their attitude towards other people, it will

serve as a needcrime to cure the minds of every individual to become open minded about the

consequences of their actions.

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