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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Doña Carmen National High School
Tagbina Surigao del Sur
Tandag City Division
S/Y 2022-2023



Elizalde R. Puentenegra
John Lloyd A. Lacre
Grade-11 GAS Archimedes
November 16, 2022

Alvin Obenita
Grade-12 Adviser

An animal activist’s definition of animal cruelty may be very different from that of a hunter or a
farmer. There is also a legal definition of Animal Cruelty (Duel, 2000).

PAWS (Philippine Animal Welfare Society) is working to pass legislation against animal abuse,
and some celebrities are supporting their cause. The Animal Welfare Act, which imposes a
sentence of just six months to two years in prison or a fine a of one thousand – or up to five
thousand pesos, is insufficient, according to PAWS. Its appeal to the Senate for a sentence of six
years and once day to twelve years in jail, as well as fine of at least one hundred thousand

However, when it comes to animals other than cats and dogs, people’s concept of the term
Animal Cruelty varies greatly. Most animals activists would say that traditional agricultural
practices such as debeaking, tall docking, castration, and confinement on factory farms are
animal cruelty. Most people would probably agree, but factory farmers and most states Animal
Cruelty laws would disagree (Randour, 2004).


We, as humans, are oblivious to animal abuse and choose to ignore it. Whether it’s via apathy or
the law. Animal cruelty can manifest it\self in a variety of ways, but the result is always the
same. Pain, fear, and despair are all experienced by a rational animal capable of loving and
forming social bonds. So it must come to an end.

You must have a clear aim in mind in order to be successful. The purpose of Republic Act No.
8485, also known as “THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998”, is to oversee and control any
facilities used for breeding, maintaining, retaining, treating, or training any animals as objects of
trade or as family pets. This is also time-consuming because we require time to locate important

And as a student, it is very important to know the importance of animal’s existence not just
because they’re one of the living things but because they have the rights to also stay in this
world. We should pay attention on how to save those animals who badly needed our help, those
creatures who’s slowly disappearing in this world. We can’t just act cool while other living
things is slowly dying craving for our attention, help, care and love because except of their selves
it is humans who can only save them.


Animal cruelty as highlighted in this review is an issue that demands urgent attention. Proper
studies, investigation, and prosecutions of animal cruelty cases will go a long way in securing
our society today. It is therefore recommended that proper studies should be carried out on
Animal Cruelty cases around us, and governments of developing countries like Nigeria should
review their Animal Cruelty laws and see to their proper implementation.

Most of the time, the individual who conducts animal cruelty does not consider it to be unethical.
He or she can rationalize his or her actions in a variety of ways. Let’s take a look at some of the
most prevalent reasons. Animal cruelty occurs when humans see animals in the same manner. An
animal is only a tool or a gadget. People that abuse animals are able to detach to themselves from
the beings they harm, making them feel as though they aren’t doing anything wrong.

In Congress, the Philippines’ Senate and House of Representatives created ten divisors, each
with its own mission. No person, partnership, company, cooperative, or government agency or
instrumentality, including a slaughterhouse, shall create, manage, or operate any pet store, corral,
stud farm, or stock farm without obtaining a certificate of registration from the Bureau of Animal
Industry. The certificate will be given if documentation is provided that such enterprises’ animal
facilities are appropriate, clean, and hygienic and that they will not be utilized for, nor will they
cause pain or suffering to the animals.

According to the United States Census of Agriculture, 98,989,244 cattle and calves were used in
agriculture in 1997, along with 61,206,236 hogs and pigs, 7,821,885 sheep and lambs, and nearly
7 billion birds utilized for egg and meat production.

Cruelty, abuse, or neglect of animals should be reported. If you encounter animal mistreatmeant,
report it to the police or other authorities. Act quickly to prevent further atrocities. Legislation
pertaining to animal protection must be improved. Animal cruelty will be reduced as a result of
stronger animal welfare legislation and harsher penalties. Teach your children to be respectful to
animals. Treat animals with respect and set a good example. Demonstrate how to love and care
for animals to children. Assist them in becoming the next generation of animal right advocates.
We may fail for how many years in treating animals bad, at least we could make right actions
through guiding the next generation about this.


Cellphone Numbers:
09362232008- Lacre
09614702658 - Puentenegra


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