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Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

1. Where was Dane when the story begins?

2. Why do you think Dane had lost his food and equipment?
3. How do you think the mud would keep off the biting insects?
4. From the last paragraph, find a word that means ‘a painful or difficult experience’.

Imagine that you are Dane. Write a summary of the problems you had while in the jungle. Do
not write more than 65 words, including the words given below. Your answer should be in
continuous writing. You may use words from the passage.

Begin your answer as follows:

I was lost and ………………………………………… ……………………………………

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1. Dane was in the jungle.
2. Dane must have dropped his food and equipment while running away from the elephant.
3. The mud would give a protective covering for the body so that insects cannot bite.
4. The word is ‘ordeal’.
5. I was lost, and had no food or equipment. I was also plagued by mosquitos and leeches. He
could not eat leaves or berries for fear of upsetting his stomach. While sleeping, he was
startled by a wild elephant and a wild boar. By the sixth day, Dane felt feverish and very
thirsty. He was too weak to shout when a plane was heard overhead.

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