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Cover Page


Name Of candidate

Number of candidate

Center name

Center number


English Language


Table of content

Title page

Plan of investigation

Artifact 1 2 3

Reflection 1 2 3

Oral presentation

Title page

Topic crime

Sub topic – To investigate the effects on crime to society

Plan Of Investigation

Our group choose the topic – ‘crime’ However, my focus will be on the sub topic, “To investigate the
effects of crime on society” As an English student I expect to benefit in the following way, it will also
help me to improve my comprehension skills and ability to use English language persuasively. I intend to
collect one song, poem and video from google and YouTube.
Artifact 1

Because there was a gun,

My cousin under life was done,

Because there was a gun,

She had no more fun,

Because there was a gun,

She felt really, really sad,

Because there was a gun,

Her family had to run

Written by THE TRACE

Artefacts 2


I’ve been through this, survived that

Closest homies tried to stab me in my back

Street wars like afghan and iraq

They took my homies and we can’t have em back

Kush blunt burning to ashes

As I’m thinking deep mind state

How did I affect the crime rate?

Came out banging’ my mentality from the gate

No mercy on my homies just sent they up state no parole

Got a prison girl

No fake shit

Unfortunately, this is how the story goes

Based on a true story ese real facts

Though the little homies snapper broke out of East lake with a


Marvin Sandoval Rest in peace

The Lakers we miss you, another home dead

Didn’t make it out of school but he made to the news

Stuck in the Cali blues, little home downer too

Smoked an army vet, fresh from I rap Iqar

They gave the homie hold day

They ain’t no coming back

And my home Bandit just passed away

Its messed up heard about the shit just the other day.
Artifact 3

Poem of crime

Gun crime, why waste your time?

You take a life, even with a knife

Mother’s and family’s all cry in


They’ve last their child, now they Live in fear its all about the money,

Drugs and fame

Give it a test and out your head

In shame.


Reflection 1

Crime affects human being not only the victims, suspects, relatives of both but that group of people
that try to get them selves involve. there are a lot of cause of crime , whether people do it intentional or
un intentional. Each article helped me in understanding crime by expanding my knowledge so that I can
know what kind of people is out there and why they commit crime.

In article one it say the things that gun could cause like the second sentence is saying because there
was a gun my cousin under life was done, meaning since he start dealing with guns and other Illegal stuff
and their life were ended or ending Because there was a gun her life changed to a sad, sorrowful, hurt,
bitter, unhappy etc. Means that the gun were a trait to her so she were frighten/afraid to do serting
things because there was a gun if there wasn’t gun life would have been more fun, love and peace. I
learn there is so much things as change since there is a gun how much happiness, love etc, as change
since there is a gun.

The main reason why I choose the song that were written and singed by Mr criminal, is because he
talking about how people that grew up with you can turn against you, he is also talk about how he
survived all of the betrayal and the losses of his friend that he had around since day one an because if
the war in the community most of the youths didn’t get to finish school but running the street and end
in Bad company. The street as become so that anything u do can an could affect the crime rate. I learn
that as long your environment have a very high crime rate the police want to send u to jail for any
simple because there believe that every in the community is criminal just because the crime rate in the
community is high so they want to put everyone in jail.
My third peace is saying
Reflection 2
Reflection 3

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