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Impact on self-esteem

According to Gillano et al. (2022), people experience mood fluctuations and develop
insecurities. The participants reported experiencing abrupt mood swings when they were
criticized by the image. Furthermore, it demonstrates that there are physical, emotional, social,
mental, and spiritual repercussions on an individual's life and well-being when they attend to
school in terms of their Education and Environment.
Body shaming has an impact on a person's self-esteem, both male and female, from the
age of 13 to the age of 36. As a result, both generation Z and the millennial generation are
affected by body shaming. The findings of the study show a substantial correlation coefficient of
0.715, indicating that there is a correlation between the body shaming variable and the self-
confidence variable of Salatiga City's generation Z youth. Body shaming has a 51.2% effect on
Generation Z's self-confidence, with the remaining 48.8% influenced by other factors not
investigated by researchers (Sukoco, N., Purnomo, D., & Hadiwijoyo, S., 2022).

On university campuses, body shaming is rampant. Psychology students are no
exception, despite their apparent sensitivity and comprehension of body shaming. A bystander
might act as an amplifier for the actors to continue the body shaming. The bystander effect
happens when spectators remain silent and do not support the victim of body shaming.
According to the findings, the bystander effect played a significant role in the intensity of body
shaming. The bystander effect variable contributed 5.3% to the body shaming intensity variable
(Maulani et al., 2022).

Weight shaming on Social and Mental effect

According to Mustafa et al., (2022) body-shaming remarks may cause young people to
feel bad. Those who have experienced body shaming frequently experience sadness, anxiety,
mental illness, and body dysmorphia. If body shaming is not addressed properly, it can also
cause its victims to commit suicide. The victims would likely feel that life is no longer worth
living because of their physical appearance, which they believed made them unattractive to
everyone around them. This is in addition to having to experience sadness and frustration.
Therefore, people must be careful to consider the potential effects on society, particularly
when societal pressure is parallel with young generation.

From the study of Chuateco et al., (2022) it was said that body shaming affects everyone
and is not restricted to any one gender, type of body, or size. The influence of body shaming on
social perception was measured using multiple regression analysis. The respondents' scores
from the test findings have a p-value of 0.746, indicating that there is no significant impact.
While the social impression of body shaming has a p-value of 0.0002 and a significance of 0.5,
there is a considerable impact. It has been asserted that verbal perceptions of body shame are
experienced by Filipino men in real-world situations. Additionally, it significantly affects how
Filipino males perceive body shaming in society. Despite the fact that body shaming had little
effect on Filipino men, the study also demonstrates that because of their body's high level of
sensitivity to social perception, Filipino men pay more attention to what others think about
their physical appearance.

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